
Research Essay – Analyze Social Issue and Two Texts

The broad social issue to be analyzed: The relationship between cultural identity, history, and memory.
Text to be analyzed: Short Story – Bertha by Lee Maracle and Novel Three Day Road by Joseph Boyden
See attached assignment instructions.


Approximately 250 words


What types of problems has the internet helped YOU solve?

Want to know what movies are showing? Need to find a new place to eat? Kids need help with a school project? Have to fix that leaky faucet yourself? With the internet, the answer is just one click away…ok, maybe two or three clicks (or swipes), but it’s there. The internet has made it far easier to solve problems of all types, big and small.
What types of problems has the internet helped YOU solve? Choose one of the topics below. Then, identify a problem you faced and explain how you were able to solve it using resources available on the internet.
1. Personal Development and Improvement
2. Do-It-Yourself
3 .Entertainment or Travel
4. Workplace or Job Hunting


Approximately 250 words


discussion forum

Lower income parents often lack prenatal care. How could this influence the lifespan of the unborn child?
For example, if a family was poor and did not have money to purchase prenatal vitamins, the unborn child might not receive enough folic acid in utero. Lack of folic acid means that a child is at higher risks for a neural tube defect. Neural tube defects can cause spine and brain issues or even death. If the child were to survive, the economic cost would be heavy and the child’s quality of life would be seriously impacted.


Approximately 250 words


Is it better to have siblings or to be an only child?

Essay named is it better to have siblings or to be an only child?
something beetween 210 words to 240 words


Approximately 250 words


Disaster Intervention Presentation

Instructions are attached and please follow the rubric to complete the slides. A total of 10 slides
including title slide and reference slide. Please ensure the speaker notes include a minimum of 300
words per slide with citations from references.
I have attached an article from my class on What is psychological first aid? one of questions for
presentation to help with completing slides. It’s called
“During Time of Trauma – What is Psychological First Aid?”
link attached below if article iwhat I attached doesn’t open
This presentation will be a springboard for my final assignment in (week 8) which will also incorporate postdisaster response to a disaster or crisis. Feedback from this assignment will be provided by
my instructor to assist in preparation for my final assignment so will be putting a order after graded
and feedback to complete presentation for week 8.


Approximately 250 words


Write a 1-2-page, double-spaced essay in response to the prompt above. What challenges to completion do you anticipate you will encounter in your doctoral program? What strategies for successful completion do you anticipate will be the most useful

To prepare:
Review the Marshall et. al. (2017) Reading Excerpt linked above.
Prompt: What challenges to completion do you anticipate you will encounter in your doctoral program? What strategies for successful completion do you anticipate will be the most useful for you, and how will you work toward implementing these strategies to meet your goals?
The Assignment:
Write a 1-3-page, double-spaced essay in response to the prompt above. To present your strongest writing skills, submit an essay that:
Provides a focused and clear central idea that responds to all questions in the assignment prompt with developed ideas;
Integrates relevant and accurate paraphrased and/or quoted and cited evidence from the Marshall et al. (2017) reading excerpt in support of the argument, accompanied by appropriate analysis – you may use your preferred citation style;
Organizes ideas with logical structure, clear paragraphs, and transitional words/phrases;
Uses grammar and mechanics to effectively communicate meaning to readers;
Maintains academic integrity by demonstrating your original work and appropriately paraphrasing and citing relevant information from the Marshall et al. (2017) reading excerpt. Including outside sources beyond the Marshall et al. (2017) reading excerpt provided above is not required for this essay; if you use them, however, then you must cite any information you summarize, paraphrase, or quote in your preferred citation style.
ions. We found that students often needed just-in-time dissertation information. They needed information and explanation of different components of the dissertation, when they were at that stage. We recommend using technology and the availability of virtual learning environments to provide students with dissertation-related resources including pre-recorded lectures.
The reading above is excerpted from the following article which follows the publishing guidelines of the 6th edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association:
Marshall, S. M., Klocko, B., & Davidson, J. (2017). Dissertation completion: No longer higher education’s invisible problem. Journal of Educational Research and Practice, 7(1), 74-90.
To prepare:
Review the Marshall et. al. (2017) Reading Excerpt linked above.
Prompt: What challenges to completion do you anticipate you will encounter in your doctoral program? What strategies for successful completion do you anticipate will be the most useful for you, and how will you work toward implementing these strategies to meet your goals?
The Assignment:
Write a 1-2-page, double-spaced essay in response to the prompt above. To present your strongest writing skills, submit an essay that:
Provides a focused and clear central idea that responds to all questions in the assignment prompt with developed ideas;
Integrates relevant and accurate paraphrased and/or quoted and cited evidence from the Marshall et al. (2017) reading excerpt in support of the argument, accompanied by appropriate analysis – you may use your preferred citation style;
Organizes ideas with logical structure, clear paragraphs, and transitional words/phrases;
Uses grammar and mechanics to effectively communicate meaning to readers;
Maintains academic integrity by demonstrating your original work and appropriately paraphrasing and citing relevant information from the Marshall et al. (2017) reading excerpt. Including outside sources beyond the Marshall et al. (2017) reading excerpt provided above is not required for this essay; if you use them, however, then you must cite any information you summarize, paraphrase, or quote in your preferred citation style.


Approximately 250 words


Recommendation Letter

Recommendation letter by Dean of the faculty, who was former supervisor of that student. Now student is working at Dean’s faculty after graduation. So recommendation should describe my past student years shortly (research period, Bachelor’s) and nowadays working as English language teacher
I tried to explain if you couldn’t get I will write again with other words


Approximately 250 words


The Joint Commission Standards HIMA350 Compliance

HIMA350 Compliance
CO3: Maintain organizational compliance with regulations and standards, such as Join Commission, CARF, and COP and state health departments.
CO4: Develop organizational survey readiness for accreditation, licensing, and/or certification process.
Download the Joint Commission standards PDF manual provided. and review pg.19. These are the Joint Commission standards pertaining to the Information Management (IM) standards for 2014.
Choose at least three (3) or more of the IM standards and discuss how you would ensure compliance with your selected standards.
In a 3 pg. written paper identify the steps for a process that would ensure compliance for each of your selected IM standards.
Things to think about:
Who would be involved in the process?
What types of resources are needed to comply with the standard?
How does the standard specifically relates to HIM and how should the HIM Department be involved in the process?
Requirement: Use proper APA style, 7th edition for your in-text citation, and for your source references.
AHIMA 2018 Curriculum Competencies
Domain V. Health Law & Compliance
V.2. Evaluate compliance with external forces.


Approximately 250 words



Let’s face it, we all have anxiety about different things that can affect us on personal, social, or professional levels. For many, this is the fear of public speaking. Even the most seasoned public speakers experience some level of trepidation before an address.
You may ask yourself any of the following questions …
Will I trip and fall when walking to the podium? Will my tongue stick to the roof of my mouth? Will I be able to pronounce that word? Will they hear my heart beating loudly or see my hand shaking? Will they find me interesting and engaging? Will I be able to connect with my audience?
These are all common fears and questions; but the good news is, there are things we can do to help us overcome these fears and shine in a public forum. Can you share any of those tips and techniques with the class? What has proven effective for you?
NB.Students are expected to approach their academic endeavors with the highest academic integrity. They must cite sources, and submit original work. Any assignment (a paper or presentation) submitted for credit in one course may not be duplicated and submitted for credit in any other course. Use of your own paper or work in a prior course or university is self-plagiarism and a violation of academic honesty. All papers will be submitted to Turnitin, a plagiarism checker in Blackboard. You may review your Turnitin scores in the My Grades area of the course. Academic honesty is central to the institution/student partnership towards student success. Students are accountable for adhering to the Academic Integrity and Academic Dishonesty policies in University Student Handbook.


Approximately 250 words

Business and Management

Exporting Dry Apricots From Turkey to Germany

Hello the outline shoult be as below, I also uploaded some useful documents which the proseffor sent us:
1. The Product (or Service)
Product Information,
Core Competencies,
Brand Positioning,
SWOT Analysis of the Product.
2. The Market’s National Business Environment
(Cultural,Political,Legal Analysis)
2.1 Geography,
2.2 Country History
2.3 Political Outlook
2.4 Legal System
2.5 Consumer Trends & Buying Habits
2.6 Country Demographics
3.1 Economic Trends
3.2 Foreign Relations & Tendency for International Trade
3.3 Trade Barriers
4.1 Product: Product Information, Core Competencies
4.2 Target Market Characteristics
4.3 Target Market Size
4.4 Competition
4.5 SWOT Analysis of the Market
5.1 Product Adaptation
5.2 Pricing Strategy
5.3 Promotion Mix
5.4 Distribution Mode and Channels of Distribution
7. APPENDIX (Tables, charts)
8. References
Additional Information:
ALL essays/projects should not be less than 12 pages and not more than 17pages, excluding tables, appendix, annex, pictures and other attachments these will be in the appendix.
ALL essays and projects should be TYPED, font Times New Roman (word), size 12 and DOUBLE SPACED.
You will prepare your projects in soft form and to be put in ItsLearning on the exam day. Turnitin system will again used to assess your papers and no more than 25 percent of copying will be allowed(else,they will be automatically eliminated by the system)and you get F.
Executive Summary should be written after you finish your studies, should be short and not longer than a page. It should capture the attention of the reader and give an idea about your work at the beginning.


Approximately 250 words