Business and Management

Research Questions, Thesis Statement, and Rhetorical Analysis

The purpose of this assignment is to record the work you have done finding a topic, building research questions, and doing a rhetorical analysis for your paper.
Place your three (3) research questions and thesis statement at the top of the page, below the required heading (name etc.), and answer the questions shown below. You do not have to answer these questions for each research question, just the one reflected in your thesis statement. Each question should be followed by a one to two paragraph answer. Remember that your thesis statement should be a single, complete sentence that is NOT a question.
Keep it simple. Follow the format below, making your points precisely.
Write three of your research questions here (remember that, if the question can be answered by YES or NO, it is a closed-ended question that does not invite discussion and so should be revised):
Question 1.
Question 2.
Question 3.
Write your thesis statement here (one complete sentence that is not a question):
Write paragraphs that respond to the questions below, using your thesis statement as the basis for your answers:
What is my purpose in writing this paper? (A clear understanding of your purpose will help you decide what information to include in your paper and how to organize your paper.)
What do I already know about my topic?
What are my feelings toward this topic? (You may have mixed feelings about the topic at the beginning. This may change as you do more research.)
What do my readers already know? What are my readers’ feelings toward the topic? (If your topic is a controversial one, think about the best way to present it to your audience. For example, think about your tone and word choice here.)
What do my readers need to know to understand my point? (You may understand and accept underlying assumptions about your topic, but your reader may not be aware of those.)
What information do I need to research and add to my paper? (You may need to familiarize yourself more thoroughly with the topic to make a strong presentation.)


Approximately 250 words

Business and Management

Intelligent ERP

Review the SAP presentation, Intelligent Enterprise: Turning Insight to Action, Links to an external site.(access the presentation at SAP as well as download the document at your convenience) and research additional sources online to summarize your understanding of “the intelligent enterprise” and how this impacts the future of business. Compare and contrast with enterprises as they operate today and how they will change 10-20 years from now.
Link to required presentation:


Approximately 250 words

Business and Management


I have attached the rough draft of my paper. All you are doing is writing the script. It says audio, but it’s not, we just write it out. YOU WILL NEED TO READ MY WHOLE PAPER. My company is Hotel/resort but you will see that when you write it. For my name just write XXX and I will fill it out
Here is a link of her explaining what she wants

In your script plan to write what you would say if you recorded the content but no need to record anything. Hi, I am… I am the (state a position) at the ABC company. A brief background on you and the company. Make clear what makes you the best fit to be the presenter. Never assume the board knows, but you can be brief. State that you are here today to talk to the group about it. Just think step by step what you would say if you were standing in front of a group of people. This will get you started :-). Feel free to call if you need to talk about this process.
Does this help?
The script is in lieu of the introduction.
When completing your script, you want to be guided by the appropriate content/talking points from below. I cannot pre-grade. I can give it a quick overview. I hope that helps.
The introduction audio script needs to include the following: Option 1
An introduction to the Capstone Project.
An assessment of the knowledge and competencies that a global human resource leader should possess. Describe how the denoted knowledge and competencies can be acquired and why these KSAs are critical.
Create strategies for transitioning HR from a transactional/process-oriented role to a strategic partner role.


Approximately 250 words

Business and Management

A report on Balenciaga

· Element2: An individual report(2000words)50%ofunit grade.
· The Context: Kering Group: Choose your brand:
· Assume the role of a brand consultant for the luxury fashion company (a Kering company) [Balenciaga]
Indicative Element 2 Report Structure:
For your report, you should follow the structure and indicative content as outlined here:
· Executive Summary (approx. 300 words, not included in the 2000-word limit) Provide a brief overview of your analysis report indicating the key findings from the analysis and the strategic recommendation.
· Introduction (approx. 300 words) Introduce the brand report, its aims and mission statement and briefly describe the context of the brand analysis. Provide the purpose of the report, your aims and objectives, how you will investigate the topic, some data/ information, and the associated limitations.
· Case Analysis (approx. 850 words) Identify the key issue/ challenges and/or opportunities for the brand by analysing the brand’s internal environment and external environment (micro and macro factors). Your analysis, evaluation and critical thinking should be evidenced with research. You should also include theoretical frameworks and concepts that are introduced in the seminars and your previous studies.
· The analysis should be based on academic and reputable business sources, including academic journals / case studies / reports / Mintel / Drapers etc.
· Strategic Recommendation / Solution (approx.850 words) Present and discuss the comprehensive strategic recommendation / solution to rejuvenate the brand. Provide a detailed explanation / rationale that underpins the selection of your strategic recommendation / solution. You can also provide justification for your recommendation / solution. Presented as a consultant, this section should be realistic and valuable to the executive board of the brand and should be based on the case analysis section research. This should include costings and timelines supported with a critical path to execution. You can also provide a brief outline on how to implement your strategic recommendation and any challenges the firm might face during this process. Consider brand extension, internationalisation, sustainability, retailing and marketing strategies if applicable and digitally mockup your proposals.
· References (not included in the 2000-word limit) Ensure that you use Harvard Referencing for all visual and written referenced material. Here include all sources used for your additional research beyond the case study.


Approximately 250 words

Business and Management

Issue Exploration

Your initial submission should include all of the following components:
First, identify your source for this assignment. It should be one news article, available through the UMGC Library, published within the past 12 months.
Content and Organization
Number your answers and/or include the assignment questions so your instructor can see that you addressed each part of the assignment.
Respond to each of the following.
Provide an APA-style reference for the news article you selected. The format for the reference is as follows:
Author, A. A. (Year, Month Day).
Title of article in sentence case. Title of Newspaper in Title Case and Italics.
Although the news article should be available through the UMGC Library, provide the URL directly to the newspaper that published the article.
An APA reference entry does not link to a library database record. It does include the URL of the newspaper homepage, such as
For your instructor’s reference, provide the URL to the article in the UMGC Library. This will be listed as “Document URL” in the library record:
Summarize the article. Explain the event or issue covered in the article, assuming your reader has little or no prior knowledge of it. Answer in 1-2 paragraphs.
Describe a specific real-life situation (other than one discussed in your news article) where the issue at hand has been observed. This could be something that happened to you or someone you know, or it could be a related event in the news. Explain the connection to the event or issue in your news article. Answer in 1-2 paragraphs.
What is your field of study and how do you see it relating to the event or issue in your news article? (Finance Major) Answer in one paragraph.
What do you want to know about the issue or event in your news article? List two or more questions that you could pursue as part of your research. Though you are listing two or more questions here, your research should ultimately be focused on a single guiding question.
Reflection Questions
The reflection questions are to be answered separately. Post these in the “comments” box when submitting your assignment. You can number your answers or write them in paragraph form. Be sure to address all four questions.
Aside from simply meeting the requirements, what were your personal goals for this assignment?
When reviewing your language choices, what choices did you make to approach your goals for staying within or moving beyond conventions for academic writing?
What parts of your work on this assignment are you most proud of?
What challenged you in this assignment and/or where do you need additional support from your instructor?
Get the article from :


Approximately 250 words

Business and Management

Responsible Management Challenge for MTN

The task is to simply identify one management challenge MTN (Mobile Telecommmunication Network) Africa is facing
MTN website:
I think maintaining good corporate social responsibility is a good one but im open to other challenges if they’re better to write
Then explain why is it a challenge for them, and why it should be addressed. Contextualise.
Make two or three recommendations on how to deal with the challenge using business functions/models e.g HRM, supply chain, communications etc.
The essay guide will be attached is clearer than my instructions.
I do feel skeptical about the question, you can direct the question wherever you want as long as it meets the requirements of the report. The module is mainly about sustainbility so please place a heavy focus on that. Thank you.


Approximately 250 words

Business and Management

Balancing work and school (Essay for Business course)

For this assignment, you will use the knowledge you have gained in this unit about the basic principles of marketing to review a commercial for a product or service. Please view the following commercial: Balancing Work and School video. A transcript and closed captioning are available once you access the video. In an essay response, you will include the following information concerning the commercial you just viewed:
-What is the product or service offered in the commercial?
-How would you describe the target market for the company that created this commercial? Include such information as age range, likes/dislikes, interests, and life goals of the intended recipients of the commercial’s message.
-How would you describe the specific market segment that the commercial is designed to reach?
-What is the connection between the commercial’s message and the specific market segment?
-Prior to producing the commercial, how would utilizing a marketing research method(s) contribute to reaching the intended audience?
Your essay should be at least three pages in length, and you should use at least two scholarly references, one of which should come from the CSU Online Library. Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment. APA formatting, however, is not necessary.


Approximately 250 words

Business and Management

Portfolio Project Org 400

Based on your analysis, write an assessment about the subject organization’s OM strategy and practices. When writing the assessment, assume the role of a highly-regarded operations management professional commissioned to review, analyze, and describe the organization’s OM for achieving increased sustainable business value. Your assessment should address the following key elements:
– Organization: Name and briefly describe an organization of your choice, including its mission, including its mission.
– Overview: Provide an overview of this paper so the reader gets familiarity with the purpose, content, and overall organization of the paper.
– Operations Management: Define OM and relate the subject organization’s mission, operational strategy, and productivity measurements; compare and contrast OM with project management.
– OM Forecasting: Define forecasting in the context of OM, identify the subject organization’s forecasting methods and practices, relate the Seven Steps in the forecasting system to the subject organization, highlight potential ethical considerations related to the subject organization’s forecasting, and recap applicable lessons learned based on your forecasting simulation experience.
– Define Operations: Define design of goods and services and relate it to the subject organization, and highlight OM process, location, and human resource strategy in the context of the subject organization.
– Quality Management: Define quality and identify common OM quality management best practices, identify the subject organization’s quality management methodology, and recap the applicable lessons learned based on your quality management simulation experience. Additionally, build a house of quality to show 5 customer requirements and product/service characteristics to meet them. Explain the process of product characteristics selection and how these customer requirements are met.
– Human Resources, Job Design, and Work Measurement: Define the role of job human resources, job design, and work measurement in ensuring competitiveness and high productivity for the subject organization.
– Supply Chain Management: Define supply chain management (SCM), designate the subject organization’s SCM strategy and explain the basis for determination, describe the subject organization’s use of technology for SCM, identify potential SCM risks and SCM ethical considerations related to the subject organization, and recap the applicable lessons learned in your supply chain management simulation experience.
– Inventory Management: Define inventory management, its importance, and common inventory models; identify the subject organization’s inventory management practices; identify potential ethical considerations related to the subject organization.
– Operations Manager Job Description: Imagine you are hiring an operations manager for this company. Prepare a comprehensive job description with clearly articulated bulleted duties that describes what’s expected for this role (no more than 2 pages)
– Conclusion: Provide key lessons learned from various sections and a summary of the paper (less than one page).
– References: In addition to our textbook and other material, you will use at least 6 scholarly references (e.g., peer-reviewed journal papers).


Approximately 250 words

Business and Management

Barclays and Lush

I have already wrote about a 1000 words but I have to complete at least 3 thousand words in total. Please use my ( My Draft IB ) to add more words to it until ints 3000+ words. Do not write another essay from scratch. Just add more to what I have wrote please.
Discuss the structures : Flat and Tall and how are they related to Barclays and Lush.
The assignment is about two companies which are Barclays and Lush and how they operate and what type of businesses they are and about marketshare and shareholders and stakeholders.
Use ( Part 3 template ) to help you more about what to add in the essay and what to write about. There is a structure which you have to fill and paste it in my essay, I have done one but did not do the second one.
Please try to be at my same level in writing, tomorrow is my final submission. Thank you very much.


Approximately 250 words

Business and Management

Describing Operational Management

Write a One page Discussion with 2 externel sources (Make sure to do in-cite and cite the references at the end of page as well in APA 7th )
Operations is the internal “function” (i.e. department) of a business where value adding processes are managed. Combining Operations with Procurement (aka, Supply Management or Purchasing), Logistics and ERP systems (i.e., IS) allows companies to satisfy or even delight their customers. Some companies do this really well, leading to satisfied customers and repeat business. Some companies do this less well, leading to dissatisfied customers, negative social media comments, and lost business. Some companies seemed to have less trouble with this before Covid but are now embroiled in supply chain disruptions and not doing so well for their customers.
For your initial post: Describe at least one business experience that has satisfied you as a customer and at least one that has left you dissatisfied. Do you think the problem (or source of success) was with internal operations or supply chain practices? More generally, based on your experience, what should operations and/or supply chain managers do to delight their customers?


Approximately 250 words