American History

Who govern in america

essay Question (20 points)
Based on reading (pdf format) “American Government and Civic Engagement”, write a one page essay to discuss the following question: Who govern in America?
Remember: essays always include a title, introduction, body, conclusion and bibliography. For example, for this particular assignment, your essay must have at least 3 paragraphs one for the Introduction, at least 1 for the body, and one for the Conclusion)
Your answers and Essay must:
1) Be doubled spaced and written in Times New Roman, Font of 12″, Margin of 1″x1″
2) Written in proper English Grammar, spelling, sentence structures (.5 points penalty per grammar error and misspelling
3) Include your first and last names
4) Late Assignments will automatically be graded as D, a passing grade
Note that your grade will be based on the content of your answers and your writing skills (grammar, spelling, sentence structures, etc)


Approximately 250 words