Business and Management

Course operation management

Your response for the major project might vary in form. Most students will likely choose to create a Word document and write a full-length report. There is no minimum requirement on the length of such a report – but you should feel like you have covered the topic. You might also choose to send me other types of response materials, if useful.
All responses must include at least a single-page executive summary and a detailed list of references. The executive summary should be a complete report all on one page. The references can be in any style, but they should include all your sources, including personal interviews, if any. Your work should indicate a depth and breadth of research in the topic. Many of the options below could be satisfied by “telling a story” – but the story should be augmented by your reflections, and your reflections should be augmented by your scholarly research into general theory and into the experiences of other firms.
If you need help finding good material to read so that you understand more about the assignment you choose, please do not hesitate to ask me.
The “ideal” response would be a piece of work worthy of being published as an HBR reading or HBS case study. Not that I actually think you have time to produce such a product between now and the due date – just think of it as the highest possible goal.
LARGE ASSIGNMENT OPTION #3. Lean improvements
Create an action plan for Lean in an organization you choose. Either pick an existing process that could be “leaned”, or describe how a new process could be created using Lean principles. Your response should show that you understand the measures typically used in Lean, and the usual steps involved in applying Lean principles.
You can use Lean in a service organization. It does not have to be manufacturing.
If you choose this option, I strongly encourage you to also do the “7 Wastes” and also the “Toyota Case Study” for your “small” assignments, so that you understand more about Lean.
Please remember: I do not care if you use the word “Lean” in this description. The word “Lean” was pushed forward by James Womack, author of The Machine that Changed the World. It is the most commonly used word to describe the Toyota Production System. Toyota does not use the word Lean themselves, and if you dig around you will find many people who try to avoid that word when talking about Toyota’s methods.
People who practice these methods might call them instead: “Kaizen”, “JIT”, or “Toyota Production System”.
Thank you for giving me the plagerism at the end of your work
and mention the sources


Approximately 250 words