

Relationship between Health and Behavior Affecting Social Determinants of Health using Health Paradigm
Health and behaviors’ connection is brought about by social, psychological and biological factors. These factors rule out a health person from the unhealthy one.
In biological factors, physical health and behavior is determined by genes and physiology of our bodies. For instance, medication as drugs can alter one’s behavior as making the consumer paranoid in thinking that they are been rejected by their loved ones while other drugs medication as pain relievers make the consumer relaxed as the pain relieving effect is taken place. Additionally, certain genetic characteristics which are often inherited from parents may result to diseases such as cancer and obesity.
Under psychological factors, our physical and emotional health behavior can affect how we think and the feelings to various scenarios in life. Negative behaviors as stress and anxiety lead to health symptoms as headaches and stomach upset due to overthinking and over working the brain terrifying thoughts. However, positive behaviors and emotions improve our well-being creating an effective environment of socializing with others and learning from them aspects of life in our society.
Reflecting on social factors, our relationships with others, the culture we are associated with and the environment we interact with clearly affects our behaviors and health effect. An example being social support. Here, one has friends and family to seek advice or rather assistance from whenever need arises without hesitation. As a result, the quality of life and unity is enhanced in facing life problems. Hence under no circumstance will one acquire diseases as ulcers due to stress and depression. On the contrary, living in a high crime environment negatively affects one’s life as one may experience health issues as intense feelings of anger and depression.
Social determinants of health are factors shaping the conditions in which people live in as income, schooling and access to healthcare. Different behaviors result to different health outcomes. Disadvantaged backgrounds experience worse health outcomes compared to advantaged backgrounds. Behaviors as smoking and poor diet intake result to persistent diseases which are more frequent among those with lower socio economic life. Chronic diseases lead to increased healthcare cost as much funds will be spent in treating the diseases and thus, one’s lifespan will lose quality of living.
Furthermore, lack of accessing healthcare and education results to poor mental health affecting one’s behavior. As an example, stress and feeling anxiety may hinder one from making healthy choices and engaging in healthy behaviors. Therefore, in conclusion social determinants is important in facilitating health equity and individuals’ health outcomes.
Noar, S. M., & Mehrotra, P. (2019). Toward a new methodological paradigm for testing theories of health behavior and health behavior change. Patient Education and Counseling, 82(3), 468-474.
Short, S. E., & Mollborn, S. (2019). Social determinants and health behaviors: conceptual frames and empirical advances. Current opinion in psychology, 5, 78-84.


Approximately 250 words



For your first major writing assignment, you will write a brief memoir. Follow the instructions and steps below to complete this first assignment.
• Identify the topic on which you will write your memoir. Choose from the following:
o Write a general memoir about a meaningful event that shaped who you are. This could be something from your childhood or something more recent.
o Write about a travel event that shaped you in some way.
o Write about a relationship that changed you or how you perceive things.
o Write about an education experience that shaped you.
• No matter the topic, the essay must include the following components:
o An introduction that includes a thesis statement that identifies the meaningful event/relationship/moment that shaped you.
o Body paragraphs that include the key features listed in your textbook: sensory details, dialogue, and transitional phrases.
o A conclusion that includes reflection or analysis.
• General Requirements:
o MLA Document formatting (See posted examples and Purdue OWL).
o 2 – 3 pages in length
o Submit in Turnitin by posted due date.


Approximately 250 words


Follow all the directions to make a file of music and movement activities to use in your classroom.

Follow all the directions to make a file of music and movement activities to use in your classroom. You can create your file in PowerPoint, Google Docs or Slides, Canva, or another acceptable source. Include a title page and table of contents.
Go to Links to an external site.
Go to lessons.
Then pick preschool.
Pick a category.
Pick a lesson plan.
this is my assignment


Approximately 250 words


real estate broker preparation Discussion

Who is Responsible: A Buyer writes in the buyer’s offer to purchase that the listing broker will pay the buyer’s broker’s commission. The seller accepts this offer and the parties close. The listing broker does not pay the buyer’s broker’s commission. Who is responsible for paying the buyer’s broker’s commission?
Approved Forms: A buyer wrote an offer with an inspection contingency. the buyer’s inspection report reveals what the buyer thinks are defects. The buyer delivers a notice of defects to the seller listing the defects. The contractor that the seller needs to use to repair the defects, and the date by which the repairs must be completed so that the buyer can have a new inspection of the repairs. What does the seller have to do?


Approximately 250 words


real estate broker preparation

Who needs to Sign: A married couple is in the process of divorce. The wife has moved out and only the husband’s name is on the title. Does the wife need to sign the listing contract? Does the wife need to sign the offer to purchase or the deed?
Date Deadlines: A Seller accepts an offer on June 8 and delivers it on June 9. From when are dates and deadlines measured?


Approximately 250 words


icon Ethical Issues

Ethical Issues
Identify and discuss at least two potential ethical issues that could be of concern for nurses with telehealth delivered care.
Submission Instructions:
Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources. Your initial post is worth 8 points.
You should respond to at least two of your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts. Your reply posts are worth 2 points (1 point per response.)
All replies must be constructive and use literature where possible.
Please post your initial response by 11:59 PM ET Thursday, and comment on the posts of two classmates by 11:59 PM ET Sunday.
You can expect feedback from the instructor within 48 to 72 hours from the Sunday due date.


Approximately 250 words


Module 3 Activity

In today’s activity, we gain a better understanding of different forms of information technology as well as practice framing arguments and ideas!
Step 1: Choose an Analog Information Technology
It can be any type of technology, as long as it classifies as analog
If you are unsure whether it is an analog information technology, try searching up online to confirm!
Step 2: Write a 1-2 minute speech. It could have a structure like this:
[Technology] is superior in analog form
Two or more reasons why it’s better than digital
Two or more rebuttals to arguments that digital is better
But use whatever argument structure works for you.
Step 3: Post your speech for credit (100-150 words)
Step 4: Comment on 3 posts for credit (25-50 words each)
Discuss whether you agree with the student’s choice of analog
If you disagree, provide a counterargument!


Approximately 250 words


How politics play apart in criminal justice and how the social climate affects policies

an essay about how politics play apart in criminal justice and how the social climate affects policies
there’s no rubric. just has to be 250 words, double spaced about How does the existing social climate affect policies? and What role does politics play in the development of criminal justice policies?


Approximately 250 words


Discussion Board 2

How does Martin Luther’s Ninety-Five Theses complement Renaissance humanism? In other words, how is it similar to the work in Unit 1 and how does it differ? You also might consider the differences between the paintings of the Italian Renaissance (unit 1) and the paintings of the Northern Renaissance (unit 2) to see the different tones and temperaments of the different forms of the Renaissance. Due: January 15
These sources apply for the discussion post 2 above->
The unit 1 material that is mentioned above that is needed to be used to relate to this assignement is also linked below to have complete background to complete the assignment
The previous discussion post -> How is Pico Della Mirandola’s view of man consistent with the view of any one of the paintings from unit 1? In other words, how do you see Pico Della Mirandola’s understanding of “humanism” as being represented in the art work? Give specific evidence from the readings and from the art work. Due: January 12
links ->


Approximately 250 words


Policy Issue Paper | Presentation #1: Policy Problem Background & Summary

STEP 1: You will deliver a presentation summarizing the background of the policy problem you selected for your Policy Issue Paper. While elements of this background will be included in your final oral briefing (Presentation 3), this presentation will be solely dedicated to the policy problem background. This will be a detailed summary describing the problem, prior efforts to solve the problem, the significance of the policy problem, and why there is a need for analysis. You should use this presentation as an opportunity to get as much feedback from your classmates and instructor to help you improve your Policy Issue Paper and oral briefing (Presentation 3).
Additionally, generate a set of at least three PowerPoint slides and a set of accompanying speaker notes and summary. You are free to use any citation style but be consistent and accurate.
STEP 2: Provide peer feedback to at least two of your classmates. You are free to submit your peer feedback to the discussion board
You will submit these items via the discussion board assignment


Approximately 250 words