
Philosophy of Nursing

Discussion Board #1 (Philosophy of Nursing)
Discuss your philosophy of nursing by deeply reflecting on your beliefs, values, and assumptions.
1. Define, using a reference, the term “beliefs.” Complete the following sentences:
My beliefs about people…
My beliefs about the environment…
My beliefs about health…
My beliefs about nursing…
2. Define, using a reference, the term “values.” Complete the following sentences:
My values about people…
My values about the environment…
My values about health…
My values about nursing …
3. Define, using a reference, the term “assumptions.” Complete the following sentences:
My assumptions about people…
My assumptions about the environment…
My assumptions about health…
My assumptions about nursing …
4. Synthesize your ideas about your philosophy of nursing & discuss how your philosophy influences the development of your nursing knowledge and informs your clinical practice as an advanced practice nurse?
5. Thought Questions: Should there be a single paradigm, co-existence of complementary paradigms or the creation of an integrated paradigm to advance nursing knowledge to guide research and practice?


Approximately 250 words


Introduction of Psychology of Social Justic

Why you decided to take this class (Psychology of Social Justice). Lastly, you will state what are three issues that you what to explore in this class and why these issues are important to you.


Approximately 250 words

Business and Management

Business Report- The Role of Creativity and Innovation in Business (part 1)

MBA course assignment
Part 1 of 3 part assginment. Part 1: incorporating creativity
I will upload the microsoft word assignment template essay will be written there
2-3 pages
2-3 sources


Approximately 250 words



Your presentation should include an overview of the health problem identified, an in-depth review of the associated anatomy and physiology, an overview of treatment methodologies, differential diagnosis, and information related to the needs of the patient and/or family related to the problem


Approximately 250 words

Human Relations

Your Diverse Organization

Congratulations! You have been given a lump sum of $2.5 million by a generous angel investor who is willing to support your dream of expanding your U.S business overseas to an African country of your choice. While there is much to consider in regard to developing a strong business, one of the most important aspects of business development, from the investor’s point of view, is creating a diverse and inclusive organizational culture.
In order to receive any of the funds, you are required to present a detailed paper to the angel investor (i.e., your instructor) that includes the following information:
Information about your company, with details about its mission, vision, values, and purpose. Remember that this information should reflect your organization’s commitment to diversity and its high ethical standards.
Details about how your organization will be inclusive of staff, both in the United States and in the African country of expansion.
Details about how creating an ethical culture that focuses on diversity will enhance your organization’s operations, productivity, and profitability
Four well-developed workplace policies that promote ethical and diverse behavior (e.g., demographic, cultural, thought, etc.).
A well-developed plan for how leaders and managers will address conflict related to ethics and diversity and which encompasses an explanation of how this plan uses effective conflict-management skills
How the success of the expansion to your African country of choice will be assessed for effectiveness. Please include an explanation of the cultural challenges you might encounter in this country (using Hofstede’s dimensions)
Write a 9-12 page paper (not including the required title and reference pages).
Your paper must be properly cited and formatted according to the CSU Global Writing Center Links to an external site..
Include a formal reference page.
This is an individual paper; however, you should reflect on our discussion forums and incorporate ideas from there, as appropriate.
You must support your analysis with at least 12 scholarly references which can include resources from this course.
The CSU Global Library Links to an external a good place to find credible sources. You cannot use Wikipedia or any CSU Global assignment. For this assignment, a credible source is defined as:
A scholarly or peer-reviewed journal article.
A government-based website or publication.
A trade or industry journal article, publication, or website (including those from trade organizations, such as and


Approximately 250 words

Social work

Discussion Post Response

Colleague 1 Samantha Freeze (They/Them)
Strategic planning is the allocation of resources to achieve goals as defined by their missions, visions, values, and long-term objectives (Salem Press Encyclopedia, 2022). The Salem Press Encyclopedia (2022) reports that strategic statements and strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT), the five-forces model, and BCG matrix are commonly used paradigms for systematic analysis and strategic planning.
Strategic planning creates a basis for the company to develop goals and plans based on their values and missions; this is important in ensuring social work organizations are aligning their ethics, goals, and processes. Leaders need to be aware of how to keep the organization moving toward the achievement of goals. Thus, they would benefit from an understanding of strategic planning and using strategic methods in addressing new obstacles and opportunities as they arise.
One issue that may arise during the strategic planning portion is ethical dilemmas. According to the Salem Press Encyclopedia (2022), it can be difficult to prevent relationships that create conflicts of interest due to interwoven nature of some companies, which can make it difficult to provide a complete and transparent explanation of the company’s scope to those outside of the organization. This has the potential to prevent clients or referral sources from understanding the complete scope of services that may be offered by an agency.
Strategic planning. (2022). In Salem Press encyclopedia. Salem Press.
Colleague 2 Charlene M Williams
Strategic planning can be valuable by finding the organization’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats which is also a SWAT analysis. Considerations through this analytical process factor in the organization’s values, mission, vision, and future to fit into the changes internally and externally (Tarifin, 2021).
To assist in ethical dilemmas and strategic planning, consideration would include stakeholder participation, organizational values, individual values, and managing change. Stakeholder participation offers different ideas and added support. Organizational values are essential statements that guide the organization to gain objectives and balance with the mission. Individual values are the personal values to support the direction of the organization. Managing change is having an individual embrace organizational changes (Robinson, 2003).
Robinson, R. (2003, July 07). Ethical considerations in strategic planning. Charity Village. Retrieved from:
Tarifin N. (2021). A Critical Review of Theoretical Aspects of Strategic Planning and Firm Performance. Open Journal of Business and Management. 9 DOI: 10.4236/ojbm.2021.94107


Approximately 250 words


Detailed explanation of how extenuating circumstances beyond your control prevented you from contiuing my education, you may get cretive on this, and with what i have so far.

Please provide a brief personal statement explaining the circumstances resulting in your interruption in studies which prevented you from meeting the eligibility requirements.
Please note that circumstances other than those indicated above do not meet criteria. An immediate family member was ill or experienced a major medical issue and I was unable to continue full-time. i have


Approximately 250 words

Religion and Theology

Content Response

In this content response you are required to write a 500 word discussion on Jonathan Z. Smith as an example of a Religious Studies scholar of religion. Watch the video clip featuring Dr. Smith in file labelled as Defining Religion (or not!).
In your Content Response, explain how Jonathan Z. Smith’s understanding of religion is an academic rather than a traditional religious understanding. What does he say about religion that shows you that he is taking an academic Religious Studies perspective rather than a traditional religious perspective on religion? Make clear the connections between what he says and what the Unit-1 is teaching you about the academic study of religion (about method, stance, context, critique).
One hint here is his use of the phrase “culturally determined mechanisms” to describe how human beings seek to interact with ‘superhuman being(s).
*Cite internal sources in MLA. Provide a few citations from attached sources and maybe one citation from an external source.


Approximately 250 words


Adults going back to school

Concept essay.
Concept is adults going back to school.
Has to be at least 1300 words. I only have 600!
Final Draft Word Count and Setup Requirement:
 1300-1500 words (plus a correctly formatted APA cover page)
 12-point Times New Roman font
 Double-spaced lines
 3rd person point of view
**** What I have ****
Going back and trying to finish school when long past their twenties can be a frightening experience for adult students. When students start college fresh from High school, they have few responsibilities and fresh memory of the tools they’ve learned that will prepare them through the years. Students starting college years in their fifties will not only find it challenging but even downright impossible at times. While heading back to further education can be very exciting, challenges such as memory, responsibility, and financial hardship can prove to be even more intimidating,
1, Memory is a much-needed tool when continuing your education. Students fresh from high school have the benefits of young minds that are used to soaking up all that new information. Most of those students can adapt to change and new technology. Senior students need to not only be able to utilize information they learned back in high school, but they also must memorize even more education and of course do all this in the ever-changing twists technology has thrown into education. As the brain ages along with the student, it becomes harder and harder to call upon those lessons that were taken back in High School. So, a student beginning classes in their 50’s is challenged to pull forth memories of lessons that have barely been used since High school, while processing and memorizing even more education.
2, Most senior students have families and are faced with trying to balance their family household with their decision to go back to school. Juggling their homework along with their children’s homework and or their spouses work responsibilities is not just challenging, it’s a superhero fantasy at times. Running errands, the dishes, the cooking, the cleaning, the family bonding can sometimes push the senior students’ studies to the long past bedtime hours. Unless a lucky lottery ticket falls from the sky, most senior students are also working a 30-to-40-hour job. They must be able to go to work, keep focused on the job at hand all the while knowing there are chapters that need to be read, essays that need to be written, and tests that need to be studied for. All of this can lead to the potential of burning out from all angles, not just the student side of thing. Attempting to find a balance that is needed to keep juggling all those responsibilities, could make it very tempting to just give up.
3, Financial hardship is also a huge challenge when adults make the jump from thinking and wishing about going back to finish school, to taking the plunge. College tuition, even with the help of student loans can be overwhelming. Adult students have car payments, mortgages, grocery bills, utility bills and or childcare that they are already trying to manage without the monstrous college debt added to it. So many adults are parents that have spent year’s saving for their children’s college education so it can almost feel like spending any money on their own education is a possibility that is no longer a possibility. Thankfully there are many programs out there that will help with the tuition extras that are not covered by financial aid.
Adult students no doubt have a lot of challenges ahead of them. They need to prioritize their schedules so that they can balance the household chores, family obligations, and their school lessons as they are due. They need to constantly be aware and prepare for the inevitable hardships of the memory not being as sharp as it once was. While those challenges may make them feel like the degree is a very distant dream, with persistence and determination they will find their way to that graduation stage that alluded them for so long.


Approximately 250 words

Medicine and Health

RN to APRN role transition

Discuss the role differences between an RN and APRN-NP, focusing on the psych NP role as much as possible. What is the PMHNP role in health policy and public awareness of psychiatric mental health trends and issues?
How do your PMHNP program and the ANCC PMHNP board certification ensure you are prepared to practice professionally as a PMHNP?
Title page (APA format)
Introduction to RN to APRN-NP role transition
Discuss the differences in nursing roles of RN and APRN-NP.
Discuss potential differences/challenges regarding ethical issues.
Discuss role of PMHNP in health policy and public awareness of psychiatric mental health trends and issues.
Preparation as a PMHNP through education and certification


Approximately 250 words