Business and Management

Corporate Reports

While it seems that college forces you to write endless research papers and focuses on the importance of citing your sources…why do you need to know all of this? Even in the corporate world, you will need to know how to research your topic and put together a well written proposal. The purpose of this week’s discussion is to find a corporate report and discuss the research required to create that report. Do a search for “Corporate Social Responsibility Report” on your search engine of choice. Do your best to choose a company that hasn’t already been mentioned in the discussion. As a consumer, are you convinced that this report is well supported with research or are you reading about an individual opinion? Is the information that the company used relevant to the point they are trying to make? Is the report well written and easy to follow? These questions are guidelines, please feel free to elaborate in your responses.


Approximately 250 words

Religion and Theology

Exploration of a contemporary controversy in religion.

A controversy is any issue that elicits passionate disagreement, and religion is no stranger to controversy. Violence, terrorism, feminism, sexism, religious nationalism, LGBTQ+ issues, environmentalism, atheism, consumerism/capitalism, decolonization /reconciliation, religion and science, religion in the media all touch on controversy. Write an analysis of a particular controversy within one of the religious traditions we have studied. It cannot be your own (or your people’s) tradition. The essay should present a short background to the religion in relation to the controversy being discussed. It should also include discussion of at least two different interpretations of the issue within the tradition. If relevant, cite primary sources like scripture or sacred texts.
General Essay Structure and Citations (This is a Subheading)
Essays should begin with a “hook” that gets the reader’s attention.
Essays’ Introductions and Conclusions should tell the reader what they will read (have read) about.
Introduction should include a strong thesis statement or clear signposts so the reader knows what is coming.
Essays should use articulate subheadings to divide up the essay into sections. (“General Essay Structure and Citations” above, that’s a subheading).
Essays should use consistent author/date in text citations (Author, date, pg. #) or footnotes[1] to cite sources accurately, including page numbers when including a quotation.
Chicago Style is a great style to learn, but I accept other styles as well, so long as they are consistent.
Quotations should be introduced and contextualized. Do not leave them floating or overuse them.
Essays should seek out the best information available (Peer review or professional writing).


Approximately 250 words


Narrative therapy

For this assignment you will write a three- to four-page paper that addresses the following:
Provide a summary of the history of Narrative Psychotherapy.
Describe how key elements of the theory emerged out of the history.
Describe key leaders in the development of Narrative Psychotherapy.
Your paper must be written in APA format and you must use at least one academic source to support your response.


Approximately 250 words


Agile mindset and challenges with predictive PM

A 4 page (1000 words) Essay with references discussing the agile mindset and how it deals with some of the challenges with predictive project management.


Approximately 250 words



For this assignment, you will be writing a personal narrative–a story–illustrating an event or experience exemplifying gratitude. In other words, share a colorful story about an experience or event for which–either during or after the event– you feel or felt thankful.


Approximately 250 words


You will write a 3-4-page reflection paper summarizing, analyzing, and relating your experiences in early childhood to developmental theories and concepts presented in class.

This assignment will be submitted on Canvas using and will require you to use APA style.
Use APA style for your paper (double-spaced, 1″ margins on all sides, 12 pt. Times New Roman font).
Your paper should be 3-4 pages in length not including the cover page (name, title of the paper, course name, college name and date or the reference page which should be included at the end).
Physical Growth and Development
15 points available for addressing your physical development at this stage in a thoughtful way, consider changes to the body, milestones, gross and fine motor skills, brain development, and factors that affect physical growth. Relate back to what you have learned in the course and discuss how what happened in your physical development in preschool might impact you now.
Cognitive and Language Development
15 points available for addressing your cognitive and language development at this stage in a thoughtful way, consider Piaget’s preoperational stage, Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory, and information-processing theory. Discuss your development related to attention, memory, intelligence and learning, language development and other factors that may have impacted this development such as education and SES. Relate back to what you have learned in the course and discuss how what happened in your cognitive and language development in preschool might impact you now.
Personality and Social Development
15 points available for addressing your personality and social development at tthis stage in a thoughtful way, consider emotional development, temperament, attachment, self and social understanding, self-esteem, identity development, social problem solving, friendships and play, moral development and aggression, genders stereotypes, gender roles and development of a gender identity at this age. Relate back to what you have learned in the course and discuss how what happened in your personality and social development in preschool might impact you now.
Use of APA Style, following guidelines for paper, grammar and spelling
15 points total
-4 points total for correct length of paper (3-4 pages) of text writing + 1 cover page and 1 reference page
-4 for in-text citations (minimum 1 used for each source)
-3 points for appropriate grammar and spelling
-2 for APA sources correctly cited on Reference Page
-2 for correct APA style used throughout paper


Approximately 250 words


paper for government

see attached files
The specific short paper assignment instructions are the following:
Length of assignment: 3 pages in addition to the following: title page and reference section.
Format of assignment: latest edition of APA.
Number of citations: at least three scholarly sources
Acceptable sources: scholarly articles, published books, course texts, and the Bible.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.


Approximately 250 words


rape survivors and the effectof long standing post traumatic stress disorder in women

Students are required to complete a term paper on mental health, nursing management and
available community resources. A minimum of three credible references must be utilized in the
The paper must be typed with 1” margins, double spacing and a 12-point Times Roman font. The
paper should also include a reference list. The American Psychological Association format must
also be utilized for the paper. The paper should be between three and five pages in length (not including the cover page, abstract, references, exhibits, etc.). The paper must be submitted through
Canvas in order for the paper to be uploaded to Ouriginal®.


Approximately 250 words

Public Administration

Discussion Thread: Leadership Theories and Professional Competencies

Read the following to complete this discussion post:[%3Bvnd.vst.idref%3Ditem6]!/4/2/2%4050:4[%3Bvnd.vst.idref%3Ditem18]!/4/16/16/3:5[p%203%2C9%5E)]


Approximately 250 words


CRitical Traditions

Select one of the five critical traditions that are described in Teaching for Critical Thinking I picked Critical Tradition # 5. Critical Theory: Speaking Truth to Power
Research outside sources about your selected tradition.
Write a two page paper
explaining the role tradition plays in critical thinking.
Include a minimum of three references.
Format your paper consistent with current APA style guidelines.
Submit your paper as a Word document by Sunday.
book source :
Brookfield, S. D. (2011). Teaching for Critical Thinking. Wiley Professional, Reference & Trade (Wiley K&L).


Approximately 250 words