Gender studies


After reviewing this week’s materials, please answer:
1. How can the ideology of separate spheres help us understand women’s lives in state formation processes across the region in the mid-1800s? Use Murray’s Chapter 3 to produce your answer. Make sure you engage with both primary and secondary sources that are available in the chapter (250 words).
2. Do you think women were men’s paws during the Mexican Revolution? Use Mitchell’s article and the PBS video to make your case (250 words). Also, reply to one colleague you agree with.
3. Latin American women were granted or conquered female suffrage? Use Murray’s Chapter 4 to produce your answer. Make sure you engage with both primary and secondary sources that are available in the chapter (250 words). Also, reply to one colleague you disagree with.
4. Based on Murray’s Chapters 5,6, produce a short opinion piece about issues of labor and nationalism in Latin America from the viewpoint of women and gender. You can select any issue you find interesting as long as you demonstrate you are aware what these issues are (250 words).
Purpose of this exercise
Learning how to develop critical thinking based on history issues.
Using primary sources to develop arguments.
Agreeing/ disagreeing based on evidence.
Understanding how to assess evidence and formulate arguments based on them.
Getting to know women: Eva Perón, Las Soldaderas, Bertha Lutz and others.


Approximately 250 words


Domestic Violence and Substance Abuse Must Contain A Culture Focus

APA Format, 4 page Min. Please Start With A General Domestic Violence Introduction and Substance Use Disorders, Incorporate Domestic Violence Types of Violence Lead Into FGM (Female Genital Mutilation) Cultures who Foster This Violence Ex. Kenya, Egypt Explore How Substance Use May Be a Coping Skill of the Victims & Survivors. Is Substance Use A Factor?
Thank you


Approximately 250 words


Introducing Psychology

Please read through uploads and directions on the initial post. Attached are also peer responses that I have to respond to according to the directions. Make sure if citing references that it is proper APA 7th edition. Please let me know if you need anything else.


Approximately 250 words


major depressive disorder and the lack of treatment/awareness of minorities

Students are required to complete a term paper on mental health, nursing management and
available community resources. A minimum of three credible references must be utilized in the
The paper must be typed with 1” margins, double spacing and a 12-point Times Roman font. The
paper should also include a reference list. The American Psychological Association format must
also be utilized for the paper. The paper should be between three and five pages in length (not including cover page, abstract, references, exhibits, etc.). The paper must be submitted through
Canvas in order for the paper to be uploaded to Ouriginal®.


Approximately 250 words


What do you hope to accomplish during your college years?

The essay is an opportunity for you to help us become acquainted with you in ways different from courses, grades, test scores and other objective data. It enables you to demonstrate your ability to organize thoughts and express yourself. With this objective, please write an essay on the topic.


Approximately 250 words


440 Discussion 1 # 1

Module 1 Overview
Done: View
The first module discusses the role of the case manager in a wide variety of settings. Case management is not only a large part of the acute care setting but, is becoming more and more accessible in the outpatient setting. With current changes in CMS guidelines Case Managers must critically think and evaluate patient and family dynamics quickly to assess for needs outside of the acute care setting. In week one we will review the differences in roles of the case manager.
Learning Outcomes
After completing this module, you will be able to:
Identify the differing roles of the nursing case manager
Discuss the difference between acute and outpatient case management
Apply case study activities to holistic patient care planning
Reading & Resources
Read Chapter 1 in Fundamentals of Case Management Practice
Review Case Management Society of America
Hodgkinson, I., Vince, C., Aylott, C., Pamphilon, J., Chandler, J., & Chumbley, K. (2018). P-243 End of life care education within the nursing and residential home setting. BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care, 8
Review the National Committee for Quality Assurance certification criteria
Learning Activities
Introductions: Introduce yourself in the Introductions Forum.
Discussion: Participate in Discussion 1. Discussion 1 Question 1
To do: Make forum posts: 3
You have been hired as a consultant by a hospital that is going to begin using case managers in the acute, home care, and primary care settings. You meet with the vice president (VP) of patient services. She tells you that the hospital tried to use case managers 3 years ago, and the project failed. She believes one of the major reasons it failed is because there was no clear position description or role description that was understood by the staff. She would like you to help develop an effective nurse case manager position description.
1. Identify the skills needed for a nurse to enter the case manager role.
2. Describe the role of the nurse case manager in acute, home care, and primary care settings.
3. Explains the approaches case managers use to promote the highest quality of care.
You must use at least 2 scholarly references to support your answer.
See the Nursing Syllabus Standards & Policies Document for Discussion Participation Guidelines & Grading Criteria.


Approximately 250 words


Lesson Plan

Focus on 4th grade level
As an educator, it is important to develop the skills to write lesson plans that include state standards, effective learning objectives, appropriate instructional strategies, and differentiate to meet the diverse needs of all students.
For this benchmark, you will create a lesson plan that integrates ELA and math standards, with an aligning summative assessment. You may use any prior assignments as applicable from this course to complete the benchmark, provided you incorporate feedback from your instructor. Use the “Class Profile” for background information on your students to plan the lesson plan and summative assessment. The lesson plan and summative assessment must be aligned to the chosen Grades K-8 state standards and learning objectives.
Part 1: Lesson Plan
Use the “COE Lesson Plan Template” for your lesson plan. The lesson must include a variety of instructional strategies that are best suited for the lesson and the needs of the students. Your lesson plan should focus on:
Math and ELA state standards.
Instructional strategies that can be adapted to meet the needs of diverse students.
Technology that supports assessment practices.
Formative assessment.
Differentiation activity for students identified as below grade-level.
Differentiated activity using critical thinking for students identified as above grade-level
Part 2: Summative Assessment
In connection with this lesson plan, you will create a summative assessment that is directly aligned to state standards and highlights how you will use assessment to modify and strengthen instruction to promote the continuous intellectual, social, emotional, and physical development of students.
Your summative assessment must be aligned to the standards in the lesson plan and include:
Description of a summative assessment, which includes specific directions for students.
Three short-answer response items.
10 multiple-choice questions.
One restricted response essay question that clearly identifies the task(s) to be performed.
How you will differentiate to meet the diverse needs of students.
Part 3: Rationale
In 250-500 words, write a rationale for the instructional strategies and assessment practices, both formative and summative, included in your lesson plan and summative assessment. How do your chosen assessments contribute to the development of students? How does your summative assessment work to meet the various learning needs of the students in the “Class Profile”?
Support your findings with a minimum of three scholarly sources.
Focus on 4th grade level


Approximately 250 words


peer response

Respond to two peers
each response requires 150 words minimum
identifying specific elements and strategies and organize thoughts based on rhetorical modes(strategies). respond to peer by answering following questions:
-Did your peers summarize the selection well?
-Compare and contrast another similar peace with which you are familiar he can be another film TV, show music video or printed piece in the same genre.
-Was the peers analysis supported by identifying 2 strategies? give a specific example of what was done well make a suggestion of what could be included.
-What one improvement or clarification would make the post stronger?


Approximately 250 words

Sports and Athletics

Annotation 1

Greetings this is an annotation paper please be specific and go into details the prompt, and article is down below via a screen shot photo thank you.


Approximately 250 words

Business and Management

Retirement Planning

In your own words (no direct quotes), clarify the difference between qualified and non qualified retirement benefit plans.
In your own words (no direct quotes), clarify the difference between defined benefit and defined contribution plans.
In your opinion, does one retirement plan serve to protect the retirement interests of participants than the others? Why?
Would you prefer a defined benefit plan or a defined contribution plan? Why?


Approximately 250 words