Religion and Theology

Christian Influencers & Influences

Christian Influencers & Influences
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Part One – Assignment Instructions:
The video presented below, holds insights into the origins of the Judaeo-Christian tradition.
To now begin viewing the video.
By way of forming your “Assignment Response”, to the apply ONE “Letter” from the “Study Guide Rubric for Writing ‘Letter” Assignment Responses”.
Unlike your Nolan textbook “Chapter Reviews” where ONE quotation from the literature is required, no quotation from the video is anticipated.
To view the video from the 49-minute / 10-second point to the 1:45.05-second Time Marker Count visible to the bottom left of the video screen.
The 1:45.05 second Time Marker Count interval indicates up to which point in the video to consider when writing your “Assignment Response”.
However, should you opt to do so, to continue viewing the video as you anticipate the following week’s “Assignment Response”.
To then apply ONE “Letter” from the “Study Guide Rubric for Writing ‘Letter” Assignment Responses”.
Write an “Assignment Response” of no more than 300 – 350 words identifying your understanding of the “Letter” question you selected from the Study-Rubric Guide.
Upload your Word .doc containing your “Assignment Response” within the Assignment Page in Brigthspace.
Due Date: Tuesday, January 31st; 11:59pm
Part Two – Assignment Instructions:
To first read the “The Abby of La Grande Chartreuse” article and then view the portions of the “Into Great Silence” video.
The article is located within the Module Two “Content” frame; to open the “Resources” frame.
The link to the video is located both here in the Assignment Instructions as well within the Module Two “Content” frame; to open the “Videos” frame to access the video.
The certainly not a whole lot of dialogue in the video, English sub-titles appear a the lower portion of the video screen which translate from the French spoken:
To then select ONE “Letter” from the “Study Guide Rubric For Writing ‘Letter’ Responses” located within the “Content” frame of the Brigthspace Landing Page.
From a response to the question associated with any ONE “Letter” you have selected from your Study Guide / Rubric.
At the very beginning of your “Assignment Responses”, please indicate the ONE “Letter” you have selected from the “Study Guide Rubric For Writing ‘Letter’ Assignment Responses”.
Carefully READ the method by which to form your Responses located in the Study Guide / Rubric.
Write TWO “Assignment Responses” of no more than 200 words identifying your understanding of the “Letter” question you selected from the Study-Rubric Guide and apply your chosen “Letter” to any two time intervals in the video.
Should you opt to do so, to perhaps, combine two time intervals all within either your first and / or second “Assignment Responses”.
However, even if you integrate two time intervals identified below, to still form TWO distinct “Assignment Responses” each holding at least one segment of the video:
PLEASE indicate at the very beginning of your “Responses” which “Interval Number(s)” you are considering, e.g., “#4 and #6”.
Select ANY TWO of the following 13 Time Marker Counts:
Interval 1: 01 – 30:37
Interval 2: 11:05 – 1:10
Interval 3: 1:13.54 – 1:21.04
Interval 4: 1:26 – 1:31
Interval 5: 1:34 – 1:38.38
Interval 6: 1:38.38 – 1:40
Interval 7: 1:55.25 – 1:58.17
Interval 8: 1:59.40 – 2.04
Interval 9: 2.06.50 – 2.38.38
Interval 10: 2:11.04 – 2:14.24
Interval 11: 2:17.34 – 2:21.25
Interval 12: 2.26 – 2.29.55
Interval 13: 2:36.52 – 2:37.37
No quotation from neither the video nor article is anticipated for “Part Two” of your Module One “Assignment Response”.
Upload your Assignment Response as a Word .doc File on the Assignment Page.
Due Date: Tuesday, January 31st; 11:59pm
Part Three – Assignment Instructions:
Response to the following question:
In what ways were Pope Gregory XIII, Pope Paul III, Henry VIII, Martin Luther, and John Calvin influential in shaping Christianity?
Write ONE very brief paragraph Assignment Response for each of the five individuals reflecting your understanding of how they influenced Christianity in each of their own ways.


Approximately 250 words