
QSEN Competency

In 2012, the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) convened a panel of experts in the field of quality and safety education and graduate-level practice and representatives of key stakeholder organizations to review the existing Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) graduate competencies and AACN’s recently revised Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing (2011).
Their goal was to determine the competencies that graduate-prepared nurses must possess to meet contemporary care standards.
All MSN-prepared nurses should be competent in the following OSEN areas.
• Quality improvement
• Safety
• Teamwork and collaboration
• Patient-centered care
• Evidence-based practice
• Informatics
For this discussion, please choose a QSEN competency that impacts your role (nursing administration).
Please discuss the following:
• Describe the graduate-level QSEN competency and how this competency specifically impacts your role.
• Specifically describe how you, a graduate-prepared nurse, will address this competency compared to how an undergraduate nurse would.
Note :This is my very last Capstone class, they are looking for me to write very high quality papers…


Approximately 250 words


440 Discussion 8 # 1

Module 8 Overview
Done: View
BSN440 was designed to give students a very brief overview of the case management role in healthcare. During the course there was discussion on quality outcomes, technology, care delivery and community needs.
Patient Advocacy is another option for many professionals who want to help patients navigate the healthcare system. These individuals act on the behalf of patients and/or their families in communicating with doctors and hospitals, clarifying options for diagnostic tests or treatment choices, and assuring that patient wishes are carried out when they may not be able to do so themselves. The patient advocate can be a spokesperson for the family.
Learning Outcomes
After completing this module, you will be able to:
Reflect on course content and describe knowledge gained.
Discuss the role of the professional nurse in case management models.
Describe differing case management models based on acuity.
Reading & Resources
Explore the Patient Advocate Foundation site for patient resources and services.
Explore Patient Advocate Certification Board site. One can become board certified as a patient advocate.
Learning Activities
Discussion: Participate in Discussion 8.
Evaluations: Complete the Student Course Evaluation.
Last modified: Tuesday, March 15, 2022, 1:17 PM Discussion 8 Question 1
To do: Make forum posts: 3
Have you or have you known a close friend or relative who has used case management services in the acute, primary, or home care settings? Briefly describe the process. Reflect on the learning in this course. Would you change any of the process based on your learning in this course? Why or why not? Include a minimum of 2 scholarly references to support your answer.
See the Nursing Syllabus Standards & Policies Document for Discussion Participation Guidelines & Grading Criteria.


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Reflection lesson plan

Please proofread the reflection of my lesson plan which I had some weeks ago. Do not correct the German words! They should be included in the reflection.


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healthcare finance

Why “Financial Management” is considered one of the key core competencies for healthcare executives to have? Assess how financial management can help healthcare leaders and their organizations become more competitive and viable in the long run?


Approximately 250 words


Discussion of week 1 and 2

There are two topics. Please divide the 275 words for two discussions equally as possible(by half). I have addressed the instruction for each of them below.
Start Lesson 1 Discussion
Share a piece of career advice that you have received in the past with your group, and discuss how it may have helped or not helped, or perhaps hindered you in some way in terms of your own career and working life goals.
Start Lesson 2 Discussion
The use of intelligence testing in schools continues to be debated but it often forms a key component of helping guide young learners’ educational path. What is your opinion of using intelligence testing as a tool for determining suitability for a particular job or career? You may want to record your thoughts for your final assignment.


Approximately 250 words



i need you to talk my resumes and all and make them look good. i need you weite about my educstuon. my classes and training and all of that stuff


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Recruitment Initiative 2023 (Hire employees with disability)

Recruitment initiative to hire employees with disabilities
The objective
The purpose
The plan of 2023 and how will we start and hire
The benefit for our company
The benefit for the community


Approximately 250 words


case studies

What lessons healthcare clinical and business leaders need to learn about the operationalizing of value-based care programs?
Use the following learning resources:


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Netiquette is important in online communication, because tone, cadence, and emotion can be difficult to convey digitally and lead to miscommunication. Using netiquette reduces the likelihood of an offensive encounter. Students in this class can apply netiquette when
responding to other student’s discussion posts by responding thoughtfully, treating others’ opinions respectfully even when in disagreement, and refraining from personal insults or remarks. I believe the most important part of netiquette is to be respectful. The internet can
be a place where conversations feel impersonal, so people may feel emboldened to spout things they would think twice about saying if in public. I think being mindful that there is another human being at the end of your message, post, or email is important when communicating over a digital medium.


Approximately 250 words



Create a study guide for your assigned psychotropic medication agents. Your study guide should be in the form of an outline with references, and you should incorporate visual elements such as concept maps, charts, diagrams, images, color coding, mnemonics, and/or flashcards. Be creative! It should not be in the format of an APA paper. Your guide should be informed by the FDA-approved and Evidenced-Based, Clinical Practice Guidelines Research but also supported by at least three other scholarly resources.
Areas of importance you should address, but are not limited to, are:
Title page
Description of the Psychopharmacological medication agent including brand and generic names and appropriate FDA indication uses
Any supporting, valid and reliable research for non-FDA uses
Drug classification
The medication mechanism of action
The medication pharmacokinetics
The medication pharmacodynamics
Mechanism of Action
Appropriate dosing, administration route, and any considerations for dosing alterations
Considerations of use and dosing in specific specialty populations to consider children, adolescents, elderly, pregnancy, suicidal behaviors, etc.
Definition of Half-life, why half-life is important, and the half-life for your assigned medication
Side effects/adverse reaction potentials
Contraindications for use including significant drug to drug interactions
Overdose Considerations
Diagnostics and labs monitoring
Comorbidities considerations
Legal and ethical considerations
Pertinent patient education considerations
Reference Page


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