Religion and Theology

Write a researched, persuasive paper identifying two main fallacies of Islam discussed in An Introduction to Christian Worldview: Pursuing God’s Perspective in a Pluralistic World

Write a researched, persuasive paper identifying two main fallacies of Islam discussed in An Introduction to Christian Worldview: Pursuing God’s Perspective in a Pluralistic World. The pages which discuss Islam in An Introduction to Christian Worldview: Pursuing God’s Perspective in a Pluralistic World are pages 292-320. I will attach the actual pages as a document for reference as the fallacies must be drawn from this particular excerpt on Islam – pages 292-320 only. Present a strong, assertive position in the thesis and thoroughly defend that position with substantial research and solid reasoning.
The paper must be 4 pages in length (Not including the title page and works cited page) and include a Works Cited Page.
Additional items needed are as follows :
1. A title page,
2. Research Proposal
3. Annotated Bibliography
4. Outline – 1 page in Length
As a note, the Works Cited page should be in MLA format. No annotations, only include sources cited in paper.
The paper CAN NOT contain any of the following:
1. No first or second person (I, my, we, our, you)
2. No contractions (don’t, isn’t), slang, or clichés
3. No exclamations (use words, not punctuation, to emphasize points)
4. No questions (the task is to inform, not make readers wonder)
Four sources must be cited throughout the paper as follows:
1. An Introduction to Christian Worldview: Pursuing God’s Perspective in a Pluralistic World MUST BE USED AS A CITED REFERENCE
The other 3 cited sources must be a combination of the following:
2. At least two additional sources must be Print/Online Database sources.
3. Only one website can be used.
Please note that sources that originally appeared in print but can be accessed electronically through online databases/are not considered websites.
Sources must be clearly cited in the paper and be included in the Works Cited page and annotated bibliography
The following formats and guidelines must be noted as well:
1. MLA Format
2. Title Page (no MLA heading when using a Title Page)
3. Last name and page number in running header, start on second page
4. Font: Times New Roman, size 12, double spaced
5. No footnotes


Approximately 250 words