Human Relations


Please spotlight specific HRIS applications used by leading organizations. Reflection entries should include your own insights gained after exploring the application resource online. For example, your review could focus on the products and services offered, client support provided, and technology aspects. If applicable, this reflection should also include a real experience you had using the specific application whether it be as an employee utilizing the application in a self-service capacity, as an administrator or as an applicant searching or applying for jobs.
**When developing your reflection, there is a minimum requirement of three paragraphs.


Approximately 250 words

Human Relations

Week 1 Essay Assignment

In your own words discuss the purpose of HRIS, why a solid foundation of HRIS is critical in organizations today and how HRIS has transformed the Human Resource world.
Current day application is always encouraged in your reflection papers.
**Make sure you elaborate on each section**
Submit a two to three page Word document using APA format with references and appropriate in-text citation.


Approximately 250 words

Human Relations

Code of Ethics for criminal justice agency

Code of Ethics
Prepare a code of ethics for a fictional criminal justice agency that includes a minimum of eight elements. If you are not a member of a criminal justice agency, research the type of agency you wish to join to get an idea of which elements should be included. Once you have compiled the code of ethics, respond to the following questions:
Why did you include each specific element? Discuss the elements you believe set the foundation for ethical behavior.
From an officer’s standpoint, why is a code of ethics an important part of working within the community?
From an agency standpoint, why is a code of ethics an important part of determining practical solutions to everyday issues in a diverse society?
Once you have written the code of ethics, how would you train officers to ensure compliance? How often should you offer follow-up training? Why?
Your completed assignment must be a minimum of three double-spaced pages in length (one page for the code of ethics and two pages for question responses). The title and reference pages do not count toward the page requirement. Therefore, your completed document must be a minimum of five pages. You must use at least three peer-reviewed, scholarly references to support your assignment. All sources used must have APA style citations and references. All references must be less than six years old


Approximately 250 words

Human Relations

Your Diverse Organization

Congratulations! You have been given a lump sum of $2.5 million by a generous angel investor who is willing to support your dream of expanding your U.S business overseas to an African country of your choice. While there is much to consider in regard to developing a strong business, one of the most important aspects of business development, from the investor’s point of view, is creating a diverse and inclusive organizational culture.
In order to receive any of the funds, you are required to present a detailed paper to the angel investor (i.e., your instructor) that includes the following information:
Information about your company, with details about its mission, vision, values, and purpose. Remember that this information should reflect your organization’s commitment to diversity and its high ethical standards.
Details about how your organization will be inclusive of staff, both in the United States and in the African country of expansion.
Details about how creating an ethical culture that focuses on diversity will enhance your organization’s operations, productivity, and profitability
Four well-developed workplace policies that promote ethical and diverse behavior (e.g., demographic, cultural, thought, etc.).
A well-developed plan for how leaders and managers will address conflict related to ethics and diversity and which encompasses an explanation of how this plan uses effective conflict-management skills
How the success of the expansion to your African country of choice will be assessed for effectiveness. Please include an explanation of the cultural challenges you might encounter in this country (using Hofstede’s dimensions)
Write a 9-12 page paper (not including the required title and reference pages).
Your paper must be properly cited and formatted according to the CSU Global Writing Center Links to an external site..
Include a formal reference page.
This is an individual paper; however, you should reflect on our discussion forums and incorporate ideas from there, as appropriate.
You must support your analysis with at least 12 scholarly references which can include resources from this course.
The CSU Global Library Links to an external a good place to find credible sources. You cannot use Wikipedia or any CSU Global assignment. For this assignment, a credible source is defined as:
A scholarly or peer-reviewed journal article.
A government-based website or publication.
A trade or industry journal article, publication, or website (including those from trade organizations, such as and


Approximately 250 words

Human Relations

swot analysis

Review the Learning Resources on SWOT/SWOTT analyses.
Explore People First San Diego’s website, focusing on the mission, vision, staff and leadership, services and programs, and additional details to provide a holistic picture of the organization.
Download the SWOTT Template and use it to complete this Assignment
SWOTT analysis for the People First San Diego organization. This document should contain the completed SWOTT table and a 1- to 2-page summary.
People first organization -


Approximately 250 words

Human Relations

Rationale paper

Write a rationale paper describing the artifacts in the e-portfolio and how they demonstrate skills, knowledge, understanding of theory, professional disposition, real-world application, and mastery of the program objectives. I’ve attached the selected artifacts for reference.
Additional Artifacts I will include are Personal Professional Photo, Military Achievements (awards & decorations), Certifications-Master Resiliency Trainer, Lean Six Sigma-Green Belt, Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Certification, SafeTalk (Suicide Prevention), and Interested-Based Negotiations.


Approximately 250 words

Human Relations

The truth about violence

Instructions for the assignment are attached.
Incase you need a log in for films on demand you can use this one:
Films on demand login
Username: Tiffany547
Password: FilmsonDemand547 F and D is capitalized


Approximately 250 words

Human Relations

Knowledge Sharing Between Demographics

Research two sets of worker-diversity demographics that are viewed as different. A single set comprises two demographic categories. Thus, you are finding four demographic categories total. Here are examples of possible sets:
Baby Boomers versus Millennials (this counts as ONE set);
male versus female;
Bachelor’s degree-prepared workers versus high-school graduates;
African Americans versus Hispanic Americans.
In your own words, explain the primary differences between each set. For example, what are the primary differences between Baby Boomers and Millennials?
Propose at least two methods of how knowledge can be shared (i.e., bridge the gap) between the sets of demographic groups to benefit the organization. For example, this may include mentoring/reverse mentoring between Baby Boomers and Millennials, job shadowing, cross-functional focus groups, etc.
Explain how you would structure your knowledge-sharing methods and what organizational outcomes you would target with these methods (i.e., technology use/speed, succession planning, improved organizational culture, etc.).
Explain how criteria for participation (i.e., voluntary, assigned, etc.) in these methods should be determined.
Identify potential pitfalls associated with your knowledge sharing methods.
Submission Requirements:
Write a 3-4 page paper (length does not include the required title and reference pages).
Your paper must be properly cited and formatted according to the CSU Global Writing Center Links to an external site..
Include a formal reference page.
While this is an individual paper, you should reflect on our discussion forums and incorporate ideas from there, as appropriate.
You must support your analysis with at least three scholarly references which can include resources from this course.
The CSU Global Library Links to an external a good place to find credible sources. You cannot use Wikipedia or any CSU Global assignment. For this assignment, a credible source is defined as:
a scholarly or peer-reviewed journal article
a government-based website or publication
a trade or industry journal article, publication, or website (including those from trade organizations, such as and


Approximately 250 words

Human Relations

Case-Study in Ethics

Select an international organization that has recently been in the news for unethical behaviors.
Provide a brief background about the organization. Then, explain what unethical actions occurred in this organization. Detail the parties involved, settlement information (if applicable), etc.
Explain the direct and indirect costs that these behaviors/actions took on the individuals and the workplace.
Discuss how these issues could have been prevented through the use of HR policies and practices.
Submission Requirements
Write a 3-4 page paper (length does not include the required title and reference pages).
Your paper must be properly cited and formatted according to the CSU Global Writing Center Links to an external site..
Include a formal reference page.
While this is an individual paper, you should reflect on our discussion forums and incorporate ideas from there, as appropriate.
You must support your analysis with at least three scholarly references which can include resources from this course. The CSU Global Library Links to an external a good place to find credible sources. You cannot use Wikipedia or any CSU Global assignment. For this assignment, a credible source is defined as:
a scholarly or peer-reviewed journal article
a government-based website or publication
a trade or industry journal article, publication, or website (including those from trade organizations, such as and


Approximately 250 words

Human Relations


Please spotlight specific HRIS applications used by leading organizations. Reflection entries should include your own insights gained after exploring the application resource online. For example, your review could focus on the products and services offered, client support provided, and technology aspects. If applicable, this reflection should also include a real experience you had using the specific application whether it be as an employee utilizing the application in a self-service capacity, as an administrator or as an applicant searching or applying for jobs.
**When developing your reflection, there is a minimum requirement of three paragraphs.


Approximately 250 words