Business and Management

Lesson 2 Assignment

Your mother is ill with diabetes, and you can’t afford her medicine. In the pharmacy one day, you notice the previous customer forgot that same prescription on the counter when she left. Why might the premise that the ends justify the means lead you to steal the pills?
Why might the premise that the means justify the ends lead you to return the pills?
Bernie Madoff was very good—though obviously not a perfect—fraudster. He got away with a lot for a long time. How could the duty to develop one’s own abilities be mustered to support his decision to become a criminal?
In the Madoff case, what duties could be mustered to refute the conclusion that he did the right thing by engaging in fraud?
Madoff gave up most of his money and possessions and went to jail for his crimes. Is there anything else he should have done to satisfy the ethical duty of reparation?


Approximately 250 words



The graduate analyzes assessment data to draw conclusions about students’ progress and address any gaps in learning.
In this task, you will analyze the data set provided via the attached “Data Set
Assignment Form” by reporting summative proficiency scores for students, explaining the method used to determine those scores, and disaggregating the data based
on student subgroups. Then, you will evaluate the data to draw conclusions
about individual student and whole-class proficiency, aberrant patterns or
outliers, and student learning at the subgroup level.
A. Analyze the assessment data from the attached “Data Set Assignment Form” by doing the following:
1. Submit a table reporting an overall summative proficiency score for each student for the measurement topic.
2. Explain how the summative proficiency scores in part A1 were determined.
3. Disaggregate the data according to student subgroups.
B. Evaluate students’ summative scores by doing the following:
1. Draw conclusions about student learning based on patterns of scores at the
individual student and whole-class level.
2. Draw conclusions about any outliers or aberrant patterns present in the data set
at the individual student level.
3. Draw conclusions about student learning at the subgroup level based
on the disaggregated data.
B3 subgroups
The work duly notes the proficiency level of each subgroup. The evaluation is insufficient because noting the proficiency levels of subgroups does not meet the criteria for conclusions about student learning.


Approximately 250 words


Final Project PSY 550 Week 9

This is a FINAL DRAFT and piecing together the previous two papers and making them as ONE. This paper is already almost structured just needs to add the remaining sections from the rubric.
I will attach two previous papers as well as the rubric. Please make sure all is addressed in rubric.


Approximately 250 words


Project Plan

I have done a rough draft of this assignment but I am missing a lot of key points. I need a writer who can take what I have already done and make it better and stronger. I have attached my work as well as a brand-new template for you to use.
Please do not take this assignment on if you can not deliver what I am needing


Approximately 250 words



Consider that you are a sustainability consultant for a company of your choice and that you have to assess the company’s ethical culture and CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) practices. Then you have to formulate concrete suggestions for Sustainability initiatives contributing selected SDGs. You will have to submit a report between 1,100-1,500 words double spaced.
You may consider questioning the following:
• What does a meaningful engagement by business with the SDGs consist of?
• What does aligning the company’s activities to the SDGs mean? And how can we ensure that this does not just become another branding exercise and actually contributes to change?
• In the hope of encouraging new thinking and new action, what can I suggest for the company to start making a more meaningful contribution to delivering the SDGs?
• What is the impact of covid-19 pandemic and current crises on corporate social responsibility? How did organizations change their priorities? How are they reimagining their social responsibility?


Approximately 250 words

Business and Management

United Parcel Servic

Reflect on information found in research about United Parcel Service (UPS) and identify a minimum of 5 important things you learned, i.e., industry weaknesses, competitor threats, trends, economic/risk factors, future opportunities, etc. When writing about the 5 important things you learned, integrate how each of these items learned will help you solve a problem, address a situation, or fulfill a need at United Parcel Service (UPS). The write-up of each of the 5 items should be a paragraph in length. This means you should have a minimum of 5 paragraphs for your 5 items.
In researching the selected firm, you will need to keep in mind that you are not an advocate for the firm but instead are an objective source of information for upper management. When making recommendations for upper management, think in terms of what they need to know in order to improve the firm’s overall performance.
In the end, you should have 5 important things you learned, 5 relevant problems, and 5 scholarly or professional sources.
Please make sure that all professional sources are from the United States


Approximately 250 words

Business and Management

Lesson 1 Assignment

Choose 5 questions to write about out of the following. No less than 2 pages of content.
What is the difference between brainwashing and an argument?
What does it mean to dispute an argument on the basis of the facts?
What does it mean to dispute an argument on the basis of the values?
What does it mean to dispute an argument on the basis of the reasoning?
What are two ways business ethics decisions may affect lives outside work?


Approximately 250 words


Module 1: Database Search Paper

Search Google Scholar or a bibliographic database like CINAHL using a simple keyword relevant to a clinical topic of interest.
Find an evidence-based practice article, systematic review, practice guideline, or research report from a non-American author and center. Examine the author’s details to determine what country the scholar comes from.
Read the source and write a 1- to- 2 page paper summarizing the article and its focus and explaining if the focus is relevant to nursing care in the United States. Include your opinion on how the perspective is similar and different from a typical U.S. perspective.
Submission and Assessment Guidelines
The activity should follow APA (7th ed.) format and be no more than 1–2 double-spaced pages in length. This does not include the title or reference pages.
Be sure to cite your sources.
Submit your written assignment as a Microsoft Word document


Approximately 250 words



The graduate designs assessments that measure how well students have mastered
specific knowledge and skills described in local, state, or national learning standards.
In this task, you will create a proficiency scale.
Using that proficiency scale, you will design an assessment blueprint and create sample items for that assessment.
Part I: Create a Proficiency Scale
A. Complete the “Proficiency Scale Template” section of the attached “Proficiency Scale and Assessment Blueprint Template” by doing the following:
Note: The work you completed for Task 1 could be incorporated into this task.
While this is recommended, it is not required.
1. Identify the subject, grade level, and standard that will be used for the proficiency scale.
Note: Remember to cite the source of each identified standard.
2. Write a focus statement and measurement topic related to the standard identified
in part A1.
3. Create a proficiency scale for one specific measurement topic (e.g., organisms, samples, reading strategies, the sun and earth, body control, federal taxes, landscape patterns, personal health goals).
4. Identify whether the proficiency scale was designed to measure declarative knowledge, procedural knowledge, or both.
Part II: Design an Assessment
B. Create an assessment blueprint using
the “Assessment Blueprint Template” section of the attached “Proficiency Scale and Assessment Blueprint Template” for the proficiency scale from part A by doing the following:
1. Identify the taxonomy level of the specific skills or content knowledge for each level
of the proficiency scale.
2. Identify which types of items (e.g., matching,
multiple choice, short written response, essay) are logical for each level considering
the complexity of the specific skills or content knowledge for that level of the scale.
3. Identify the number of items for each level of the selected proficiency scale to prompt the best evidence of student knowledge.
4. Write one sample assessment item for each level of the selected proficiency scale.
You do a nice job providing the type of knowledge needed by noting the procedural knowledge needed to master content in the existing proficiency scale. You demonstrate an effective understanding of the type of items that should be assessed at various levels by incorporating essays and more complex tasks at higher proficiency levels and multiple-choice tasks at lower proficiency levels. Please see the comments in the rubric for needed revisions.
A3 proficiecy scale
The work provides a sufficient overview of a proficiency scale with
four different levels. The submission is not accurate because the proficient (target) level
should align with the expectation of the standard and focus statement, and it is not clear
why the learning target proficient level is written differently in Part I and Part II.
The response clearly identifies that procedural knowledge will be measured. The
work is not complete because revisions to the proficiency scale could impact the development of this aspect.
B1 skills or content knowledge
The submission adequately outlines a
variety of taxonomy levels that will be addressed. The work is not complete because
specific taxonomy levels for some learning targets may need to be adjusted after revisions to the proficiency scale are made.
B2 item types
The work provides a sufficient overview of a proficiency scale with four
different levels. The submission is not accurate because the proficient (target) level
align with the expectation of the standard and focus statement, and it is not clear why the
learning target proficient level is written differently in Part I and Part II.
B3 number of items
The response clearly outlines the number of items for each existing
proficiency level. The submission is incomplete because revisions to the proficiency scale
may impact the number of items needed to assess the learning targets.
B4 items
The sample assessment items are briefly identified in the graphic organizer. The submission is not complete because revisions to the proficiency scale are needed.


Approximately 250 words


Discuss the differences and similarities between quantitative, qualitative and mix methods research studies.

Discuss the differences and similarities between quantitative, qualitative and mix methods research studies.
Academic articles must include the 2019-2022 period, bibliographic reviews prior to these years are not accepted


Approximately 250 words