
Strategic Management Accounting

This is an individual assignment limited to 3,000 words (+or- 10%), excluding the reference list, bibliography and any appendices. The word count MUST be shown on the front cover of the assignment. Note: see quality Handbook Ref AQH-F15 Guidance for students on the penalty for exceeding the limit for assessed work.


Approximately 250 words


Look at the instructions,the%20British%20or%20the%20French).
pls click on the link and do the reading and answer the question in the file . only site from the reading no outside source. after answering the question creat your own question about the reading.


Approximately 250 words

International Affairs/Relations

Interview (submit the interview form provided)

Utilize the following resources for this assignment:
Appraising Security Interview Guide.pdf
INR 3081 Appraising Security Interview Form .docx
Assignment Instructions:
Why is this an important activity?
Learning about and writing an analysis of individuals’ perceptions aids students in distinguishing between stories that are fictional and the real-life dynamics of our world. In addition, it aids in understanding the evolution of security concerns and how those concerns are compared to peoples’ values; thus, mindset (view of the world).
Respondent Questionnaire:
Students will interview an individual from each of the following age groups, 18-39; 40-59; 60-up
Three distinct interviews
Students will utilize the interview questionnaire form in Canvas (see above) for each respondent
Create an alias (a name you made up) or refer to the respondent and Respondent 1 etc.
Submit the interview form provided. (word file only)
Review the interview form available in Canvas prior to your interview
Make sure you provide complete answers to each question that extends beyond a few words (sentences).
Listed in the modules are the deadlines to submit your interview forms for the three respondents.
There is no particular order to submit the respondent answers that are based on one of the age groups listed above. However, integrity is key.
If you do not submit the interview on the specified date outlined, you will be deducted 2pts for each submission not submitted from the final grade.
No late submissions will be accepted.
All assignments for this course require adherence to these specifications:
Font style: Times New Roman; Font size: 12
1-inch margins on all sides of the document
Double spacing throughout the write-up
Separate reference page
Only APA citation style or Chicago citation style; all write-ups require citations and a separate reference page with the list of readings used.
APA citation style
Chicago citation style
Failure to cite any materials used will result in an automatic zero for the assignment.
All assignments must be submitted in MS Word (.doc) format. Failure to comply will result in the assignment being counted as a non-submission.


Approximately 250 words

Communications and Media

Models of Interpersonal Communication

Models of Interpersonal Communication
The discussion assignment provides a forum for discussing relevant topics for this week based on the course competencies covered.
To support your work, use your course and text readings and also use the South University Online Library. As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format.
Start reviewing and responding to the postings of your classmates as early in the week as possible. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ initial postings. Participate in the discussion by asking a question, providing a statement of clarification, providing a point of view with a rationale, challenging an aspect of the discussion, or indicating a relationship between two or more lines of reasoning in the discussion. Cite sources in your responses to other classmates.
Models of Interpersonal Communication
In this assignment, you will apply the models of communication to a communication you have taken part in or have observed.
In this week’s reading, you will read about the following models of communication:
Using the South University Online Library, the Internet, and your text readings, research further on the aforementioned models of communication. Think about a recent conversation you have had or have observed and apply these models to that conversation.
On the basis of your research, understanding, and analysis of your conversation, respond to the following:
Briefly describe the conversation you have had or observed. If you are not comfortable discussing a conversation of your own, feel free to use a conversation from a television program or a movie you have recently viewed. What subject was being discussed? What was said? Provide a brief summary of the conversation.
Choose one of the three models of communication that most accurately fits the conversation. What did you learn about why the conversation was effective or ineffective by applying this communication model? Did the concepts of noise and feedback influence the conversation? How?
Now that you have used the models of communication to analyze the conversation, discuss how the conversation or how a future conversation could be more effective using the prescriptive suggestions and principles of competent communication.


Approximately 250 words


Peer Replies child psy week 1

Review the 4 posts below ( attached) from fellow learners and respond to all 4 posts. Be sure to support your response with scholarly examples from the unit readings, additional literature, personal perspective, and real-world examples where appropriate. You must cite any references according to current APA style.
In your response, you must do one or a combination of the following:
• Ask an analytical question.
• Offer a suggestion.
• Elaborate on a particular point.
• Provide an alternative opinion supported with research.
Your response post should add to the discussion by offering new information or asking a question, not simply agreeing.
**Minimum 50 words per response post (total 200 word minimum). (not including references)


Approximately 250 words


summarizing the provided essay

Why is it important to follow international standards for the compilation of macroeconomic statistics, in particular for national accounts (SNA and ESA standards) and balance of payments (BoP manual)? Describe briefly these standards. Are these manuals set in stone?


Approximately 250 words


Positive vs humanistic

Within the past two decades, positive psychology and humanistic psychology have been at odds over their philosophical foundations and approaches to human well-being. Briefly discuss the historic development of positive psychology and humanistic psychology. Which perspective do you endorse and why? Support your position. Your defense must cite one scholarly article that makes a case for positive psychology and another that argues for humanistic psychology.
Waterman, A. (2013). The humanistic psychology – positive psychology divide: Contrasts in philosophical foundations. American Psychologist, 68(3), 124–133.
Schneider, K. (2011). Toward a humanistic positive psychology: Why can’t we just get along? Existential Analysis, 22(1), 32–38.


Approximately 250 words


The purpose of learning the ropes of policy, politics and advocacy is to influence health care or broader social agendas that influence human health. Discuss a time where you influence health care through advocacy. The discussion must address the topic.

The purpose of learning the ropes of policy, politics and advocacy is to influence health care or broader social agendas that influence human health. Discuss a time where you influence health care through advocacy.
The discussion must address the topic.
Academic articles must include the 2019-2022 period, bibliographic reviews prior to these years are not accepted


Approximately 250 words


Clean Water, Healthy Food

Prepare a 10-slide PowerPoint (PPT) Presentation (including title slide and reference slide)
Your Discussion submission will consist of a PowerPoint (PPT) presentation with brief “speaker notes” that identifies a water-related or food-related disease, explains the main contributing factors for that disease, and investigates how the problem is (or is not) being addressed. The speaker notes for each slide have a paragraph requirement, so be sure to follow the instructions in the template. It is not necessary to provide a recorded audio narration.
The presentation should be for public health professionals in a professional context. A single slide may not contain more than 50 words, so that it can be read at a glance. Remember, this is not an essay, but a brief presentation, which is typical at a professional conference. Your ten slides should include the following:
Title slide
Analysis of the relationship among water (or food) and global health problems.
Explanation of a specific global health problem related to water (or food).
Explanation of three determinants of the chosen problem.
Analysis of how the above determinants may be impacted by climate change.
Explanation of what is or could be done to resolve the problem.
Support your presentation with evidence citing scholarly literature:
Reference slide: Five or more peer reviewed articles, less than 5 years old.
All references must be in APA format (7th edition).
Note: Where you provide a reference, you must cite it in text at least once. Your citations must be in the PPT slide as well as in the speaker notes.


Approximately 250 words


Stimulated field exspierence unit 2

The videos

These videos are what the assignment is about


Approximately 250 words