
Leading Health Indicator

NOTE: This is a scholarly paper, it must be a minimum of 3 pages (max 5) NOT including cover or reference page. Refer to rubric for grading scale.
The purpose of this assignment is to assess the students ability to effectively integrate current socio-economic, political, geographic and demographic factors to promote change, policy development and the provision of Occupational Therapy OT services. In addition, students will demonstrate knowledge of the social determinants of health for persons, groups, and populations with or at risk for disabilities and chronic health conditions.
– Leading Health Indicator Assignment:
Select (1) health topic and within the topic (1) objective (Leading Health Indicator) from Healthy People 2030 Objectives website. (
In a scholarly essay answer the following questions :
Describe the impact or effect of the objective/area of concern on our societal needs.
Explain how the OT practitioner (Occupational Therapists) is uniquely qualified to impact the selected health disparity or objective.
Describe how could you (would you) use these skills to facilitate collaboration and motivate action at national/state and/or community level to improve population health. The answer should reflect what YOU would do, give specific examples of what actions will you take.
You are required to support your answers with evidence from assigned readings and / or peer reviewed sources. This is scholarly paper, it must be a minimum of 3 pages (max 5) NOT including cover or reference page.
Refer to rubric for grading scale. Attached is the rubric file.


Approximately 250 words


ent 1000

Please watch the video’s below and answer the question. After you have answered the question about the learning outcome, please respond to at least one student reply. Please use their name and provide enough information to demonstrate that you have read their response thoroughly.
Video 2 link:
Question-Chapter 1:
Explain the concept of entrepreneurship and its role in the nation’s economy.


Approximately 250 words



Analysis of 1 work from one time period listed on the attached.
Time period options: classical period, renaissance, enlightenment, romanticism or realism. Once time period selection choice 1 work listed from the time period provided on the attached document. Then write an analysis as listed on the task page


Approximately 250 words



You are a business development consultant for the expansion department of a Spanish multinational dedicated to industrial activity.
The management of the company has asked your department for a report containing a proposal on business expansion outside of Spain, specifically in the European Union.
Before beginning, it is advisable to carefully read the mandatory indications for carrying out the group work that you can see below, and that is mandatory.
You get to work as a team, following the steps defined below:
As far as possible, each variable should be analyzed for 2017-2021. The basic economic theory that you should apply are basically from the textbook Modern Principle of Economics. You should read and perceive what you have learned from it.
Statistical information must be carefully selected (indicator, period, unit of measurement, etc.) on the indicated web pages. Next, the statistical information must be downloaded and worked with in Excel. The tables and graphs resulting from the data obtained will be exclusively produced by the students, citing them as follows:
Source: Own elaboration based on OECD data. Indicating the link where the information is obtained. (www. Links to an external site.) and the date of consultation.
The tables and graphs must be numbered with full titles, indicating the variable analyzed, the unit of measurement, the period, and the country, and compare the results with those of the EU 27 for each variable requested. The chosen country must be a member of the EU27 and cannot be Spain.
The added statistical and graphic information must be interpreted and commented on the same slide where the graphs and tables requested for each variable appear.
At the end of the last phase of the work, the group must include conclusions (maximum 2 pages), where the country chosen for the expansion of the business is determined, justifying the answer given with the data obtained in the variables studied in each unit and compared with the EU average. Discuss the relationship among private property rights, economic freedom, entrepreneurship, and economic growth.
The variables that are requested for group work are divided into 4 units.
The report, reference and citation format are APA style. The use of Mendeley is highly recommended.
UNIT 1: Country selection based on long-term economic growth indicators
It is recommended that the company’s expansion be sustainable over time, so the new location will have to be in one European country whose long-term economic growth indicators reflect stability.
It is necessary to analyze the following indicators of long-term growth:
GDP variation (Real GDP growth)
Income or GDP per capita (GDP /capita)
Productivity indicators:
Real labor productivity per person;
Real labor productivity per hour worked;
Nominal unit labor cost;
Multifactor productivity,
Hours worked/worker.
Compensation per employee (euros)
Compensation of employees per hour worked (euros)
Part-time employment and temporary contracts (annual data)
Tertiary educational attainment by sex, age group 30-34.
Competitiveness indices:
Ease of doing business index (DOING BUSINESS); Last year
Global competitiveness index (ICG World Economic Forum) of the selected country. (Last year’s data, 2021)
Economic freedom index:
It analyzes how private property rights and economic freedom improve a country’s economic prosperity. You need to explain what economic freedom (Fraser Institute) is
It is also used to explain why entrepreneurship, as the driving force of the market economy, provides economic activities. Explain why entrepreneurship is that important.
It shows how, in most cases, government regulations and taxations impede entrepreneurs and economic growth.
In the group work part of unit 1, it is recommended to consult the following sources:
Eurostat: Links to an external site.
Ease of doing business index: Links to an external site.
Global Competitiveness Index: Links to an external site.
Economic Freedom Index of the Fraser Institute: Links to an external site.
Huerta de Soto, J. (2010). Socialism, Economic Calculation and Entrepreneurship. London: Edward Elgar. (especially Chapter 2 on entrepreneurship)
UNIT 2: Short-term business forecast (according to the income-expenditure model)
Once the European country of expansion has been chosen, in the project’s second phase, the management of the company asks the team what the short-term business prospects in their new location are. As you remember, the income-expense model defines a series of variables that condition the short-term evolution of economic activity. Between them:
Household consumption (real personal consumption expenditure). (%GDP)
Final consumption expenditure of households for consumption purposes. (% GDP)
Household savings (gross household saving rates). (% GDP)
Business investment (total investment to GDP ratio).
Public sector consumption (real government spending expenditure). (%GDP)
The composite leading indicator. (OECD)
Business confidence index. (OECD)
Consumer confidence index. (OECD)
In the group work part of unit 2, it is recommended to consult the following sources:
OCDE Economic Outlook. Statistical Annex: Links to an external site.
Annual National Accounts (ESA 2010): Links to an external site.
Economic Freedom Index of the Fraser Institute: Links to an external site.
UNIT 3: Short-term business forecast (according to the AD-AS model)
In the third installment, you must continue preparing the proposal, for which you need to analyze the following variables.
Long-term interest rates. Total, % per annum
Short-term interest rates. Total, % per annum
Trade in goods and services (% annual growth and as % GDP)
Terms of trade.
Exchange rate of the euro against the New Taiwan dollar and the US dollar (euro exchange rates vs. New Taiwan dollar; US dollar)
Public deficit (government deficit, % of GDP)
Public debt (%GDP)
Tax revenue (%GDP)
Private sector debt, consolidated (% of GDP)
Gross domestic expenditure on R&D (% of GDP)
In the group work part of unit 3, it is recommended to consult the following sources
The Statistical Office of the European Union: Links to an external site.
OCDE: Links to an external site.
Economic Freedom Index of the Fraser Institute: Links to an external site.
UNIT 4: The macroeconomic imbalance procedure
In the fourth and last installment, you must continue preparing the proposal, for which you need to analyze the following variables.
Analyze from the Eurostat website the set of indicators of the macroeconomic imbalance procedure (MIP) for the last year that there is a publication that identifies emerging or persistent macroeconomic imbalances in the country in which you are doing the study.
Next, summarize the indications given for the country in the Alert Mechanism Report published last year prepared by the European Commission.
Based on the information collected indicate the weak points that the country has regarding the possible expansion of the business in it. Mainly, you should analyze if the economy has better protection of private property rights and economic freedom and how economic freedom would affect the country’s economic growth and entrepreneurship.
In the group work part of unit 4, it is recommended to consult the following sources:
Eurostat: Links to an external site.
The Alert Mechanism Report: Links to an external site.
Economic Freedom Index of the Fraser Institute:


Approximately 250 words


choose it

1) Given Uber’s recent corporate turbulence and ongoing initiatives, provide a holistic situational analysis of the environment Uber is operating in (e.g., opportunities, threats, political factors, social factors,…).
2) How should Uber Elevate segment its potential customers? What pain point does Uber Elevate solve, and which segment is most lucrative?
3) What would be your plan to appeal to the needs of Uber’s target market?
4) At what point can Holden’s team predict that Uber Elevate will be profitable?
Below are a few requirements for the format of the case write-ups:
The essay should be typed (hand-written essays will not be accepted) and more or less two single-spaced pages, using a font size of 12 points. Essays and project reports should follow the APA format.
Start your essay by writing down your question number (e.g., Q1); no need to retype each question. Support your arguments with facts from the case or elsewhere. Feel free to use a bullet format wherever appropriate. There are no “right” answers to these cases; it is the rigor and effort of your analysis that are important and forms the basis for your write-up evaluation. However, simple reports with no innovative solutions and suggestions will not get full credits.
In writing the cases, assume that the readers of your analysis are familiar with the facts of the case. Therefore, avoid merely restating/repeating facts that can be found in the case unless you need them to support a point or to deflect a counterpoint.
The individual case analysis will be evaluated based on three criteria:
How well the student read the case (30%)
How well and complete you answered the case questions (30%)
How much unique critical thinking, innovative solutions, and experience sharing you include in the analysis (40%)


Approximately 250 words


Holland’s theory notes that the personality traits of an individual are consistent with career choice and career satisfaction. Write a paper 700 words about your quiz results

Holland’s theory notes that the personality traits of an individual are consistent with career choice and career satisfaction. Write a paper 700 words about your quiz results. Include the following in your paper and a heading for each requirement:
Document the names and scores of your Holland Code (Referred to online as the Interest Profiler Results)
Based on the results, list three different careers offered as potential matches for you (each should be at a different job zone/educational level)
Identify the education required, potential outlook of the career, theoretical salary, and other information connected to the career
Provide your opinion of how useful the website was, how easy it was to use, how well the site connected you to careers you would actually be interested in
Discuss when, why, and how you may use this site when providing career counseling with clients
Describe the difficulties that could be encountered if a chosen career did not include the characteristics of your Holland Code?
Discuss how mental wellness impacts career choice and how career choice impacts mental wellness
At least three references from the O*Net site.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. You are allowed to use first person as appropriate in this assignment.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.


Approximately 250 words


Business Administration

Activity: Final project related to the administrative activity of a company. Information, search and presentation.
You are a profesional and entreprenuerial team who have decided to buy the company Psichat SL to refresh and relaunch its activity taking in consideration of your personal interest in this type of sector, business model and its high potential of growing. You will have the availability of the former CEO supporting the transition process to understand and analyse the current situation and take decisions of the new business strategies and management
Using the perspective from all the topics studied as : Enviroment and industry competitive analysis, Business Strategy, innovation, Administrative process etc. take a picture of the current situation of the company based in the info available (website, social media, CEO meeting…) and design the strategy to implement in the following years to acomplish your settled goals for the company. Think about potential new services, channels, business model, segment customers hhrr resources etc.
1. Create a document including the structured analysis of the current situation and also the planning about different areas of business and management to be implemented in the future.
(Word document 8-10 pages máx) and upload it to Canvas before deadline.
Psichat ( )
PsiChat talks about psychology aid to the whole society. We are a team of psychologists at your disposal. It is a team of professionals and psychologists with more than 10 years of experience.
Aimed at those people who need advice or support in the different areas related to the couple, work, social relationships, family or an individual level that appears to their daily, emotional and mental performance. PsiChat is a crisis intervention.


Approximately 250 words


Give your opinion on what success in development assistance means and why? Give one of your opinions along with your reasons.

Topic: Give your opinion on what success in development assistance means and why? Give one of your opinions along with your reasons.
※Be sure to relate your discussion to the topic of this lecture (any topic or keyword that has been covered at least once is acceptable).
※Be sure to cite references to support your argument.
※No cover page.
I am sorry, the class material was translated by a translator app, so the grammar might be strange.


Approximately 250 words


compare and contrast two movies

Compare and contrast the two movies: The Conjuring and The Conjuring 2. The full instructions and details will be included with the file as well as a sample of the essay for reference.


Approximately 250 words


Servant Leadership in The U.S. Army (informative essay)

Topic: Servant Leadership in The U.S. Army
Format: Chicago
Type: Informative essay
Try to avoid use of passive voice.


Approximately 250 words