American History

American history

answer four of the five questions listed below. As part of each question, you will find a set of terms and phrases. Make sure that you use those terms and phrases in answering that question. A significant part of your grade for that answer will be based on how intelligently or meaningfully you use those terms and phrases in constructing your answer for that question. When typing your answers, please highlight those terms and phrases in bold or italics so that it is easy for me to locate them in your answers.
Each of your answers has to be a minimum of 250 words and a maximum of 500 words (please specify the word count for each answer at the end of that answer). While your answer can exceed 500 words if you feel necessary, it should not be fewer than 250 words. Points will be deducted for word counts less than 250. Answers should be double-spaced, in Times New Roman; 12-point font size
Question 1:
Like all modern representative democracies, the American democracy needs political parties, even though George Washington lamented their existence and warned the dangers of parties and partisanship for the health of democracy. What general functions do political parties perform in a representative democracy? To what extent do the parties in the United States fulfill those functions? Also, how are the political parties related to interest groups and social movements? In constructing your answer, make sure to use the following terms and phrases in a meaningful way:
– Political party
– Primary elections
– National conventions
– Political machines
– Partisanship
– Two-party system
– Minor parties
– Interest group
– Social movement
– Political action committees
– Lobbying
Question 2:
Discuss the process, role, and consequence of elections in American democracy, and what determines citizens’ participation in it. In constructing your answer, make sure to use the following terms and phrases in a meaningful way:
– Political participation
– Turnout
– Literacy test
– Poll tax
– Grandfather clause
– Retrospective voting
– Prospective voting
– Primary
– Caucus
– Presidential elections
– Congressional elections
Question 4:
The American public generally considers the president as the most powerful figure in the country’s politics. Discuss whether that is actually true or not or in what ways and to what extent the president can make a difference in the country’s politics. In constructing your answer, make sure to use the following terms and phrases in a meaningful way:
– Presidential democracy
– Parliamentary democracy
– Electoral college
– Veto message
– Signing statement
– Cabinet
– Presidential transition
– Vice-president
– Power of persuasion
– Power to say no
– Impeachment
– The office of the President
– Divided government
– Unified government
Question 5:
The judiciary has a crucial role in the check and balance system in American democracy. Explain what that role is and the ways in which the judiciary checks the other branches of government and is checked by those branches in turn. In constructing your answer, make sure to use the following terms and phrases in a meaningful way:
– Judicial review
– Judicial restraint approach
– Judicial activist or activism approach
– Constitutional Court
– Marbury v. Madison (1803)
– Supreme Court
– District courts
– Litmus test
– Court packing
– Congressional
– The dual sovereignty principle
– Political liberty
– Economy


Approximately 250 words