
Community of – Describe the characteristics of the specific community, how community participants benefit from interactions and why participants are motivated to join. Discuss why you believe the social networking site has been successful in creating a community.


Approximately 250 words


Organizational Structure Paper

About this Assignment
For this Corporate Finance 301 assignment, you will submit a research paper that analyzes the types of organizational business structures. You will apply knowledge of business structure concepts as acquired in the course. The research paper should follow APA formatting style.
Project Prompts
The written research paper should be at least 1,000 to 1,200 words in length and should include four sections based on the business structures studied throughout the course. Define each business structure, compare the corporate finance strategies of the four business structures, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each business structure, and how each varies in taxation.
Research Paper Sections
Sole Proprietorship
Limited Liability Company (LLC)
Related Lessons
The following lessons from the course can help you with this assignment:
What Is a Business Organization? – Structure, Types & Examples
Corporations: Types, Advantages, Disadvantages & Examples
How Corporate Bankruptcy Affects Shareholders
Grading Rubric
Category Unacceptable (0-1) Needs Improvement (2-3) Good (4) Excellent (5) Points
Defining each business structure (x2) Definitions of structures are illogical or significantly hinders understanding Business structure definitions are difficult to identify; concepts are disjointed Business structures are well-defined and include sufficient supporting detail Business structures are well-defined and supporting detail exceeds requirements 10
Discussion of business structure advantages and disadvantages (x1) No discuss of business structure advantages and/or disadvantages Minimal discussion of business structure advantages and disadvantages Advantages and disadvantages are present but lack supporting detail Advantages and disadvantages include supporting detail and are well-written 5
Analysis of business structures (x2) The analysis of business structures is missing Analysis of business structures is not well-presented and lacks clarity Analysis adequately states the concepts of business structures Analysis of business structures is clear, logical, and well-written 10
Mechanics (x1) Incorrect spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and use of standard English grammar hinders understanding Several instances of incorrect spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and usage of standard English grammar Few instances of incorrect spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and usage of standard English grammar No or very few instances of incorrect spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and usage of standard English grammar 5
Total Points Possible 30


Approximately 250 words


Corie Freeland letter

Just a simple letter stated Mr.Corie Freeland mother stay with me and wife for 8 years
without pay any bill and all her financial burden was on my wife for these years, from April 2010 to August 2018.


Approximately 250 words


Bank Management Week 1 Discussion Assignment

This assignment consists of two parts
Part 1: This assignment consists of responding to a discussion question that requires (3 paragraphs) response should be a decent length, ensure that your response adds substance to the topic at hand. Please do not provide simple or obvious responses. Do some external research to add substance and intellectual perspective to the discussion question at hand. The primary sources for each part will be listed as well. Thank you
Please use the rubric as a guideline. The highest score is the standard. Attached in the document labeled (Managerial Finance Discussion Board Week 2) this has all the instructions , topic of the week, and rubric.
The doucment labeled (Managerial Finance E Book Access Visual Instructions/Guide ) has the information access the E-Book.
Be mindful that content and grammar matter.
Points will be subtracted from
your assignments for occurrences of the following:
• single sentence paragraph
• verb-subject disagreement
• sentence fragment (incomplete sentence)
• run-on sentence
• contractions
Part 2: This assignment consists of responding to 2 discussion board posts.
Initial discussion thread responses should be at least 125 words
Your discussion thread responses do not need to adhere to specific formatting
requirements. However, please make sure to proofread carefully. Grammar and
spelling errors impact grading. Your responses should reflect critical thought and
should relate the course content to the real-world. In addition, if your responses
include information taken from a source other than the textbook, you must provide
the source of your content. However, most of your responses should be your
own original thoughts. I want to know what you think about the topics, not what a
researcher, the textbook author, or someone else thinks.
The primary form of communication will be through IM messenger on this platform. Prospectve writer please reframe from sending promotions to my school email. Thank you kindly. Your service and dedicarion is greatly appreciated. Respectfully.


Approximately 250 words


An overview of the Changing Financial Services Sector

The instructions are located in the attachements below thank you. Please do not send promtions to my school email. Thank you.


Approximately 250 words


Comparison Analysis Project

You will need to calculate the financial ratios needed to determine your chosen company’s current financial health.
My companies are Amazon,Walmart and Target.
Once you have calculated these ratios, the results will be used to analyze the business’s current financial position and help them make decisions about how to improve or maintain their financial health. Pay particular attention to working capital management. If liquidity is an issue, consider how the company will meet its short-term obligations.
Read the Comparison Analysis Project file.
Carefully review the Action Items required for the Comparison Analysis in the document. (NOTE: You will be completing the Comparison Analysis Worksheet Excel File for the ratio calculations.)
Look over any additional resources provided for assistance.
Write a 2/3 page paper providing your analysis of the ratios for each of your chosen companies and status of the financial health based on the ratio analysis. You will also submit the completed Excel file to accompany your write-up. Essentially summarize it the company is declining or not.


Approximately 250 words


Research Project FIN 602

Please kindly go thoroughly in the attached files because it is well detailed on what I needed. Below is just a tip of how it may look like. God bless you for your time and patience and hope to get a great work from you. Peace and love
Am to pick any giant corporation that is both widely and publicly traded. The firm should have at least FIVE years of publicly available data. Am to write an honest opinion base on a well detailed SWOT analysis, a complete FINANCIAL analysis covering THREE years of financial statements , and an INTRINSIC common stock value. In addition I need to make up a recommendations on what the company is doing well or what it can do to improve its sales or profit. Submission Instructions:
1) Cover page with my name, course number, my instructor, date, subject and a brief statement that I and I alone produced the paper and all references are mentioned.
2) Executive Summary( 3-4 pages in BOLD)
3) Table of contents
4) SWOT analysis (1) strength, (2) weakness (3) opportunities (4) threats (5) financial analysis (6) conclusion
5) References
In addition to the above I need to submit a well-organized, clearly labeled EXCEL spreadsheet that includes FINANCIAL RATIONS AND INTRINSIC STOCK VALUES.


Approximately 250 words


Business/Finance related

The reaction paper must be based off a busniness or finance related article. Should state your
opinion and what you think should be done


Approximately 250 words


Community of – Describe the characteristics of the specific community, how community participants benefit from interactions and why participants are motivated to join. Discuss why you believe the social networking site has been successful in creating a community.


Approximately 250 words


Organizational Structure Paper

About this Assignment
For this Corporate Finance 301 assignment, you will submit a research paper that analyzes the types of organizational business structures. You will apply knowledge of business structure concepts as acquired in the course. The research paper should follow APA formatting style.
Project Prompts
The written research paper should be at least 1,000 to 1,200 words in length and should include four sections based on the business structures studied throughout the course. Define each business structure, compare the corporate finance strategies of the four business structures, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each business structure, and how each varies in taxation.
Research Paper Sections
Sole Proprietorship
Limited Liability Company (LLC)
Related Lessons
The following lessons from the course can help you with this assignment:
What Is a Business Organization? – Structure, Types & Examples
Corporations: Types, Advantages, Disadvantages & Examples
How Corporate Bankruptcy Affects Shareholders
Grading Rubric
Category Unacceptable (0-1) Needs Improvement (2-3) Good (4) Excellent (5) Points
Defining each business structure (x2) Definitions of structures are illogical or significantly hinders understanding Business structure definitions are difficult to identify; concepts are disjointed Business structures are well-defined and include sufficient supporting detail Business structures are well-defined and supporting detail exceeds requirements 10
Discussion of business structure advantages and disadvantages (x1) No discuss of business structure advantages and/or disadvantages Minimal discussion of business structure advantages and disadvantages Advantages and disadvantages are present but lack supporting detail Advantages and disadvantages include supporting detail and are well-written 5
Analysis of business structures (x2) The analysis of business structures is missing Analysis of business structures is not well-presented and lacks clarity Analysis adequately states the concepts of business structures Analysis of business structures is clear, logical, and well-written 10
Mechanics (x1) Incorrect spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and use of standard English grammar hinders understanding Several instances of incorrect spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and usage of standard English grammar Few instances of incorrect spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and usage of standard English grammar No or very few instances of incorrect spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and usage of standard English grammar 5
Total Points Possible 30


Approximately 250 words