
Managerial Accounting in the 21st Century

The goal of this research project is for students to learn more about international accounting standards.
Professional Topic Research Paper Assignment: The purpose of this assignment is for
students to research and learn about current topics/issues in international accounting. Students
will identify topics in international accounting (Textbook TOC could be used to identify topic),
research more about the chosen topic, and write an APA paper on their findings. The discussion
and analysis of the paper must be at least 6 pages (the cover page, outline, and reference page
are not part of the 6 pages).
2. The research topic selection must be posted to the assigned proposal topic assignment
discussion thread by the end of the first Module.
The research must be conducted using peer-reviewed trade, online CPA journals, accounting
organizations, academic journals, and other reliable online resources. While Blogs, Wikipedia,
encyclopedias, popular magazines, newspaper articles, online websites, etc. are helpful for
providing background information, these resources MAY NOT suitable resources for this
research assignment. However, it depends on topic selection. It is important to double check with
teaching faculty.
Please Note: The Library staffs are very helpful with assisting students in using the Online
Library journal database. Please contact them if you have issues.
Assignment Requirements:
1. Choose a research topic by the end of Module 1. If you do not know what to select, it is
critical to ask teaching faculty by posting questions within weekly Q/A discussion thread.
2. Research/find a minimum of at least 10, preferably 5 different peer-reviewed journal
articles on your topic from the University Library online business database. Online
reliable resources can be used as well. It is important to check with faculty, if you are not
sure about your resources.
3. The article(s) must be current/published within the last five (5) years. (The one exception
is for the accounting history of chosen topic – hard to find current articles on the
accounting history).
4. Write a 6 pages double spaced paper in APA format discussing the findings on your
specific topic in your own words. Note – paper length does not include cover page,
outline, and references page. Students cannot use quotation marks for this short research
5. Structure your paper as follows (Please review the course syllabus for due date of each section
below). This is just a sample structure. Teaching faculty will provide feedback and observation
for each section accordingly.
a. Cover page
b. Outline/table of contents
c. Introduction section
d. Discussion section: students must integrate resources fully and support the
discussion with in-text citation.
e. Conclusion
f. References
MBA560 Research Project
6. Below are weekly schedules and requirements.
Module 1:
Research Assignment: Students must review the research assignment requirements and post a
potential research project topic to share with faculty by the conclusion of this Module. The
individual assigned group discussion thread can be found under Activities Menu/Group.
This is where teaching faculty provides supports during the duration of this project.
Module 2:
Research Assignment:
At this point, students should have established a concrete topic for the research project. During
this Module, students must conduct research thoroughly. It is imperative for students to
communicate with faculty on a regular basis with their progress during the duration of this
Module within the individual assigned research discussion thread. This is where teaching
faculty provides supports during the duration of this project. The initial outline is due by the
end of this Module.
Module 3:
Research Assignment: At this point, students should have established a concrete topic for the
research project. It is imperative for students to communicate with faculty on a regular basis with
their progress during the duration of this Module within the individual assigned research
discussion thread. The initial outline must be revised and upload to the discussion thread by the
end of this Module. Most importantly, the initial draft of the project is due by the end of Module 4.
Module 4:
By the end of this Module, students should post the initial draft of the research project to the
assigned Research Project Discussion thread. It is important to not post the MS Word file.
Students must copy and paste the project discussion into the discussion post. Faculty will provide
feedback and observation for improvements directly from the discussion post. Most
importantly, the second revision draft of the research project is due by the end of Module.
Module 5:
By the end of this Module, students should post the second revision draft of the research project
to the assigned Research Project Discussion thread. It is important to not post the MS Word
file. Students must copy and paste the project discussion into the discussion post. Faculty will
provide feedback and observation for improvements directly from the discussion post. Most
importantly, the final copy of the research project is due by the end of Module 7. This is the
last observation and review for improvements.
Module 6:
MBA560 Research Project
During the duration of this Module, students should work on the revision of their revision draft
after they have received feedbacks from teaching faculty. Students are encouraged to upload the
second draft to the research assignment draft Dropbox to check for APA issues by the end of
this Module. Students must download the Turnitin report and make changes to each matching for
the discussion section of the research project. Students should ignore the matching of the cover
page and the reference pages of the project. Most importantly, each matching of the discussion
section must be less than 3 percent. No quotation mark usages are allowed for this research
project. If students have questions, it is important to post questions within the assigned research
discussion thread. The final copy of the research project is due by the end of Module 7.
Outline for Paper due by 01/27/23
Initial revisied outline due by 02/04/23
Intitial draft due by 02/11/23
second revision Draft due by 02/18/23
Final paper due 02/26/23


Approximately 250 words