
Peer Replies child psy week 1

Review the 4 posts below ( attached) from fellow learners and respond to all 4 posts. Be sure to support your response with scholarly examples from the unit readings, additional literature, personal perspective, and real-world examples where appropriate. You must cite any references according to current APA style.
In your response, you must do one or a combination of the following:
• Ask an analytical question.
• Offer a suggestion.
• Elaborate on a particular point.
• Provide an alternative opinion supported with research.
Your response post should add to the discussion by offering new information or asking a question, not simply agreeing.
**Minimum 50 words per response post (total 200 word minimum). (not including references)


Approximately 250 words


Positive vs humanistic

Within the past two decades, positive psychology and humanistic psychology have been at odds over their philosophical foundations and approaches to human well-being. Briefly discuss the historic development of positive psychology and humanistic psychology. Which perspective do you endorse and why? Support your position. Your defense must cite one scholarly article that makes a case for positive psychology and another that argues for humanistic psychology.
Waterman, A. (2013). The humanistic psychology – positive psychology divide: Contrasts in philosophical foundations. American Psychologist, 68(3), 124–133.
Schneider, K. (2011). Toward a humanistic positive psychology: Why can’t we just get along? Existential Analysis, 22(1), 32–38.


Approximately 250 words


Understanding Foundational Concepts in General Psychology

I. Visit the Ted Talks website linked immediately below this assignment and search for a talk on a topic of psychology that fits into a theory, concept, or subject discussed in the readings and video. (If the link doesn’t work, paste this URL into your browser
(Links to an external site.)).
Select one of the talks that most interests you, making sure the video is a minimum of 8 minutes in length . At the beginning of your main response, include the title of the TED Talk, the name of the presenter, when it was filmed, along with a link to the video, then:
2: In your MAIN post of at least 200 – 300 words, respond to the following: (all components must be accurately answered to be eligible for 20 points). All written work must be in your own words. In the event you use a quote from a source, it must be accurately cited.
Give a summary of the TED talk, emphasizing the speaker’s main points, and including what you found most interesting about the talk, relative to psychology. The point to this assignment is to use what you have learned so far in the assigned readings (although not much yet, I know 🙂 ) to either expand upon or address important psychological ideas from the perspectives or theories we’ve covered.
What type of data or evidence did the presenter show to back up his or her information, if any?
What other questions would you have for this presenter if you could have a conversation with him or her? What else would you like to know about the topic


Approximately 250 words



Readings will be posted under questions
Question 1
Various environmental factors, such as diet/nutrition, parental care, and social interaction have been shown to influence the epigenome and ultimately behavior in many different species, including insects, rodents, and humans. Choose a specific behavior that probably evolved biologically but varies in different people. Suggest at least one environmental factor that could account for variation in this behavior. Is there evidence to support an epigenetic link to variations in this behavior?
Question 2
Gene by environment interactions (or gene x environment interactions) are ways in which specific genotypes, after exposure to different environmental factors, show variation in the phenotype. For example, different alleles of the serotonin transporter are associated with individual stress susceptibility and risk of developing mood-related disorders (e.g., depression, anxiety). Why do you think the environment can modulate genes associated with brain structure and function? Comment on whether these interactions evolved to enhance our survival.
Readings to use


Approximately 250 words


Final Project PSY 550 Week 9

This is a FINAL DRAFT and piecing together the previous two papers and making them as ONE. This paper is already almost structured just needs to add the remaining sections from the rubric.
I will attach two previous papers as well as the rubric. Please make sure all is addressed in rubric.


Approximately 250 words



Understanding Attributions:
In discussing attribution theory, your readings point out that the thousands of possible explanations for success and failure can be classified into a few categories. The most basic categories are stability (a factor is either fairly permanent or unstable), locus of causality (a factor is either external or internal to the person), and locus of control (a factor is or is not under our control). In this activity, you’ll explore your understanding of these attribution categories.
Provide a sport example that illustrates and defines the attribution categories listed.
a. Stability: stable
b. Stability: unstable
c. Locus of causality: internal
d. Locus of causality: external
e. Locus of control: in one’s control
f. Locus of control: out of one’s control
Helping Lucille Regain Her Soccer Success
Read the following case study and submit a 2-page program for helping Lucille regain her motivation by overcoming her outcome goal orientation.
After several years of training, Lucille has finally received a scholarship offer to play division one soccer. Outcome goals have always been her driving force:be the fastest, toughest, score more goals, and get more assists. Unfortunately, after an All-American high school career, Lucille is having a rough beginning at college. Her shooting and passing accuracy is struggling. To make matters worse, she is struggling a bit with minor injuries, which makes it difficult to maintain consistent playing time.
As Lucille’s frustrations continue to increase, she begins to no longer enjoy practice and even competition. She blames her poor performance on injuries, playing time, field conditions and teammates unwilling to pass the ball. The outcome-goal orientation now seems to produce a lower self-confidence, self-doubt, and less motivation.
Remember, APA in-text documentation and end references are required. Please review the grading rubric for helpful information.


Approximately 250 words


perspective in psychology

DB Perspectives in Psychology
Why do I want you to do this?
Photo of three 11 year old childrenNow that you have learned between 5 and 7 theoretical perspectives used to explain human behavior, this discussion provides you with an opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of these perspectives by applying the theoretical perspectives to other human behaviors. In addition, by engaging with your classmates on their posts, you will deepen your own understanding of the course material and also contribute to the learning of others. Finally, writing in APA format in your discussion posts will provide you with the practice needed to prepare for writing your final project.
What you will do?
In this discussion, you will post a minimum of TWO times.
Post #1 First, in a primary post of between 100 and 200 words
Post #2 Respond to at least one of your classmates (at least 25 words)
How do I want you to do it?
STEP 1 – Your own post:
Using the perspectives you learned about (including psychoanalysis, behaviorism, cognitive psychology, humanism, and the biological approach), and explain how a psychologist might explain the following three human behaviors to a fifth-grade class. NOTE: Outside of the five major psychological perspectives (biological, psychodynamic, behavioral, cognitive, and humanistic), there are two additional perspectives (sociocultural perspective and evolutionary perspective). Feel free to use one of these perspectives as well as any of the five major perspectives.
Next, write a summary paragraph about which psychological perspective most resonates with you, and why. If you were to practice psychology someday, either as a therapist, counselor, teacher, researcher or in some other capacity, which perspective do you think you might emphasize?
MAKE SURE YOU: Explain each of the three behaviors from a DIFFERENT perspective.
AND: Give a well-founded explanation of how a psychologist would explain that behavior from that particular perspective and use APA in-text citations to cite your source.
The Three Behaviours
Behavior 1: Behavior 2: Behavior 3:
Why do people cut or shave hair from their bodies (and why does it vary by sex, age, group, etc.)?
Why do children in an elementary school walk in a line when going to class?
Why are people physically aggressive towards each other (and why might males be observed doing so more than females)?
textbook link


Approximately 250 words


discussion forum

Lower income parents often lack prenatal care. How could this influence the lifespan of the unborn child?
For example, if a family was poor and did not have money to purchase prenatal vitamins, the unborn child might not receive enough folic acid in utero. Lack of folic acid means that a child is at higher risks for a neural tube defect. Neural tube defects can cause spine and brain issues or even death. If the child were to survive, the economic cost would be heavy and the child’s quality of life would be seriously impacted.


Approximately 250 words


Clinical Psychology

Prepare a 2-3 page summary of the article fully paraphrased in your own words and your own writing style and structure. Changing a few words from the original is not fully paraphrasing.
Be sure to address the following questions in your summary:
What is the purpose of the research? (Address specifics regarding the overall purpose of the research in question.)
What hypothesis is tested? (Provide a clear statement of the researchers’ prediction.)
How did the researchers investigate their research question? (Provide details regarding the study methodology.)
What are the pertinent results of the manipulation? (What were the findings and conclusions drawn?)
What is your personal opinion of the study conducted? Should it be repeated? What could be improved?
What is your overall impression of the work?
What are the implications of the study for the practice of counseling psychology?
Your summary should be written as a coherent essay (do not format as a list of answers to these questions). You may include additional insights in your analysis but must address these key issues. You may find it useful to use headings and subheadings to organize your discussion as you address these key issues.
The article that is selected is attached.


Approximately 250 words



Netiquette is important in online communication, because tone, cadence, and emotion can be difficult to convey digitally and lead to miscommunication. Using netiquette reduces the likelihood of an offensive encounter. Students in this class can apply netiquette when
responding to other student’s discussion posts by responding thoughtfully, treating others’ opinions respectfully even when in disagreement, and refraining from personal insults or remarks. I believe the most important part of netiquette is to be respectful. The internet can
be a place where conversations feel impersonal, so people may feel emboldened to spout things they would think twice about saying if in public. I think being mindful that there is another human being at the end of your message, post, or email is important when communicating over a digital medium.


Approximately 250 words