
John Hancock’s Boston Massacre Oration (1774)

In 1768, the British government ordered two regiments of British Redcoats, with two more to follow, to Boston, Massachusetts. Many colonists had protested and refused to comply with two attempts by Parliament to impose taxes on them in the preceding years. The Stamp Act (1765) had called for a tax on public documents and newspapers, among other things, and the Townshend Act (1767) had tried to levy duties on a few specific commodities. Those acts triggered outrage and defiance, especially in Boston. So the troops sent to Boston in 1768 were intended to bring order and respect for the British authority to the center of opposition to British policy. Almost immediately tensions flared between soldiers and civilians, and they continued to rise and fall in the months that followed. Those tensions produced a violent clash on March 5, 1770, when several British soldiers, surrounded by an angry crowd, fired upon the colonists and mortally wounded or killed five of them. In the following years, Bostonians gathered on the anniversary of the “Boston Massacre” to hear a notable speaker discuss the event and its significance. In 1774, that speaker was the wealthy merchant John Hancock.
what Hancock said were the primary dangers posed by standing armies and the benefits of militias. What do you think is significant about of this “Massacre Oration”?


Approximately 250 words

American Literature

Ben Franklin

Note how Franklin frames “The Way to Wealth.” He opens upon Poor Richard, eavesdropping on a village elder, called Father Abraham, who has been asked a question involved with civic matters: “Won’t these taxes quite ruin the country?” (443). But does Father Abraham provide a direct answer to that question? Indeed, does he even speak of civic matters at all? Endlessly quoting Poor Richard, Father Abraham addresses what sphere of human activity? Why? Does he persuade the people? What does his answer mean? Answer and discuss these questions with detail. Defend your answers!
Re-read “The Way to Wealth.” Then, select any three of Poor Richard’s maxims, and write “imitations” of them; that is, “plug in” your own words at the appropriate points. Example: for “He that hath a trade, hath an estate,” one could write, “She that hath a husband, hath a curse.”
What is the main argument Franklin is making through Polly? Where and what are the double-standards Franklin identifies through Polly’s speech? If his argument more or less effective argued through the lens and voice of Polly or would he have been more rhetorically successful had he argued as himself or created a male character? Why?
How does Franklin’s “Remarks Concerning the Savages of North Carolina” relate to cultural relativism? The definition of satire is the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people’s stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues. Where do you see instances of Franklin’s use of satire and what point is he making with it?
Describe the last line, “You see they have not yet learned those little good things, that we need no meetings to be instructed in, because our mothers taught them to use when we were children; and therefor it is impossible their meetings should be, as they say, for any such purpose, or have any such effect: they are only to contrive the cheating of Indians in the price of beaver.


Approximately 250 words


perpetua journey, faith, gender and power in roman empire

What role do Christianity, the Roman Empire, family, individual, gender and community (respond to either 1, 2 or 3 of these points) play in shaping Perpetuas identity?


Approximately 250 words


History essay

Response Assignment 1: Hector St. Jean de Crèvecoeur, “What is an American?”, 1782
Your response should be about one page – but do not let it exceed two pages. It should include a clear thesis and a set of arguments that responds to the questions below. Your essay must be submitted on Canvas by 2:00 on Monday -before the assignment closes and you are unable to submit.
Questions to be answered:
What is the significance of this document for understanding America at the beginning of the 19th Century?
How does this document add to our understanding of citizenship at the beginning of the 19th Century?
How does this primary source provide evidence for Annette Gordon-Reed’s research for her article “Creating ‘We the People’” (pages 119 – 122).
What is the relationship between Hector St. John Crevecoeur’s views on the definition of an American and John Adams views on slavery in “Slavery and Race in Jeffersonian America (1801)”?
Please answer the following question separately from the essay – include it at the end of the essay as a separate answer. There are no right or wrong answers to this question so do not worry about how it might affect your grade (we will discuss it in class after the essays are graded) The goal is to inspire you to think about the document beyond the questions asked in the essay prompt):
Please pose at least one discussion question about this reading. If you were leading a class discussion, what do you think would be important to talk about with regard to “What is an American,” John Adams statement on slavery, and/or Annette Gordon-Reed’s secondary source?
Responses will be graded according to the following criteria:
Is the response written in essay form, with a thesis, a set of paragraphs that each address a distinct argument in support of the thesis, and a conclusion? (3 points)
Does the response address all the questions posed? (2 points)
Does the response demonstrate that the student has done a close and careful reading of the text? (1 point)
Does the response demonstrate a concerted effort to think about the significance of the text and its relationship to course topics and other texts? (2 points)
Does the response make sense? Are the ideas within it clearly communicated? (2 points)
You will be asked to submit your essay as a file upload and will be required to use Turnitin, an app that detects plagiarism. Turnitin will generate a report that will help you to see where you might need to cite information in your essay. Please let me or your TA know if you have questions.


Approximately 250 words

American Literature

Modern World Literature m2A

Write a 2-page literary analysis of one of the short stories from the assigned readings for Module 02, explaining how the author used characteristics of modernist literature or dystopian elements to create the dominant theme of the short story. You should include two of the terms used in your Module 02 literary terms exercise, and highlight the unique elements utilized in either modernist or dystopian fiction from your reading this week. Consider the following:
What was the main theme of your chosen story? (This is the main idea or message of the story). Examples of theme might be man vs. technology, man vs. nature, love, death, coming of age, freedom, the hero or heroine’s quest, etc.
If you chose a dystopian story, what vision of the future did the reading reflect?
Which of the literary terms or characteristics of modernist fiction did you find in your chosen story? (See your lesson content and literary terms in Module 02 for more on these).
Focus as much as you can on how this short story exemplified the genre you have selected. You will also find it helpful to research the selected work online and in our library. You may use more than one article for your paper. Research includes at least one outside library article on the work selected.
Your paper must be written in APA format. Use the APA template from the Course Guide to complete this assignment. You should have an APA cover page; two full pages of essay text with in-text citations, quotes, and lines from the readings; and a reference page.
40 Short Stories: A Portable Anthology
“The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin
“Araby” by James Joyce
“A Hunger Artist” by Franz Kafka
“The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson
Yiu, A. (2003). Three-dimensional reading: Stories of time and space in Japanese modernist fiction, 1911-1932. University of Hawaii Press.
“Hell in a Bottle” by Yumeno Kyusaku
Haddon, M. (2003). The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time.
Continue reading this week; no assignments on this work until Module 3 (Next 50 pages recommended) (Cloud Library edition)
Literary Terms 2
A philosophy that rejected any s form of authority and created works which focused on mocking the establishment in art, music, and literature.
A leading character, male or female, without positive attributes and status found in classic drama.
Total rejection of belief in anything; felt life was “meaningless”.
A 20th-century avant-garde movement in art and literature that sought to release the creative potential of the unconscious mind (e.g., irrational juxtaposition of images).
Stream of Consciousness
In fiction, the technique designed to represent a character’s inner thoughts, which flow in a stream without grammatical structure, punctuation or apparent coherence.
A kind of fiction that imagines perfect social, moral, and physical worlds for the characters or citizens.
A kind of fiction that is designed to present or demonstrate a moral, religious, political, or other belief or position.
A movement that represented a radical break with conventions of the past, including religion, art, literature, and science.
A kind of fiction that illustrates the negative consequences of a so-called perfect society, usually created by technological advances leading to totalitarianism.
A recurrent theory or belief, as in philosophy or art, that the qualities of chronologically early cultures are superior to those of contemporary civilization.


Approximately 250 words


Module 12 – Descending into the Twentieth Century: The Great War and Revolutions, 1914-1920

What were the Causes, and what was the Trigger of World War 1?
What were the Causes, and what was the Trigger of World War 1? Moreover, were the causes justified reasons for war? Lastly, do historians, and you agree on why the war happened in the first place?
To set the stage, start by viewing the following documentary (35:32 min) and include the causes listed and reasoning discussed in your reply – see: History of World Civilizations – Causes of World War I:
Please use the docu-presentation, your eBook, or a reputable academic source of your choice (you will need to name at least two historians with differing opinions for your last section of the question.
Write your assessment in essay format, with in-text citations and works cited section. The essay should be about 300 words in total(if over the word count that is fine need a detailed and eneging response). Please review and follow my instructions with examples of Originality, Citation, and Format(Citation sources are provided).


Approximately 250 words


Module 14 – Into the Fire Again: World War II, 1939-1945

From the Eugenics to the Holocaust – discuss the cumulative radicalization of a deadly idea by the Nazis in the late 1930s and during WWII.
From the Eugenics to the Holocaust – discuss the cumulative radicalization of a deadly idea by the Nazis in the late 1930s and during WWII.
Please visit the special traveling exhibition – Deadly Medicine: Creating the Master Race (that was in New York City a few years ago).
Choose two artifacts from the three given periods to describe the issue and practice; then, utilize and cite in your work relevant sections from your textbook dealing with the period and Nazi practices during WWII (include and cite the source document that’s in the chapter “The Nazi Death Camps”).
If the website does not open (requires ‘flash’), then use the article based on it, and make your selection from it: a number of these same artifacts are presented and analyzed by the following author – utilize the text with inserted visual material from the article: In the Name of Public Health – Nazi Racial Hygiene by Susan Bachrach in the New England Journal of Medicine, July 29, 2004, 351;5, pp. 417-420.
In your 250-word assignment(if over the word count that is fine need a detailed and eneging response), state the names of artifacts and the title of the source document; in your write-up, include answers to the: Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How and, of course, have at least four historical dates for what you are addressing.
Use and cite your textbook as you go, and when you use other sources (textbook, website, video, publication), make sure you use less than 20% of the total words count of your paper, and cite your courses properly *
As a general overview and intro to the topic, watch: Roots of Nazi Ideology by Yad Vashem (11 min):
Roots of Nazi Ideology Roots of Nazi Ideology
With related online material: (Citation sources are provided).


Approximately 250 words


Module 13 – Darkening Decades: Recovery, Dictators, and Depression, 1920-1939

A) For “ARTifact” Report:
1. Please go to the website, e.g., of the British Museum, a link named – History of the World in 100 Objects.
(Note: some modules will have another museum instead, but the principle will be the same for all).
2. Choose an object (from anywhere in the world) from the period covered in this module (or about 30 years before or after the specific period covered in class in the current week), and present a report about the chosen artifact, with the explanation of the immediate context of the artifact seen in a wider historical context, in about 200 words (if over the word count that is fine need a detailed and eneging response).
Make sure that you pick 1 (one) of the 100 (one hundred) objects listed in the link – not any object that the British Museum has in its collection (which is about 8 million!). Do double-check – the list has literally 100 objects – and only about 1 or 2 will fit the bill for each module (see instructions for this assignment in the module itself).
3. Name the artifact at the top of your report, and present to the reader the artifact and its provenance, including the historical context from which it hails.
4. Your essay-style report is to contain 1 in-text references to the info from the British Museum website (make 1 reference), and at least 1 reference from the relevant information on the period and the artifact from the corresponding era found in your textbook. This textbook reference is to provide wider context or a compare/contrast moment, and cite your source (in-text and later include in the work cited section too).
5. Include the image of the chosen artifact under that.
6. Provide a Work Cited section at the end of the ARTifact Report (for all the cited information you used in the report and the source of your image. See examples for this in Originality, Citation, and Format. (Citation sources are provided)


Approximately 250 words


identify and research a pressing problem in American Government about which you feel strongly, and come up with a solution

You will identify and research a pressing problem in American Government about which you feel strongly, and come up with a solution. You will then write a letter to one member of the Executive or Legislative Branch who you identify as being able to implement the solution; his/her email or mailing address must be included in the letter. Your letter should explain the problem, provide evidence of the existence and scope of the problem, and propose a real solution. The letter should be approximately 1-2 pages single-spaced (12 point font with 1” margins).
Your paper must include:
• Evidence: You will identify a problem, and provide evidence of the existence and extent of the problem.
• Solution: No magic bullets! When you identify the problem, you need to come up with a real solution- how will it be implemented? What path through the federal government will it take?
• Sources: You need at least 3 sources (and more are certainly encouraged).
They should be high-quality sources- peer-reviewed journals, scholarly books, newspapers of record, reliable websites, and not Wikipedia! All of your sources must be cited via in-text citations- you may use parenthetical, footnote, or endnote format, but you must cite every piece of information you quote or paraphrase.


Approximately 250 words



Exam 1: the exam will consist of questions based on the material
from chapters 15 and 16; Exam 2: the exam will consist of questions based on the material from chapters 17, 18, and 19
You can take the exam any time prior to the stated deadline for each exam. Exams are open book. Once you begin the
exam, you will have a maximum of 1 1/2hours (90 minutes) to complete the exam. **YOU CANNOT START THE
1) Of the People: A History of the United States, Volume 2: Since 1865 Fourth Edition with Sources
ISBN-13: 978-0190909970
Authors: James Oakes, Michael McGerr, Jan Ellen Lewis, et al.
Publisher: Oxford University Press (
**You may use an earlier edition of the text; however, be aware of the fact the exams are based on the edition stated
above, as are the Discussion Board questions**


Approximately 250 words