
Nursing Informatics: Ethical, Legal, Safety, and Privacy Issues

For this paper you will address the following subjects:
– Identify the various ethical, legal, and safety considerations applicable to your topic of interest.
-What are two major challenges that you see in protecting patient privacy regarding health care information, and specifically your chosen technology, in today’s health care climate?
The paper should include:
– 3 professional references,
– be 3-4 pages long,
-contain an introduction and conclusion,
– in-text citations,
-a cover page,
a reference page
This paper must follow all proper APA formatting requirements.


Approximately 250 words


Professional nursing

This is an individual assignment. Please complete and submit your own mini-paper.
Create a table similar to the one in Finkelman p.19 adding a third column to the right. Give the new column the heading “My Practice.” Using information from your readings and the table, write a one to two page mini-paper arguing nursing as a profession or occupation. Include your table after your reference page (see APA Manual Chapter 7 for details on constructing a table).
Use the attached grading rubric as a guide while writing this paper. This paper is to be written in APA Format 7th edition ONLY!
In the last column, briefly jot down your perception of your nursing practice in terms of the items in column one of the Table 1-1 on p. 19. Then decide which you match up more with. Do you think nursing is an occupation, or is it a career? Use that to help get your thoughts going as you write your mini-paper.
A Title Page will be required for this Paper. Please use the Student Title Page format described on page 30, not the Professional style. An example is on page 32. You do not need to use an Author Note.


Approximately 250 words

Business and Management

Ethical decision making and hiring

Include an abstract
3-page BODY of the Paper
For this assignment, you should focus on the reading material for week 3 AND use our library for research and support.
The paper should focus on the following:
The body of your paper: (3 Pages total BODY in length)-Your thoughts should be supported with relevant course content and library research.
Explain the differences, importance, and purpose of both the code of conduct and the code of ethics. Secondly, tell me about some of the factors that you would use to make ethical hiring decisions in an organization. Why would these be important to include in the hiring process (Example of things that you might include: Legal Ground Rules or other items in our reading material or library that would be considered in the process). Format: APA Paper (With an abstract).


Approximately 250 words


juvenile justice

This assignment is required to be completed on a Word document and uploaded/attached in week 1 assignment folder. You are required to follow APA format. If you have questions regarding APA format, please look under course information for helpful resources and/or take advantage of your student resource center. Your textbook will be used to assist you with answering these questions. If you summarize ANY section of our textbook, you are required to cite the book in your assignment and reference the book at the bottom of the assignment. You are encouraged to look for outside sources to support your stance on any of the questions pose to you below. This assignment should be AT LEAST 2 pages in length.
First, the textbook discusses three (3) different ages for delinquent juveniles in the United States. Do you think each state should universally have the same set age? Explain your stance for or against having a set age for delinquency.
Second, explain thoroughly each of the three (3) models. Within your explanation, ensure you describe any major acts, laws, or themes that were enacted.
Third, which of the three (3) models do you believe best serve the juvenile AND the community? Explain your selection. NOTE: there is a possibility that you might select different models for the juvenile and community.


Approximately 250 words


Implement a flework policy

Paragraph construction:
Supporting Evidence
Your Analysis of the work presented Make sure to provide a lot of evidence
Your new position as an HRM has provided you with experience in managing a diverse population. For this assignment, you are required to analyze the impact of a flexwork policy within your own organization, a global organization, or an organization of your choice. Once you analyze the flexwork policies, you will design and create your own flexwork policy for your chosen organization, demonstrating the step-by-step process used to develop and design the policy. Your work will be presented during a future workshop for managers. Consider the current human resource management policies within the organization that respond to the changing needs of a global workforce. Your final policy will be proceeded by the design plan.
Be sure to review this week’s resources carefully. You are expected to apply the information from these resources when you prepare your assignments. Your design project and policy should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.
Flexwork Policy
Diversity in the global workplace has challenged organizations to seek alternative means to attract employees. A flexwork policy, which is a work plan that differs from the standard work week (Bornstein, 2013), is one of those means. A standard workweek usually consists of five consecutive 8-hour workdays with a consistent start and end time for each workday. Typically, an employee will request a flexwork arrangement. Sometimes this can be a condition of employment.
Many organizations have incorporated the flexwork policy which requires the approval of the supervisor (Almer, Cohen, & Single, 2003). Participating organizations that have incorporated this type of polity are universities, Google, and NASA to name a few. The purpose of the arrangement is intended to benefit the employee without burdening company operations. To help ensure the employee is working effectively and efficiently under a flexwork arrangement, supervisors develop a telework plan (Bornstein, 2013). This plan establishes guidelines of work, while also benefiting the employee and the organization. Flexwork often improves job satisfaction by increasing job flexibility. It also helps recruit and retain employees.
There are two types of flexwork arrangements, alternative and flexible (Richardson, 2009). The alternative work arrangement is considered a regular work schedule, but not consisting of five consecutive 8-hours a day. For example, working four consecutive 10-hour workdays during the week. The flexible work arrangement differs as it has the employee working a consistent number of hours each day. However, the start and end times vary around a fixed set of core hours. For example, an employee can work four consecutive 10-hour workdays during the week. There can also be combinations of flexible and alternative work arrangements. Supervisors make the final decision about an employee’s flexwork request after evaluating its feasibility.
The construction of a flexwork policy can be devised with the assistance of a design process. The purpose of a design process is to assist in developing policies to achieve your desired outcome (Galinsky, Sakai, & Wigton, 2011).
Steps to consider in a policy design process.
Figure 2 displays the steps to consider in a policy design process. A design process supports the development of policy from concept to completion.
Almer, E. D., Cohen, J. R., & Single, L. E. (2003). Factors affecting the choice to participate in flexible work arrangements. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory, 22(1), 69.
Bornstein, S. (2013). The legal and policy implications of the “flexibility stigma.” Journal of Social Issues, 69(2), 389–405.
Durkalski, J. A. (2009). Fixing economic flexibilization: A role for flexible work laws in the workplace policy agenda. Berkeley Journal of Employment & Labor Law, 30(2), 381.
Galinsky, E., Sakai, K., & Wigton, T. (2011). Workplace flexibility: From research to action. Future of Children, 21(2), 141–161.
Holmes, L. M., & Dingle, S. (2007). Let’s talk about flex. Workforce Management, 86(17), 57.
Richardson, J. (2009). The manager and the flexworker: An interpretive interactionist perspective. Management Revue, 20(1), 34–52.
Vyvial-Larson, J., (2015). Recruiting, hiring, and managing a flexible workforce. Flexjobs.
Additional Resources:
Be sure to review this week’s resources carefully. You are expected to apply the information from these resources when you prepare your assignments. You are also required to search the library for additional resources and incorporate them into your assignment.
Chen, Y., & Fulmer, I. S. (2018). Fine‐tuning what we know about employees’ experience with flexible work arrangements and their job attitudes…
Brescoll, V. L., Glass, J., & Sedlovskaya, A. (n.d.). Ask and ye shall receive? The dynamics of employer-provided flexible work options and the…
Diane F., H. (2005). How time-flexible work policies can reduce stress, improve health, and save money. Stress and Health, (3), 157.
Sweet, S., Pitt-Catsouphes, M., Besen, E., & Golden, L. (2014). Explaining organizational variation in flexible work arrangements: Why the pattern…
Sweet, S., Pitt-Catsouphes, M., & James, J. B. (2017). Manager attitudes concerning flexible work arrangements: fixed or changeable? Community…


Approximately 250 words


Nursing Informatics: Web-Based Education Portals

-Discuss one benefit, according to the literature, of web-based patient education portals?
– Discuss one challenge of web-based patient education portals?
-How do you think nurses should deal with patients who present with web-based health information which may impact their care?
-What information should nurses provide to patients regarding the use of valid internet sources for healthcare information.
Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.


Approximately 250 words

Social work

Discussion Post Please make sure you are using APA 7 th and citing correctly

16 hours agoArlene Manning
Of the four technologies discussed in Goldkind and Wolf’s article, I am most familiar with gamification and mobile technologies. Goldkind and Wolf (2015) state that gamification uses game design techniques, game thinking, and game mechanics in a non-game context by integrating points, badges, rewards, and punishments. As a substance use counselor, this sounds like contingency management strategies used to encourage active participation and engagement in group and individual therapy sessions. Participants earned rewards such as gift cards for consistently attending sessions, punishments for noncompliance, and badges such as being “A-team” members. Goldkind and Wolf (2015) note that game-based interventions target addiction and substance use components. I found that participants were more inclined to practice newly learned techniques and strategies when using contingency management. Goldkind and Wolf (2015) state that the use of mobile technologies has exploded and streamlined client care. My experience with electronic medical records to maintain documentation and the recent use of Zoom to conduct assessments and sessions during the pandemic are all engaging with mobile technologies. These technologies have allowed access to care when physical face-to-face interactions were impossible.
The technology that I want to learn more about is big data. Goldkind and Wolf describe big data as a hybrid concept of big and complex sets of information and the application of digital tools to identify trends in that information. I feel that with the plethora of passive information that individuals freely share if social workers could positively identify trends and patterns, a more proactive approach could be taken to address some of the social concerns present in society.
Goldkind, L., & Wolf, L. (2015). A digital environment approach: Four technologies that will disrupt social work practice. Social Work, 60(1), 85–87.
Mary Chase
Unit 1, Discussion 1
According to Goldkind and Wolf (2015), the four technologies predicted to disrupt social work practice are the following: internet of things, big data, gamification, and mobile technology. I am most familiar with big data and Mobile technology.
As a current case manager, I utilize various systems that provide information to ensure I have the most updated and current information about the population I serve. For example, a case is opened when a detained non-citizen presents a concern to me. The first step in opening that case is to enter the detained non-citizen’s identification number into an ICE computer system. Once entered, I am provided with the client’s identifying information, including a photo, ensuring I am opening a case for the correct non-citizen. This data exchange will also provide me with the immigration history, detention center history, any criminal history, alerts, and communications between Customs & Border Protection, Immigration and & Customs Enforcement, and the detained non-citizen.
Additionally, mobile technology is used daily in my work and personal life. In collaboration with the detention facilities, we have developed a tablet system that allows case managers to communicate with and interview detained non-citizens virtually. This is especially helpful if a non-citizen has requested an interview but is housed in a quarantined pod or restrictive housing. Otherwise, the case manager would be required for the quarantine period to end or interview the non-citizen through the door in restricted housing, which is not conducive to a private interview. While the tablets are convenient, I prefer to interview in person. Despite the facilities assuring privacy, when I was a child welfare case manager, I witnessed a victim of domestic violence being intimidated by her abuser during a virtual court hearing, as he was just off screen until her attorney spoke up. Since then, I have not fully believed in privacy when utilizing technology. I often attend TEAMS meetings via my cell phone. I must remain mindful of my location during such meetings and when discussing anything work-related.
I am not a gamer, but I want to learn about gamification. I have never used gamification and would like to understand this technology better. Based on the reading, it appears helpful to provide coping skills to clients who experience substance abuse and depressive symptoms.
Goldkind, L., & Wolf, L. (2015). A digital environment approach: Four technologies that will disrupt social work practice. Social Work, 60(1), 85–87.


Approximately 250 words



Finance (Answer All)
1) Time Value of Money
Darlene needs an investment that will generate income of $300 at the end of year 1, $300 at the end of year 2, $500 at the end of year 3, $600 at the end of year 4, and $1,200 at the end of year 5. How much should Darlene pay for this investment if she can earn 6 percent on his investment? How does your answer change if she can only obtain an interest rate of 2.45%?
2) Financial Planning
For each of the following categories of information required for a comprehensive financial plan, describe in your own words the information that must be gathered:
Retirement Planning
Estate Planning
Risk Management
Employee Benefits
Family Planning
Educational Planning
3) Personal vs. Corporate
What are the similarities and differences between household and business financial processes for each of the following?
Cash flows after maintenance expenses
Additions to investments
Leisure outlays
Use descriptive headings and subheadings to organize your writing, rather than numbering the paragraphs. This is very important so that I understand which questions you are addressing. Properly document your writing according to APA style, using in-text citations and a reference list.


Approximately 250 words



You did an excellent job with your discussion. Given that this discussion is about our group assignment in week 6, I would specify whether your proposed organization will focus on substance abuse or mental health services (Richins, n.d.). I would also tell us which demographics will benefit most from these new services (Richins, n.d.). When presenting to the board of directors, it’s reasonable to expect they’ll inquire about the nature of the healthcare organization’s health service initiatives (Richins, n.d.). My group, for instance, extended its work in substance abuse treatment from adults to adolescents. We intended to include features such as a gaming area, a 25-meter pool, and a full-sized sports court, especially since we thought adolescents would desire this treatment. I use the information I have already provided in your Week 6 assignment as the basis for my presentation.
Since there is no set APA style for PowerPoint presentations, there is no single correct method of presentation (Walden University Writing Center, n.d-b). The instructor’s name is usually on the first slide of the PowerPoint, right below the course title (Walden University Writing Center, n.d-a). Consider including at least one image in your PowerPoint presentation can help you stand out and captivate your audience. If you use images in your PowerPoint presentation, ensure they complement and highlight your main points rather than competing with or detracting from them (Elliot, 2023). You can still achieve the appearance and feel you want in your presentation slides by choosing more subdued background images (Elliot, 2023). Incredibly effective PowerPoint: I especially appreciate the emphasis on clarity. It’s easy to understand, and the color choices make it legible. Regarding healthcare, I concur with your recommendations. High-quality patient care is only possible if the health service organization meets the aforementioned conditions. You did a well-done presentation on health reforms.
Elliot, J. (2023). A guide to using images and photos for powerpoint.,overshadow%20or%20distract%20from%20them.
Richins, S. M. (n.d.). Expansion of mental health or substance abuse services business plan. [Discussion board post]. Walden University.
Walden University Writing Center. (n.d-a). APA presentation template (APA 7) [PowerPoint slides].
Walden University Writing Center. (n.d-b). Walden templates: General Templates.


Approximately 250 words


Approximately 250 words