
White Paper

There are many places to influence the federal legislative process. Professional organizations often hire full or part time lobbyists to present the consensus of a group on an issue. By becoming an active member of a professional organization, health care administrators can raise issues and testify before Congressional Committees.
This week, it is important for you to be able to analyze different positions and formulate your own position on an issue. You will write a white paper to communicate why a professional group should consider delivering a one-page position paper on your specific position on this issue.
Research health position papers and briefings from a healthcare organization such as the American Nurses Association (ANA), American Medical Association (AMA), American Hospital Association (AHA), or specialty organizations such as critical care, emergency care, etc. Choose one topic or area that interests you most.
Review the following samples of health care policy white papers:
The Healthcare Executive’s Role in Ensuring Quality and Patient Safety
American Public Health Association Policy Statements
ASTHO Policy and Position Statements
American Academy of Pediatrics Healthy Foster Care America
Formulate your own individual position on your chosen topic based on your research of other organizational position papers.
Write a 3-to-4 page paper, in APA format, describing the issue it addresses, how it relates to health care policy that impacts the administration of healthcare organizations, and includes your individual position.
Organize your position paper according to the following structure:
Introduce the issue with data supporting the importance in your particular state or community.
Support why this issue requires legislative attention.
Analyze how various approaches might impact the administration of healthcare organizations.
Cite other organizations’ suggested approaches.
Explain why your suggested approach addresses the problem in keeping with the philosophy of the right care at the right time and place, with the least expense to the healthcare system (payers, providers, and patients).


Approximately 250 words