
1) Identify, Define, and Apply basic concepts of sociology including culture, status, roles, norms institutions, social class, race, and gender.

Required Reading
Anand Giridharadas (2019) Winners Take All: The Elite Charade of Changing the World.
Vintage ISBN-13: 978-1101972670
Chapters 11 and 12 Open Stax Introduction to Sociology
Due: Tuesday January 17, 2023 via canvas (turnitin) by start of class (no exceptions, please
do not ask).
1. Prepare a 750 to 1,050-word paper that provides a thesis on how the author, Anand
Giridharadas (2019) Winners Take All explains how the rich and powerful fight for equality
and justice any way they can–except ways that threaten the social order and their position
atop it. Please be precise not to write less or more to avoid penalty. In your paper, be sure to
include the following items:
a. Give at least three ways in which this happens. Provide examples for each of the three
ways. This does not have to be limited to the book. Consider using other sources. Are
people disproportionally effected across race and gender lines? If so, explain?
b. What role does it play in the lives of students making life decisions? Give at least three
examples for each.
c. Apply at least one of the major theoretical paradigms (conflict, functionalism, or
symbolic interaction) to help explain win-win. What role do the major institutions play in
the construction and perpetuating of the Elite’s charade?
Submit via Canvas with subject: Last Name, First Name SOC 100 Course#
APA Style (12pt. font Times New Roman, double spaced) MSword
Cover page
At least two different references required
Reference page


Approximately 250 words



Unethical behaviors devastate the nursing practice and can hinder completing a master’s program. They can affect the general morale, credibility, and organizational reputation. Engaging in unethical behaviors can affect productivity, financial loss and fines. Unethical behaviors can hinder the ability of nurses to work together and remain active in a team. They can result in helplessness, anxiety, loss of trust, poor job satisfaction, and frustration. Misconduct can affect the ability of nurses to achieve their objectives and meet the nursing codes of ethics. Unprofessionalism In practice can hinder the provision of quality care to patients and affect their well-being. Unethical behaviors can make it difficult for students to succeed in their nursing master’s program and expand their knowledge. Moreover, unethical behaviors can influence dishonesty and compromise the safety of patients.
Unethical behaviors can attract disciplinary actions such as withdrawal of licenses, suspension, and legal actions. Breaching patients’ privacy by sharing personal information is an example of unethical behavior. Nurses who violate the principle can face legal actions, including prosecution and subsequent conviction. The HIPAA outlines laws determining the distribution and accessibility of patient information (Bijani et al., 2019). The law defines the information that should be kept confidential and private. It also makes it clear regarding individuals who can access what information in a healthcare setting.
Developing personal ties and relationships is another example of unethical behaviors in nursing practice. Nurses are expected to uphold professionalism and avoid double relationships with patients. Nurses engaging in sexual interactions with patients can face disciplinary actions, including prosecutions, loss of operating license, and suspension from service (Aloustani et al., 2020). Intimate relationships are considered an act of malpractice and breaching of patient liberty. Since the patient is usually assumed helpless and unable to make an appropriate judgment, nurses are held responsible and accountable for their actions.
Injuring patients is another example of unethical practice among nurses. Failure to follow procedures and guidelines, poor communication, and use of the wrong tools can affect the safety of patients. Patients can be injured, misdiagnosed, or given the wrong medication when seeking healthcare services (Jia et al., 2021). The family of the affected patient can seek legal assistance by filing a lawsuit in court. The outcome would be devastating to nurses since they can be jailed.
An example in the nursing practice is stealing medicines from the hospital and selling them to a nearby chemist. It is unethical for a nurse to order medication from the pharmacy and take it out of the hospital instead of giving it to patients. Nurses engaging in such behaviors can be reported to the Board of Nursing and face legal charges (Aloustani et al., 2020). They can lose their job and compromise the safety of patients who were supposed to receive the medication.
Plagiarizing a thesis, dissertation, or course assignment is an example of unethical behavior when pursuing a nursing Master’s program. The consequence of the behavior would include a failure or expulsion from the program. Nursing students engaging in unethical behaviors can receive poor grades and face suspension from the course (Bijani et al., 2019). They can be forced to repeat the course or disallowed completely.
Unethical behaviors have devastating implications for nursing master’s programs and practice. Practicing nurses can lose their jobs, suspension, and face demotions and legal charges. They can be reported to the Board of Nursing and face disciplinary actions such as losing operating licenses and obstruction from serving patients. Therefore, nurses must embrace ethical practices and avoid engaging in behaviors that affect them. They must improve their morals and trust while avoiding breaching ethical practices.Nurses must respect the interest of patients and make every effort to ensure the provision of the best quality services.
Aloustani, S., Atashzadeh-Shoorideh, F., Zagheri-Tafreshi, M., Nasiri, M., Barkhordari-Sharifabad, M., &Skerrett, V. (2020). Association between ethical leadership, ethical climate and organizational citizenship behavior from nurses’ perspective: A descriptive correlational study. BMC Nursing, 19(1), 1-8.
Bijani, M., Tehranineshat, B., &Torabizadeh, C. (2019). Nurses’, nursing students’, and nursing instructors’ perceptions of professional values: A comparative study. Nursing Ethics, 26(3), 870-883.
Jia, Y., Chen, O., Xiao, Z., Xiao, J., Bian, J., &Jia, H. (2021). Nurses’ ethical challenges caring for people with COVID-19: A qualitative study. Nursing Ethics, 28(1), 33-45.


Approximately 250 words


The Cabin in the Woods

The Cabin in the Woods (2011) USA, 95 mins:
Section (1):
Many viewers, both horror fans and non-horror fans alike, find The Cabin in the Woods to be a fun and unique film that plays with tropes and clichés that have become standard in mainstream films and straddles multiple genres. In 4 3-5 sentence paragraphs, please answer the following questions:
1. How would you categorize the film’s genres?
2. Using specific examples from the film as evidence, identify at least one example each of structural conventions, thematic codes, and iconography found in the film that are associated with at least two of the genres you identified.
Section (2):
Then, respond to one of your peers in 3-5 sentences. You may wish to provide additional examples of structural conventions, thematic codes, and iconography that support their argument OR outline examples for a genre that your peer did NOT list.
I will upload section (2) after section (1) is finished.


Approximately 250 words

Computer Science

Securing Distributed Energy Resources: An Example of Industrial Internet of Things Cybersecurity

Go to NIST’s Computer Security Resource Center via the following link ( Links to an external site.), choose one of the Special Publications, and answer the following in your short paper: ( I already chose a Publication and loaded the file below)
What is its primary function relative to Information Security?
What is a major contribution your chosen Special Publication has made in the field of cybersecurity? Be specific.
NOTE: APA format is NOT required. Focus on the content of your writing. Your paper should be 2 solid paragraphs, no more than 2 pages.


Approximately 250 words


Discussion 6- Psychiatric Case

Case Study
A 74-year-old African American woman, Ms. Richardson, was brought to the hospital emergency room by the police. She is unkempt, dirty, and foul-smelling. She does not look at the interviewer and is apparently confused and unresponsive to most of his questions. She knows her name and address, but not the day of the month. She is unable to describe the events that led to her admission.
The police reported that they were called by neighbors because Ms. Richardson had been wandering around the neighborhood and not taking care of herself. The medical center mobile crisis unit went to her house twice but could not get in and presumed she was not home. Finally, the police came and broke into the apartment, where they were met by a snarling German shepherd. They shot the dog with a tranquilizing gun and then found Ms. Richardson hiding in the corner, wearing nothing but a bra. The apartment was filthy, the floor littered with dog feces. The police found a gun, which they took into custody. The following day, while Ms. Richardson was awaiting transfer to a medical unit for treatment of her out-of-control diabetes, the psychiatric provider attempted to interview her. Her facial expression was still mostly unresponsive, and she still didn’t know the month and couldn’t say what hospital she was in. She reported that the neighbors had called the police because she was “sick,” and indeed she had felt sick and weak, with pains in her shoulder; in addition, she had not eaten for 3 days. She remembered that the police had shot her dog with a tranquilizer and said the dog was now in “the shop” and would be returned to her when she got home. She refused to give the name of a neighbor who was a friend, saying, “he’s got enough troubles of his own.” She denied ever being in a psychiatric hospital or hearing voices but acknowledged that she had at one point seen a psychiatrist “near downtown” because she couldn’t sleep. He had prescribed medication that was too strong, so she didn’t take it. She didn’t remember the name, so the interviewer asked if it was Thorazine. She said no, it was “allal.” ‘Haldol?”, ask the interviewer. She nodded.
The interviewer was convinced that was the drug, but other observers thought she might have said yes to anything that sounded remotely like it, such as “Elavil.” When asked about the gun, she denied, with some annoyance, that it was real and said it was a toy gun that had been brought to the house by her brother, who had died 8 years ago. She was still feeling weak and sick, complained of pain in her shoulder, and apparently had trouble swallowing. She did manage to smile as the team left her bedside.
Remember to answer these questions from your textbooks and clinical guidelines to create your evidence-based treatment plan. At all times, explain your answers.
1. Summarize the clinical case including the significant subjective and objective data.
2. Generate a primary and two differential diagnoses. Use the DSM5 to support the assessment. Include the DSM5 and ICD 10 codes.
3. Discuss a pharmacological treatment would you prescribe? Use the clinical guidelines to support the rationale for this treatment.
4. Discuss non-pharmacological treatment would you prescribe? Use the clinical guidelines to support the rationale for this treatment.
5. Describe a health promotion intervention that would be appropriate for this patient.
Submission Instructions:
Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted, and cited in current APA 7 style with support from at least 5 academic sources.
– No Plagiarism
– Plagiarism report required
Fallow the Rubric
Please if you have any questions, do not hesitate in contact me


Approximately 250 words


Sociology Assignment 1

In Thomas Picketty’s Capital in the 21st Century, the crux of the argument deals with rising global income inequality. Provide a critical analysis of what you see as the most salient social consequence(s) of income inequality. Include how you would use social policy to address these consequences and/or shape new futures. You may include evidence or data to support your argument.


Approximately 250 words


Find Trends in Your Profession” (in Cyber Security)

5-7 page research paper (excluding cover and references costs me (APA 7th ed) format
5-page essay excluding cover and references” – Find Trends in Your Profession” (in Cyber Security)


Approximately 250 words


Loretta Ross & Rickie Solinger, Reproductive Justice; An Introduction

The book is free on
is addressing: How are families reflective of particular social arrangements? How
do families navigate those same arrangements?
b. Based on the authors’ or editors’ approach to the issues or any explicitly stated
philosophy, what is the text’s underlying political and social agenda? The answer
to this question should not be: “the book’s subject is…”, but rather, an
identification of what the authors’ or editors’ want. What changes in policy,
practice, or social structures do they want to bring about? What are they trying to
persuade their readers of?
c. How does the text relate to the course reserve readings, lectures or other
materials? Be very explicit— citing other readings, concepts from lectures, films,
or speakers specifically. What does the text add to your understanding of the
issues we are addressing in this course? Just mentioning other materials is not
adequate. You should explain how they relate to the book or vice versa.What does the text suggest about the social contexts, forces, and relations that
shape families? In answering this question, think about what dynamics the author


Approximately 250 words


Logic Models as Policy Tools- Articulate how and why the use of Logic Models in program design and evaluation can mitigate the poor criminal justice policy-making examined earlier in the course.

Each module you are required to make at least one original post to the discussion
question in the ‘Discussion’ forum for that
Initial posts must have at least two citations to class materials.
This week’s Discussion:
What are the practical challenges involved in the use of random selection and
assignment in action research? How can these be overcome?
Discussion Rubric:
Discussion assignments are designed to encourage interaction between the class
Superficial postings such as “I agree” or “Good point,” will not be counted. Direct use and
citation of course material is required in the initial postings and in
comments to classmates. Of
course, students should always be respectful of others
when giving their opinion(s). Below are a
few examples of acceptable and unacceptable posts/responses.
The best discussion posts and responses do more than merely recite
the materials. They analyze
and discuss what you have learned and pose questions for
your peers to discuss and wrestle with.
Take any stance or approach you like, so long as yousupport it with the materials and with
logical argument.
Acceptable Post: Sample ACCEPTABLE Post below:
Stohr and Collins (2013) discuss how competing values of ‘democratic accountability’
‘neutral competency’ change the motivations of workers, and thus need to be
balanced (40).
Which value do you think controls the most ground inside criminal justice organizations;
irrespective of culture, location, size, etc? On the surface this question is seemingly easy to
answer. Politics are never removed completely from civil service jobs because everyone working
within an organization has a political stance
and those stances shaped the individual’s values and
ideas, and subsequently the
dynamic of the organization itself.
Nonetheless, while democratic
accountability is imperative to civil service, especially in
law enforcement where the consent of
the people is an absolute, civil servants remaining politically neutral seems to only work for nonadministrative/management roles. Many
of those roles are either appointed of elected, and thus
they are already accountable to
the public vis-a-vis other democratic mechanisms. Thus, I feel
that democratic
accountability is the value that retains the most weight inside law enforcement
organizations because policy and directive operates in a top-down manner. While Lipsky (2010)
tells us that SLB’s exercise their discretion to either enforce or make their own
policy, the
internal dynamics of the organization are still shaped by politics. Stohr and
Collins even note
how organizations are highly influenced by the political will of the community (39). While neutral competency is still salient in terms of civil servants jobs not centering around politics, it
is still permeated to one degreeor another by politics and is affected by the local legal culture
and political environment they are in.


Approximately 250 words



part 1-Which two (2) of the 10 Main Functions of Society do you feel can contradict one another? How would you create a point of
mediation between them? ( 15 sentences for part 1)
2- For part 2, you are asked to look at the above 10 main functions of society. Then, take the attached
identity quiz and according to your results, write your summary identifying examples of how your identity result might express itself within at least three (3) of the above criteria.
QUIZ: My Result: “Perfect Perfection”


Approximately 250 words