
five models of evidence-based practice

• Context: Total knee arthroplasty (TKA) carries with it a risk of potential hypothermia and significant pain subsequent to the operation. The potential link between heightened postoperative pain and this associated risk of hypothermia requires further research.
• Objective: To determine whether the use of warming gowns during the TKA procedure has a positive effect on a patient’s postoperative pain. For further reference, locate the following article on the internet:
° Benson, E., McMillan, D., & Ong, B. (2012). The effects of active warming on patient temperature and pain after total knee arthroplasty. American Journal of Nursing, 112(5), 26-33.
Step 2 Review the five models.
Review the five models of evidence-based practice:
• PICOT Model for Writing Questions,
• The lowa Model of Evidence-Based Practice to Promote Quality Care
• Multidisciplinary Evidence-Based Practice Model
• Care Bundles
• Stetler Model of Research Utilization
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Step 3 Write a two-page (500-word) paper using APA 7.0 format style..
Write a paper briefly illustrating how each of the five models might be used in nursing practice. Use the article provided as the research problem in question. Address the following questions in your paper:
Briefly summarize the five models of evidence-based practice.
• How might each of these models be implemented in practice to the research problen describec-in the article?
• Which model(s) would you recommend for implementation to this research problem?
• Conclude your paper with your recommendation of which of the model(s) would best be applied to the research problem and why?
• Be sure to cite all resources used to complete the assignment and include a reference list in APA 7.0 format style.
Step 4 Save and submit your assignment.
When you have completed your assignment, save a copy for yourself in an easily accessible place and submit a copy to your instructor using the dropbox.


Approximately 250 words