
Understanding Foundational Concepts in General Psychology

I. Visit the Ted Talks website linked immediately below this assignment and search for a talk on a topic of psychology that fits into a theory, concept, or subject discussed in the readings and video. (If the link doesn’t work, paste this URL into your browser
(Links to an external site.)).
Select one of the talks that most interests you, making sure the video is a minimum of 8 minutes in length . At the beginning of your main response, include the title of the TED Talk, the name of the presenter, when it was filmed, along with a link to the video, then:
2: In your MAIN post of at least 200 – 300 words, respond to the following: (all components must be accurately answered to be eligible for 20 points). All written work must be in your own words. In the event you use a quote from a source, it must be accurately cited.
Give a summary of the TED talk, emphasizing the speaker’s main points, and including what you found most interesting about the talk, relative to psychology. The point to this assignment is to use what you have learned so far in the assigned readings (although not much yet, I know 🙂 ) to either expand upon or address important psychological ideas from the perspectives or theories we’ve covered.
What type of data or evidence did the presenter show to back up his or her information, if any?
What other questions would you have for this presenter if you could have a conversation with him or her? What else would you like to know about the topic


Approximately 250 words


Strategic Human Resources Management

Based upon your opinion and experience, identify, and rank the three (3) most important human resources considerations in strategic planning. Explain why you chose them and ranked them as you did. Please be sure to cite literature that supports your opinion. Your submission should be no less than 1.5 pages.


Approximately 250 words



Readings will be posted under questions
Question 1
Various environmental factors, such as diet/nutrition, parental care, and social interaction have been shown to influence the epigenome and ultimately behavior in many different species, including insects, rodents, and humans. Choose a specific behavior that probably evolved biologically but varies in different people. Suggest at least one environmental factor that could account for variation in this behavior. Is there evidence to support an epigenetic link to variations in this behavior?
Question 2
Gene by environment interactions (or gene x environment interactions) are ways in which specific genotypes, after exposure to different environmental factors, show variation in the phenotype. For example, different alleles of the serotonin transporter are associated with individual stress susceptibility and risk of developing mood-related disorders (e.g., depression, anxiety). Why do you think the environment can modulate genes associated with brain structure and function? Comment on whether these interactions evolved to enhance our survival.
Readings to use


Approximately 250 words


Disscusion Journal Article

Find a peer reviewed journal article that discusses an issue/topic that we have covered in our textbook during week 2, Chapters 5- 9.
A peer reviewed journal article is a research article that has been submitted to a peer review journal. You find these articles on the Healey Library data bases, when you do the search, check the box that says peer review journal article.
The rubric for grading the response papers is: Formatting & Citation 10 points, discussion of journal article 30 points, discussion of textbook material 30 points, and the critical comparison of the two sources 30 points. Formatting should be done in APA Citation Style.
Minimun 550 words, must include a cover page and reference page in APA citation/format style
I attached the peer review article and also the chapter of the book that we have to use to make the comparison.
If you want to login in my account McGrawHill Connect let me know i can give you access or you can use the documents below.


Approximately 250 words


perpetua journey, faith, gender and power in roman empire

What role do Christianity, the Roman Empire, family, individual, gender and community (respond to either 1, 2 or 3 of these points) play in shaping Perpetuas identity?


Approximately 250 words



Select a company that you have a positive impression of and find interesting.
Create a scorecard for your selected company for using financial information and ratios.
How would the company position itself, develop, and innovate using the outcomes of the scorecard?


Approximately 250 words


facial discrimination

Introduction to the case/moral issue
The controversial debates on the issue
Moral Reasoning/Analysis:
Explain and apply 2 moral theories to the case
Clearly state your moral stance with justifications
Suggestions/solutions to the issue


Approximately 250 words


Week 2: Lab Assignment Information—Excel Features

I will attach all the introccion and rubircs of assignment in the upload files. Also i attach two videos for reference and file that you need for the assignment.


Approximately 250 words



My topic is Malaria
The paper should exam the influences, effects and outcomes of a vaccine, an antimicrobial or a
disease caused by a microorganism. ( I choose MALARIA) The paper must incorporate research, data and information
from the CDC, WHO, and literary sources. A minimum of five credible references must be utilized
in the paper. Each student must research and report on a different vaccine, antimicrobial or disease. MALARIA
The paper must be typed with 1” margins, double spacing and a 12-point Times Roman font. The
paper should also include a reference list. The American Psychological Association format must
also be utilized for the paper. The paper should be between five and seven pages in length (not
including cover page, abstract, references, exhibits, etc.). The paper must be submitted through
Canvas in order for the paper to be uploaded to Ouriginal®


Approximately 250 words

Business and Management

Lesson 2 Assignment

Your mother is ill with diabetes, and you can’t afford her medicine. In the pharmacy one day, you notice the previous customer forgot that same prescription on the counter when she left. Why might the premise that the ends justify the means lead you to steal the pills?
Why might the premise that the means justify the ends lead you to return the pills?
Bernie Madoff was very good—though obviously not a perfect—fraudster. He got away with a lot for a long time. How could the duty to develop one’s own abilities be mustered to support his decision to become a criminal?
In the Madoff case, what duties could be mustered to refute the conclusion that he did the right thing by engaging in fraud?
Madoff gave up most of his money and possessions and went to jail for his crimes. Is there anything else he should have done to satisfy the ethical duty of reparation?


Approximately 250 words