
he discussion must address the topic

Nurses are well positioned for reforming health care in ways that promote a healthier public and reduce healthcare cost. Discuss the role nurse plays in COVID vaccination mandate, telemedicine, and prescription drug pricing as advocates in the healthcare system.
Rationale must be provided
May use examples from your nursing practice
150 words minimum (excluding the reference)
Minimum of two references in APA format within the last five years published
2 scholarly references. You must post two answers to your peers of 200 words to the same topic


Approximately 250 words


PART 1 Prompt for Reaction Paper #5 & PART 2 DB#4: Religion, State & Nation

I need 1-page papers: for Prompt for Reaction Paper #5
I understand that many of you are pressed for time. So, familiarizing yourself first with the paper prompt allows you to read and listen selectively if that’s what your situation requires.
*******I’m not picky choose the files that best help you for the Prompt for Reaction Paper #5 IN PART 1*******
Read through the news article “The ACLU is Changing—Not Everyone is Happy About That” at the following link:
Prompt for Reaction Paper #5
In recent years, especially since the George Floyd protests of late spring and summer 2020, many traditional (especially older) liberals have expressed concern about the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) shifting its program from “non-partisan” defense of civil liberties to “politicized” advocacy of social justice causes, especially racial justice causes. It is reasonable to suggest that the concern of these troubled ACLU supporters stems partly from the inconsistent and even contradictory messaging of the ACLU’s communications operatives. In their outreach to members of the public via press conferences and social media, the ACLU’s communications people emphasize the systemically racist character of many American institutions and the imperative to reduce (or eradicate) racial disparities. At the same time, much of the ACLU’s social justice-themed advocacy centers on the expansion of programs and services — child allowance payments, postal banking, etc. — that would benefit broad layers of the working and middle classes irrespective of their ethnoracial status.
Questions for you to address in your commentary: 1) In their advocacy work and their public messaging, to what extent and how are the ACLU’s program directors drawing from Critical Race Theory and the New Abolitionism — i.e. both the sociolegal vocabulary and the political content of Critical Race Theory and the New Abolitionism? In your commentary, you need to demonstrate that you have engaged with the article written by Torres, or the article written by Akbar — or both. 2) How might the ACLU programming and messaging resonate differently if it borrowed ideas from Lynd (on collective socioeconomic rights)?
These are not simple questions with straightforward answers, or questions to which there are clearly right and wrong answers. (Although some answers might be “better” than others, in the sense that they show a sound understanding of the texts and issues, are well-reasoned and well-written, and so on.) Do your best to synthesize your commentary on Questions #1 and #2.
Write no fewer than 275 and no more than 300 words in total. Submit your double-spaced essay in Word BY MONDAY 1/16 9:45 PM . I NEED THIS 1 PAGE PAPER BY MONDAY 1/16 9:45 PM.
Links or Files to Help You below will be uplaoded in Upload files
Learning Unit #5 (three parts) Content 5 Folder :
US constitutional order and political development
Content Folder
1)US Constitutional Order and Political Development January 13 2023
US constitutional order and political development—all slides (Orren)
3)Tigar—Original Understanding and the Constitution
4)Tigar—By the Lawyers and for the Judges, An Irreverent History of the Bill of Rights
5)Orren—The Primacy of Labor in American Constitutional Development
Intellectual movements in law and society
Content Folder
1)POWERPOINT SLIDES: Contemporary intellectual movements in law and society January 13 2023
2)RECORDED LECTURE: Intellectual movements in law and society—Slides #1-#7 (Lynd)
3)RECORDED LECTURE: Intellectual movements in law and society—Slides #8-#12 (Torres)
4)Vago & Barkan—Law and Society, Chapter Two (pp. 48-56)
5)Lynd—Communal Rights
6)Torres—Critical Race Theory, The Decline of the Universalist Ideal
7)Akbar—Toward a Radical Imagination of Law
Law, social movements, and social change
1)POWERPOINT SLIDES: Law, social movements, and social change January 13 2023
2)RECORDED LECTURE: Law, social movements, and social change—all slides (Albiston)
3)Vago and Barkan—Law and Society, Chapter Seven
4)Albiston—The Dark Side of Litigation as a Social Movement Strategy
I need two paragraphs on DB#4: Religion, State & Nation
*******I’m not picky choose the files that best help you for the DB#4: Religion, State & Nation*******
Part 3 Religion: Structural Power & Authority
Religion, State & Nation: Despite classical
theorizing that with modernity, religion will
retreat from the public sphere into the private,
religion continues to exert enormous power in
public life, most especially in the organization
of the American state and in our “idea” of
“America,” the nation. Today, we will explore
the secularization thesis: what does secularism
mean? Is America a secular state? Is the
secular-religious divide a real or false binary in
the American context? We will examine the
intersection of religion and state and our
ongoing reality of an uptick in religious
nationalism and its shaping of debates of civic
Links or Videos or Files to Help You below…..
Watch: “Is Religion Declining?” (7:05
minutes) – Religion for Breakfast https://
Listen: “Why Hate Crimes are On The
Rise.” (17:28 minutes), Harvard Religion
Gustavo Morello (2019). “Why Study
Religion from a Latin American
Sociological Perspective? An Introduction to
Religions Issue, ‘Religion in Latin America,
and among Latinos Abroad.’” Religions
10(6):399. doi: 10.3390/rel10060399.
Ron Elving (2022). “Roe draft is a reminder
that religion’s role in politics is older than
the republic”
Tania Ganguli and Sopan Deb (2022).
What to Know About Irving’s Antisemitic
Movie Post and the Fallout https://


Approximately 250 words


Module Six: The Fourth Amendment

Discussion Questions:
This week we are going to talk about the Fourth Amendment.
-For this discussion:
Conduct research online and locate a Fourth Amendment Supreme Court case.
-Post a link to the case.
-Discuss the Fourth Amendment requirements that must be met before a search warrant will be issued.
-Do you think the Fourth Amendment goes far enough to protect citizens against unreasonable search and seizure?
-Why or why not?
In your response posts, provide additional insight into your peers’ ideas.
-What might have been included in your classmate’s initial post that they didn’t consider?


Approximately 250 words

Business and Management

advertising and promtion essay

Five section report: Advertising in a Digital Media Environment- circa 500 words per section, overall word limit 2,500 words.


Approximately 250 words



You will apply your selected role to the assigned case study for this research paper.Which is Patient Advocate.
Research Paper Requirements: APA 7th Edition Style: Research Paper, Title Page, and Reference Page
Length: Two (2) to three (3) pages, excluding the title page and reference page.
Sources: Minimum of four (4) credible references with correlating in-text citations.
One (1) source must be the assigned case study and one (1) source must be from the course content. All sources must be from the last five years unless the sources are seminal works.
Scholarly Evidence: Provide scholarly evidence to support your information throughout the research paper.
Paper Requirements: Provide an introduction, responses to each Aspect, and include a conclusion. Be sure to sufficiently discuss each Aspect (Aspect 1, Aspect 2, and Aspect 3) and address each topic that is listed under each aspect.
Include the Following Aspects and Topics in Your Research Paper:
Aspect 1. Introduction:
(a.) Provide an introductory paragraph(s) that clearly discusses the information that will be presented in the paper. Include your selected job title/role; provide any pertain details regarding the case you want to share; and include your thesis statement.
Aspect 2. Your Role Description with Specific Details
(a.) Explain your selected role/title, providing specific details on:
Job Description: Functions, duties, and/or responsibilities.
Job Requirements: Skills, education, and experience.
Organizational and Reporting Structure: Include your potential immediate supervisors and/or managers; subordinate chain; organizational reporting requirements; and/or the employees you may be responsible for managing.
Professional Growth Goal: Define at least one goal that you have to achieve by the end of this class associated to your selected role and/or title, include how this new knowledge may support you in your current and/or future professional career.
Aspect 3. Your Role to the Assigned Case Study
(a.). Discuss one role-specific managerial point that affects the organizational performance with specific details on:
Description of one (1) job-specific managerial point that affects organizational performance.
Explain how the managerial point may affect the organizational performance from the position of at least two of the following stakeholders: healthcare provider, payer, patient, and/or producer/supplier.
(b.). Apply your job-specific managerial point to the following topics:
A possible organizational outcome for your selected job-specific managerial point.
Provide a brief explanation of the potential organizational solution for this job-specific managerial point.
Summarize how this proposed solution may impact your job/role and how this solution may impact a provider, payer, and patient.
Aspect 4. Your Role’s Interactions
(a.) Describe the potential role interactions that you may encounter to address the organizational performance, based on your possible organizational outcome and proposed solution with details on:
Who are you working with, in what capacity, and why?
Provide one (1) example of an interaction with others that may occur to address the organizational performance and solutions.
Aspect 5. Conclusion:
(a.) Provide a conclusion that rephrases your thesis statement; discusses the importance of the information you shared in the paper; and conveys the broader implications (or bigger picture) to the reader. You may want to include the significance of your findings from your research and the details that you want the reader to remember.


Approximately 250 words


Happiness and success

it’s is rhetorical essay
now that you have read about, watched the PowerPoint on and taken the quiz on rhetorical analysis, let’s discuss how to structure your essay. Here is your prompt:
Paper 1 – Rhetorical Analysis Essay
Everyone uses rhetoric to achieve his/her goals and desires. Some goals and desires seem unimportant; others are obviously a bit more important.
Having read the transcript of the TED Talk by Shawn Achor: “The Happy Secret to Better Work.” and having watched it, analyze its rhetoric.
Decide on the speaker’s purpose and argument, then, analyze which rhetorical strategies he uses to develop said purpose and argument. Why are these effective or why are they not effective?
You must also include a Works Cited page with your paper.
Be sure your paper is well-organized with a clear thesis. Each paragraph should have a clear topic sentence and concluding sentence. It must be typed. Staple your outline and rough draft underneath your final draft and the rubric should be last.
Your paper should be 3 – 4 double-spaced typed pages and MLA formatted – one-inch margins and 12-point font. Use a MLA heading and a header. If a draft is not turned in, your final paper grade will be lowered by one letter grade.
Remember – I do not take late papers.
Here are the steps to take to organize your essay:
1. Prewrite and Outline
A. Do the rhetorical square. Decide on Achor’s purpose, argument, audience and persona.
Keep in mind purpose and argument are very similar, but they are not the same. Purpose
is the “what” – what the writer or speaker wants us to do or believe. Argument is the “how”
he/she persuades us – does he use ethos, pathos, logos, humor, anecdotes (stories),
diction, syntax, parallelism, etc? There are so many language elements you can use for
your paper. You may use one element; you may use four. You may use as many as you
like. It’s your call. You’re the writer; you’re the boss. Audience is important, and you are
analyzing a TED Talk: What do you know about them? Who watches/listens to them?
Persona is oftentimes the hardest. Who is Achor in this TED Talk? Is he advocating,
informing, educating, selling? Is he sad, excited, angry, happy?
B. After you have your prewriting, you will share it on our Discussion Board.
C. After you have shared your prewriting and read your classmates’, do your outline.
Remember, outlines are 50 points, and format counts. Use the format I gave you in the
Writing Process PowerPoint.
2. Structure
A. Your thesis should have Achor’s purpose in it, as well as the rhetorical strategies you will
discuss in your paper.
Each topic sentence should tell the rhetorical strategy you will analyze in that paragraph,
for example, pathos or diction. Next, choose an example, and only choose one. For
example, if you are analyzing pathos, perhaps you will talk about Achor’s story of his
sister and how it made the audience feel. Then, analyze it. This is the most important
part: Why did Achor choose that story? Who cares? So what? Connect it to his
purpose. If you have more than one example per paragraph, you will not analyze each
one fully, so choose only one per paragraph.
B. If you choose to write about different rhetorical strategies, each paragraph should be a
different one. For example, one paragraph discussing pathos, one on anecdotes, one on
logos. If you choose to do your whole paper on pathos, each paragraph will be a different
example of pathos.
3. Do your outline and optional rough draft.
Note: Because our course is accelerated, I am not requiring a rough draft; however, the outline is still required. That being said, I highly recommend you submit a rough draft because I will still expect the final draft to be revised and polished.


Approximately 250 words


Schizophrenia Spectrum- Case study 8

Case Study
Mr. T is a 21-year-old man who is brought to the ER by his mother after he began talking about “aliens” who were trying to steal his soul. Mr. T reports that aliens left messages for him by arranging sticks outside his home and sometimes send thoughts into his mind.
On exam, he is guarded and often stops talking while in the middle of expressing a thought. Mr. T appears anxious and frequently scans the room for aliens, which he thinks may have followed him to the hospital. He denies any plan to harm himself but admits that the aliens sometimes want him to throw himself in front of a car, “as this will change the systems that belong under us.”
The patient’s mother reports that he began expressing these ideas a few months ago, but that they have become more severe in the last few weeks. She reports that during the past year, he has become isolated from his peers, frequently talks to himself, and has stopped going to community college. He has also spent most of his time reading science fiction books and creating devices that will prevent aliens from hurting him. She reports that she is concerned because the patient’s father, who left while the patient was a child, exhibited similar symptoms many years ago and has spent most of his life in a psychiatric hospital.
Remember to answer these questions from your textbooks and clinical guidelines to create your evidence-based treatment plan. At all times, explain your answers.
1. Summarize the clinical case including the significant subjective and objective data.
2. Generate a primary and two differential diagnoses. Use the DSM5 to support the assessment. Include the DSM5 and ICD 10 codes.
3. Discuss a pharmacological treatment would you prescribe? Use the clinical guidelines to support the rationale for this treatment.
4. Discuss non-pharmacological treatment would you prescribe? Use the clinical guidelines to support the rationale for this treatment.
5. Describe a health promotion intervention that would be appropriate for this patient.
Submission Instructions:
Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted, and cited in current APA 7 style with support from at least 5 academic sources.
– No Plagiarism
– Plagiarism report required
Fallow the Rubric
Please if you have any questions, do not hesitate in contact me


Approximately 250 words


Writing – Red Scare

How did the United States government and citizens react to the threat of Communism? In a five paragraph essay, describe the impact on individual civil liberties based on this threat.
No citations, straight essay. In the voice of a high school student.
Please see writing guide for guidance.


Approximately 250 words


Personal Statement

Please see Resume and based of my education and work expereince discuss the following question. Thank you.
Discuss reasons for applying to the BSN-to-DNP Nurse Anesthesia program at the University of Miami and how it fits into personal, educational, and professional goals.


Approximately 250 words

Religion and Theology

Christian Influencers & Influences

Christian Influencers & Influences
Hide Assignment Information
Part One – Assignment Instructions:
The video presented below, holds insights into the origins of the Judaeo-Christian tradition.
To now begin viewing the video.
By way of forming your “Assignment Response”, to the apply ONE “Letter” from the “Study Guide Rubric for Writing ‘Letter” Assignment Responses”.
Unlike your Nolan textbook “Chapter Reviews” where ONE quotation from the literature is required, no quotation from the video is anticipated.
To view the video from the 49-minute / 10-second point to the 1:45.05-second Time Marker Count visible to the bottom left of the video screen.
The 1:45.05 second Time Marker Count interval indicates up to which point in the video to consider when writing your “Assignment Response”.
However, should you opt to do so, to continue viewing the video as you anticipate the following week’s “Assignment Response”.
To then apply ONE “Letter” from the “Study Guide Rubric for Writing ‘Letter” Assignment Responses”.
Write an “Assignment Response” of no more than 300 – 350 words identifying your understanding of the “Letter” question you selected from the Study-Rubric Guide.
Upload your Word .doc containing your “Assignment Response” within the Assignment Page in Brigthspace.
Due Date: Tuesday, January 31st; 11:59pm
Part Two – Assignment Instructions:
To first read the “The Abby of La Grande Chartreuse” article and then view the portions of the “Into Great Silence” video.
The article is located within the Module Two “Content” frame; to open the “Resources” frame.
The link to the video is located both here in the Assignment Instructions as well within the Module Two “Content” frame; to open the “Videos” frame to access the video.
The certainly not a whole lot of dialogue in the video, English sub-titles appear a the lower portion of the video screen which translate from the French spoken:
To then select ONE “Letter” from the “Study Guide Rubric For Writing ‘Letter’ Responses” located within the “Content” frame of the Brigthspace Landing Page.
From a response to the question associated with any ONE “Letter” you have selected from your Study Guide / Rubric.
At the very beginning of your “Assignment Responses”, please indicate the ONE “Letter” you have selected from the “Study Guide Rubric For Writing ‘Letter’ Assignment Responses”.
Carefully READ the method by which to form your Responses located in the Study Guide / Rubric.
Write TWO “Assignment Responses” of no more than 200 words identifying your understanding of the “Letter” question you selected from the Study-Rubric Guide and apply your chosen “Letter” to any two time intervals in the video.
Should you opt to do so, to perhaps, combine two time intervals all within either your first and / or second “Assignment Responses”.
However, even if you integrate two time intervals identified below, to still form TWO distinct “Assignment Responses” each holding at least one segment of the video:
PLEASE indicate at the very beginning of your “Responses” which “Interval Number(s)” you are considering, e.g., “#4 and #6”.
Select ANY TWO of the following 13 Time Marker Counts:
Interval 1: 01 – 30:37
Interval 2: 11:05 – 1:10
Interval 3: 1:13.54 – 1:21.04
Interval 4: 1:26 – 1:31
Interval 5: 1:34 – 1:38.38
Interval 6: 1:38.38 – 1:40
Interval 7: 1:55.25 – 1:58.17
Interval 8: 1:59.40 – 2.04
Interval 9: 2.06.50 – 2.38.38
Interval 10: 2:11.04 – 2:14.24
Interval 11: 2:17.34 – 2:21.25
Interval 12: 2.26 – 2.29.55
Interval 13: 2:36.52 – 2:37.37
No quotation from neither the video nor article is anticipated for “Part Two” of your Module One “Assignment Response”.
Upload your Assignment Response as a Word .doc File on the Assignment Page.
Due Date: Tuesday, January 31st; 11:59pm
Part Three – Assignment Instructions:
Response to the following question:
In what ways were Pope Gregory XIII, Pope Paul III, Henry VIII, Martin Luther, and John Calvin influential in shaping Christianity?
Write ONE very brief paragraph Assignment Response for each of the five individuals reflecting your understanding of how they influenced Christianity in each of their own ways.


Approximately 250 words