Web design

building applications using React

Answer the following items:
How is an application built with React different from using JavaScript alone–are there specific benefits or detriments?
How does a single-page application behave compared to a standard website with multiple HTML pages?
What challenges did you face in understanding and applying the concepts introduced in this module?



Approximately 250 words


The circumstances that led to the breakup of a friendship

Choose ONE of the topics below and construct a five-paragraph essay, complete
with an attention getter (“grabber”), thesis statement, and strong conclusion.
Ensure you complete the outline prior to writing the essay to help you focus and
develop your topic. The outline WILL NOT be submitted; it is to help you organize
your ideas.
1.“Just don’t give up trying to do what you really
want to do.” – Ella Fitzgerald
2. Your first visit to a large city
3.The circumstances that led to the breakup of a
4.The circumstances that led to a traffic accident
5.Your favourite birthday
the essay has to have a plot, setting, topic sentence before each paragraph, thesis in the first intorduction paragraph and then reword it in the conclusion. the essay is worth 25%so accep only if you are confident to get me atleast 22%
please just go through attached pdfs the professor is extremely particular abou tthe instructions in the essay.


Approximately 250 words



Discussion Board 1: The Criminal Justice System and Criminology
Course-Level Objective(s):
CO.1. Describe the basic theoretical perspectives underpinning how crime is defined and shapes the US criminal justice system.
CO.2. Explain the nature of crime and victimization according to the criminal justice system.
CO.8. Use appropriate evidence from multiple sources to illustrate how a chosen topic is relevant to the field of public safety and security.
CO.9. Convey ideas clearly, coherently, and effectively for a particular purpose, occasion, or audience as appropriate for the field of public safety and security.
Module-Level Objective(s):
MO.1.6 Compare and contrast criminal justice and criminology. (CO.1-2)
– Initial Post: Write a two to three paragraph post comparing and contrasting the criminal justice system and criminology. Include the following in your post:
1 At least 8 of the module vocabulary terms; identify them by highlighting them in bold print.
2 Cite evidence in 7th edition APA form from multiple sources (module readings, videos, etc.); including your in-text citations as well as your references.


Approximately 250 words


Human Research Protection

During this week, you are expected to examine the protection of human subjects in research from early research studies, through the development of research codes to current research standards. The aim is to familiarize you with the ethical issues associated with research and gain firsthand information of the processes used to protect research participants. After viewing each video attached, write two paragraphs about each video describing the purpose of the video and discussed one point from each video that you think is important regarding protecting human subjects in research and provided rationale. Your submission should be 400-500 words, using APA style.


Approximately 250 words


Integrated Mental Health and Wellness

Give an overview of integrated health care organizations and its function.
Include the following in your essay:
Describe the purpose of integrated health care organizations and who the providers are within an organization.
Explain what types of providers/services would be made accessible in an integrated health care organization.
Explain the benefits of these providers being in one location. How would this benefit the clinical delivery to the patients? What would be the benefit to the patient experience?
Explain how an integrated mental health and wellness organization could be a positive benefit as a business.
Describe two advantages and two disadvantages of integrated practice.
Support your information with a minimum of four peer-reviewed scholarly articles.
Resource ideas


Approximately 250 words


Summary of Exclusionalry Rule

After viewing the first video write a summary of the exclusionary rule in terms of purpose, historical development, and amendments. Then view the next video and define, compare, and contrast the concept of “fruits of the poisonous tree” providing examples of each based on reading material and videos. Also, remember for all assignments you should cite to the relevant page number(s) in the course textbook. VIDEO 1 VIDEO 2


Approximately 250 words


Module 1 reflection

Kate Cottle

and Eric Berridge

effectively explain why the Humanities should be important to everyone, but why are they important to you? After you have viewed both of these videos, write a brief paper (200 to 400 words) answering the following prompt:
Why are the Humanities relevant to your life or career goals? How will gaining a better understanding of and appreciation for the Humanities help you better develop yourself?


Approximately 250 words



The assignment has three parts:
Part 1
Please do these readings BEFORE the weekend (you will be assigned two more for Monday):
Thomson: “A Defense of Abortion” ( and Don Marquis, “Why Abortion is Immoral” (, which both discuss abortion. We will take several classes to discuss abortion, but for this class, try to outline (for yourself) the articles (one for, and one against, abortion). What do you think are the main points of these articles? How would you explain them to someone who has not read the articles?
Part 2
In addition to the two readings assigned at the end of last week, do the following:
Review our readings on Virtue Theory from Week 3.
Then read “On the Moral and Legal Status of Abortion” (, by Mary Anne Warren, and “Virtue Theory and Abortion” (, by Rosalind Hursthouse.
Note that it is important to read the Virtue Theory readings BEFORE the abortion readings for this week.
For today’s class, choose a case from the list below. Use that case to prepare a presentation, following the format below:
Choose ONE of these case descriptions, and construct (and write) a short case (either from your experience, from the news, or a fictionalized case) based on that one instance. Then prepare a presentation based on that case, plus two slides.
Summarize the case or caselet by:
1- What is the ethical issue(s) in this case?
2- What are some possible solutions to the case?
3- What reasons support those solutions?
4- What do you think should be done, and why?
5- What are some questions for class discussion?
On your final two slides, construct an argument for EACH side of the question raised by the case (one for, one against) using an ethical theory or principle as the main reason for or against the morality of having an abortion in the case. Try to use ideas from the four articles that you have read to strengthen your argument(s).
So: two valid, defensible arguments, one on each slide. Then, in a sentence or two for EACH premise (one and two) in EACH argument, suggest how one might defend that premise.
To choose your case: Below is s set of difficult instances of abortion, taken from the BBC website (downloaded 2/14/2016):
1- Cases where there is a serious medical problem
a)the pregnancy endangers the life or health of the mother (
b) there are too many fetuses ( in the womb for them all to survive
c)the fetus is so defective ( that it will die later in the pregnancy
d) the fetus is so defective ( that it will not live after the birth
2- Cases where the child will not be ‘normal’
a) the child will suffer from some mental or physical abnormality( that the parents (correctly?) think will very seriously damage its quality of life
3- Cases where the pregnancy is entirely unintentional
a) pregnancy caused by rape
b) pregnancy caused by failure of contraception where the potential parents are not to blame
c) pregnancy caused by a badly done vasectomy
d) pregnancy caused by the parties not knowing that sexual intercourse causes pregnancy
– such cases would include persons who are not mentally capable of understanding this
4- Cases where the pregnancy is unintentional but where risk was taken
a) pregnancy caused by failure of contraception within the known risk of that contraceptive method
b) pregnancy caused by carelessness in the use of contraception
c) pregnancy caused by failure to use contraception
5- Cases where the pregnancy has lifestyle consequences
a) having a child would prevent the mother from achieving some life objective
b) the mother is incapable of looking after a child
c) the mother is incapable of looking after another child
d) another child would lower the family’s standard of living
e) there is not enough food to support the child
f) having another child would result in criminal proceedings against the parent
g) the child is not of the preferred sex
h) coping with the child’s disability would damage the family’s lifestyle
i) coping with the child’s disability would disadvantage existing family children
Part 3
Read Schouten- Fetuses, Orphans, and a Famous Violinist.pdf.Download Schouten- Fetuses, Orphans, and a Famous Violinist.pdf. IN WRITING, from the articles we have read, choose the article that is most challenging to you (that is intentionally broad!). Explain what the challenge is, why it is challenging to you, and how you respond. Be sure to pick an article or point that genuinely makes you question your own view, and explain what is a challenge to your way of thinking.


Approximately 250 words


Return on Investment

Review the two job postings for Korn Ferry (n.d.), a global management consulting firm. In 500-750 words, respond to the prompts below, using the knowledge you have acquired from previous courses, topic readings, and from the two Korn Ferry job postings.
Describe what is unique about business coaching and professional development compared to individual coaching.
List three main qualities an executive or business coach should possess and explain why.
Describe the Return on Investment (ROI) for companies who invest in executive or business coaching.
Use three to five scholarly resources to support your findings. You will be graded based on the evidence and the theoretical research or framework to support your argument or claim.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.


Approximately 250 words


Module 1 discussion HUM 100

As humans we encounter a lot of different situations and experiences, some pleasant, some mundane, some painful. These experiences and our ability to think about and communicate our impressions of them is what makes us human. If asked to describe our most embarrassing experience, we would each have a story and likely a visceral reaction too!
Universal human experiences are those that nearly every human will experience in their lifetime. Despite our different abilities, beliefs, and cultures most of us will experience Love, Grief, Pain, Embarrassment, and many more. In this class, we will investigate the Humanities through 6 universal experiences: Birth, Growth, Emotion, Aspiration, Conflict, and Mortality, but this is definitely NOT a comprehensive list!
Dr. John Rodden, in his speech But Professor, What are the Humanities For?, attempts to describe the purpose of the humanities. In the process, he poses a different question: What are Humans for? Each of us might answer this question in a different way given our experiences, but if you look closely, there are many similarities too! In this discussion board we will tackle the same questions:
Make an initial post (either written or in a 3 minute video) discussing either What the Humanities are For or What Humans are For. How does your answer impact the importance of studying the Humanities?


Approximately 250 words