Business and Management

Solve the critical thinking activity of Ch 18 from book Quality ManageMent for organizational excellence introduction to total Quality

SPC Review
Review the section “Statistical Process Control Defined.” Explain how environment and the Five M’s can affect processes used in the following:
A hardware store
A hospital
An accounting firm
A newspaper
A factory
A new-car dealership
Explain the relationship that exists between the histogram and the control chart.
Contrast the histogram’s characteristic of representing a “snapshot” of a process with a control chart.
Defend the statement that the operator of the process should be the owner and data plotter of the control chart, as opposed to a person from quality assurance or engineering, for example.
Comment on the significance of this statement: “Control chart parameters must be statistically derived and cannot simply be specifications or some arbitrary values that are based on production expectations.”


Approximately 250 words