Human Relations

Your Diverse Organization

Congratulations! You have been given a lump sum of $2.5 million by a generous angel investor who is willing to support your dream of expanding your U.S business overseas to an African country of your choice. While there is much to consider in regard to developing a strong business, one of the most important aspects of business development, from the investor’s point of view, is creating a diverse and inclusive organizational culture.
In order to receive any of the funds, you are required to present a detailed paper to the angel investor (i.e., your instructor) that includes the following information:
Information about your company, with details about its mission, vision, values, and purpose. Remember that this information should reflect your organization’s commitment to diversity and its high ethical standards.
Details about how your organization will be inclusive of staff, both in the United States and in the African country of expansion.
Details about how creating an ethical culture that focuses on diversity will enhance your organization’s operations, productivity, and profitability
Four well-developed workplace policies that promote ethical and diverse behavior (e.g., demographic, cultural, thought, etc.).
A well-developed plan for how leaders and managers will address conflict related to ethics and diversity and which encompasses an explanation of how this plan uses effective conflict-management skills
How the success of the expansion to your African country of choice will be assessed for effectiveness. Please include an explanation of the cultural challenges you might encounter in this country (using Hofstede’s dimensions)
Write a 9-12 page paper (not including the required title and reference pages).
Your paper must be properly cited and formatted according to the CSU Global Writing Center Links to an external site..
Include a formal reference page.
This is an individual paper; however, you should reflect on our discussion forums and incorporate ideas from there, as appropriate.
You must support your analysis with at least 12 scholarly references which can include resources from this course.
The CSU Global Library Links to an external a good place to find credible sources. You cannot use Wikipedia or any CSU Global assignment. For this assignment, a credible source is defined as:
A scholarly or peer-reviewed journal article.
A government-based website or publication.
A trade or industry journal article, publication, or website (including those from trade organizations, such as and


Approximately 250 words