
Module 2 Assignment

Module #2 Assignment: Sources of Crime Data
In this assignment compare and contrast the Uniform Crime Report and National Crime Victim Survey. Be sure to address the following:
What kind of data each method collects?
How each method collects their data?
Explain the strengths and weaknesses of each method.
Answer the prompt stated above in a Word document.
Your response should be supported by the material, not your opinion.
Include at least 500 words, but no more than two pages.
Use APA format and include in-text APA citation.
Format the Word Document as directed.
Times New Roman Font, 12-point
double spaced with 1- inch margins on all sides.
Include the assignment number, your name, and the due date at the top of the Word Document.
No title page is necessary.
Grammar and proper sentence structure are a part of the overall grade for the assignment.


Approximately 250 words


Explain Personality Theory

For this task, prepare a PowerPoint presentation in which you address the following theorists and their perspectives on personality. The audience for this presentation is an undergraduate class studying personality theories.
George Kelly
Julian Rotter
Albert Bandura
Carl Rogers
In your presentation, you will need to provide an overview of how these theorists suggest people behave in social interactions.
Your presentation should include a discussion of relevant concepts including, but not limited to self-concept, self-efficacy, personal constructs attribution style and locus of control and self-actualization.
Incorporate appropriate animations, transitions, and graphics as well as “speaker notes” for each slide. The speaker notes may be comprised of brief paragraphs or bulleted lists.
Support your presentation with at least three scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources may be included.
Length: 10-12 slides (with a separate reference slide)
Notes Length: 100-150 words for each slide
Be sure to include citations for quotations and paraphrases with references in APA format and style where appropriate. Save the file as PPT with the correct course code information.


Approximately 250 words

Sex Education


to answer study guide 11

to answer study guide 9
From Front Porch to Back Seat: A History of the Date. (OAH Magazine, 2004). a history of the date. 1920s 50s.pdf
Bad girls intro.pdf
kinsey report excerpt.pdf
Gillian Frank. “A Christmas Abortion.” Notches Blog.
Optional Reading
Amanda Littauer. “What can I do to be normal? Queer Female Desire in Letters to Dr. Alfred Kinsey. Notches Blog.–


Approximately 250 words

Military Science

Making Military Service Mandatory

Persuasive Essay for the idea of making military service mandatory for citizens 18 years and older. It needs to have at least 4 strong references. APA 7th Edition. No abstract page.


Approximately 250 words


wellness topic of your choice

For this activity, you will write a short paper introducing a wellness topic of your choice. You may use the topic that you worked with in the previous activity or choose a new topic now that you have reflected further. Review the module resources and the instructor feedback you received on the previous activity. Then, if needed, visit the IDS 402 Library Guide for guidance on how to select and narrow a topic. If you are selecting a new topic, do some preliminary research to ensure that you can address each of the required elements of your project. Please remember that you will not be able to change your topic after the end of this module.


Approximately 250 words

Social work


Review the Learning Resources on financial management and fund development.
Explore People First San Diego’s website, including the sample budget located on the Dashboard. Then, review the strategic plan and SWOTT analysis you completed last week. Using these materials, consider which funding options would be most appropriate for the organization.
Identify three funding options and critically think about the benefits and limitations of each.
Submit a 2-page paper (not including title page or references) in which you:
Analyze three potential funding options for People First San Diego.
Identify the benefits and limitations of using each option. These factors could relate to finances, logistics, efficacy, and more.
Evaluate and rank the options in terms of their promise and feasibility for the People First San Diego organization.
Use the Learning Resources and research to support your Assignment. Make sure to provide APA citations and a reference list.


Approximately 250 words


civil rights

Read and summarize the attached article titled: Do Civil Liberties Really Matter During Pandemics?: Approaches to Coronavirus Disease (covid-19).


Approximately 250 words


Psychological critical perspective relfection

Based on this poem and what you’ve learned about Leanne Simpson in the mini biography and the note about what inspired her, infer her opinion of the federal government’s official apology for the residential school system. Use the Psychological critical perspectives to write a separate reflection. Format: minimum 1 page each, double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12-font. You may use personal pronouns as you are writing a reflection.


Approximately 250 words

Business and Management

Blue Cross Blue Shield

Develop Outline for Final Capstone Project that will be 15-20 pages:
Prepare an outline for the final project you will turn in at the end of the class. The outline must include a cover page, an abstract or executive summary page, the body of the paper begins with the title of the paper and then an introductory paragraph followed by the seven major sections of the paper to be covered through the class. After the seven major sections there must be a heading called Conclusions with Recommendations and the final heading must be the Summary of the paper. The final separate page is the Reference list. The major sections are listed in the Week 1 instructions. In addition to the major sections, the outline must include some initial points under each major section based on the research you complete in selecting your minimum of 5 reference list items. Each reference list item must be cited in the sentences in the outline. The reference list items must be cited in the outline. There should be at least 5 references listed (in APA format 7th edition) that will be utilized throughout the writing of the paper. You must to read the five reference list items. One must be the most recent annual report for your public for-profit corporation.


Approximately 250 words

Business and Management

9-2 Project Submission: Strategic Planning Proposal

I got an F on my final project and need help with improvement.
I upload instructions, replies from the professor, the final assignment, and the rubric.
*** The Executive Summary Should have been a word document not a part of the PowerPoint**** I messed up


Approximately 250 words