

Paragraph 1: Reading and Writing Skills
It is especially important in an online class that you have good reading and writing skills.
Ask yourself the following questions and then write a paragraph (several detailed sentences) summarizing your answers. If you don’t read well or are not a good writer, but choose to take the class anyway, explain what steps you will take to succeed. Can you complete and understand the assigned reading with little or no discussion?
Are you able to read others’ writing – both your instructor’s and your fellow students – and understand what they mean?
Are you able to write clearly and concisely, with few grammatical or spelling errors?
Are you able to follow written directions to complete an assignment, and willing to ask questions when you don’t understand what to do?
Paragraph 2: Computer and Technical Skills
It is important that you have the appropriate equipment, technology, and abilities to succeed in an online class.
Ask yourself the following questions and then write a paragraph (several detailed sentences) summarizing your answers. If you don’t have the necessary equipment, technology, and/or abilities, explain what steps you will take to be successful.
Do you own a relatively new computer (<4 years old) and/or are you able to use a computer workstation on the college campus or at a public library? Do you have a fast (broadband) internet connection, either through a cable modem or DSL, or are you able to use a computer workstation on the college campus or at a public library? Are you able to upload/download files? Use email? Interact on a discussion forum? Are you able to type fairly rapidly and use basic programs such as a word processor? Paragraph 3: Time Management You will do at least as much work - maybe more - in an online course as in a regular traditional face-to-face course. Therefore, it is important that you determine whether you have time to take the course and, if so, how you will manage your time so that you can be successful. Ask yourself the following questions and then write a paragraph (several detailed sentences) summarizing your answers. If you don’t have a lot of time, don't have good time management skills, and/or tend to procrastinate, explain what steps you will take to be successful in this class. Are you able to schedule some time online several days each week? Are you able to spend the required 9-12 hours/per week on this class? Do you procrastinate, waiting until the very last minute to take quizzes, write papers, and complete assignments?


Approximately 250 words