
Examine the Consequences of Unethical Behaviors in a Nursing Master’s Program and the Nursing Practice

The standard unethical practice in a nursing Master’s program is plagiarism. Plagiarism is unethical because the student takes someone else’s work without referencing or acknowledging their source. The consequences of plagiarism if often dire to the student because it could lead to failing the course, failing the assignment, and in extreme cases, expulsion or discontinuation (Ewing et al., 2019). That action derails the learning process when a learner submits work that is not there through copying and pasting from a source without properly citing it. Nursing is a practical course where a patient’s life depends on the caregiver’s knowledge and expertise. Nursing graduates taking master’s programs should strive to promote ethical research and learning behaviors.
Falsification of patient records is unethical behavior in nursing practice. When a nurse falsifies the record of patients to see that they have already received care, they go against traditional set practices and standards to ensure that patients are treated. In addition to affecting patient treatment, falsification undermines the healthcare system’s integrity and can harm patients. Another consequence is that it undermines the trust between healthcare providers and can lead to wrong treatment decisions and diagnoses (Fargen et al., 2016). Besides affecting the patient, the nurse could also be negatively affected. The nurse could lose their license, be disciplined by the employer, or face criminal charges. The reputation of the health facility could be affected, including the nursing profession. Nurses should always be considerate and ensure that their patients are treated with care. They are sometimes regarded as first responders and are usually in touch with the patient compared to other healthcare providers. It means falsifying patient data could have a ripple effect on the entire treatment process.
Nursing practice and nursing master program ethical practices are comparable. In examining the relationship between data falsification and plagiarism, we consider creating a culture of best practices to promote ethical practices. A learner who has cultivated hard work and appreciates other people’s work would rarely want shortcuts (Klocko, 2014). As a master’s student and a nursing practitioner, striving to keep those standards are essential. If a nursing student is found to be plagiarizing, then they may lose their practicing license or find it difficult to get employment. In addition, there would be a loss of trust and credibility and difficulty finding malpractice insurance. Plagiarism and falsifying patient data are two unethical practices affecting the nursing profession. It is essential for nurses to always stick to ethical practices during learning and when practicing. Nursing is a profession at the forefront of primary patient care and should always adhere to ethical standards.
Ewing, H., Mathieson, K., Anast, A., & Roehling, T. (2019). Student and faculty perceptions of plagiarism in health sciences education. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 43(1), 79-88.
Fargen, K. M., Drolet, B. C., & Philibert, I. (2016). Unprofessional behaviors among tomorrow’s physicians: Review of the literature with a focus on risk factors, temporal trends, and future directions. Academic Medicine, 91(6), 858-864.
Klocko, M. N. (2014). Academic dishonesty in schools of nursing: A literature review. Journal of Nursing Education, 53(3), 121-125.


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