
wirte an essay about real estate trends

Looking at trends in the real estate industry, identify which ones are of interest to you. For this assignment, you are expected to use the 2023 Emerging Trends in Real Estate document.
and conduct your own search by utilizing resources such as WSJ, NYT, PSBJ, podcasts like Walker & Dunlop or Leading Voices in Real Estate.
1) Document at least 1 trend you are excited about. You can focus on a short-term trend in response to COVID or longer term trends linked to increased integration of technology, recognition of climate change, or incorporation of social goals, for example.
2) Identify the professional opportunities created by these trends and the markets in which they will create jobs.
3) Connect these trends to courses that will allow you to build the skills to be an attractive hire for companies.


Approximately 250 words

Business and Management

When do social media activities and online brand communities affect the corporate brand

prepare a critical literature review of the topic based on their research of the relevant scientific literature.not longerthan6.000 wordsper studentincludingtitle page, figuresand references. Please try to offer a neutral, differentiated (pro & contra) discussionof your topic. (Personal) opinions can be included but only as a logical result of the discussion – and not as a prejudice. Keep in mind that you are writing a report in business economics, so try to embrace concepts, perspective and language of business economics (even if your sources do not do so!). General idea (i.e., is the chosen topic interesting for marketers?) and introduction (i.e., motivation/illustration of the relevance of your chosen topic)(Theoretical) background of your literature reviewIdentification of relevant scientific literature (i.e., literature search)and literature analysisDerivationof management implicationsout of your critical reviewGeneral Structureof your report (e.g., agenda, central theme, layout)Usage of scientific literature. IntroductionRelevance of the problemDescription of the problemAnalysis of the possible perspectives on/solutions tothe problemProblem statement and research questions/hypotheses Preconditions for carrying out the study and delimitations Clarification of use of concepts/important definitions, Choice of theoretical framework if relevant Choice of general methodology (survey, experiment etc.)Structure of the report2.Theoretical backgroundDescription and analysis of relevant theory and empirical findings by othersOften results in a detailed need for information3.MethodHow the need for information will be/was coveredResearch design4.Results –possibly in several sections Description, validation and cleaning of the data from the studySection(s) with results from the analysis/analysesSumming up of the results from the analysis sections 5.DiscussionOf method (How certain are our results? Where do we know of shortcomings?)Of the results (What have we learned? Are the results as expected? How do they differ? Do we have explanations for that?)6.ConclusionWhat can we, based on the results from the study and thediscussion conclude regarding the research questions?What is the answer to the problem statement?Putting the results into perspective –possible generalizations? Possible implications for business and for future research.Did we find new issues that we had not foreseen? List of referencesAppendices.


Approximately 250 words


Trends in Healthcare informatics

I need a current trends in healthcare informatics
1. General introduction to healthcare informatics
2. Types and uses of healthcare informatics
3. Current and Futures trends in healthcare informatics
Clearly written and logically organized and well cited


Approximately 250 words


Unit V BIO Ecology

The worskeet is attached Below is additional info. Thank you.
This unit is about ecology, the study of the interaction between living species. As we discussed in the unit lesson, all species are dependent on one another—even trees need birds to eat the insects that want to devour the trees. Some trees, like oaks, need squirrels to plant their acorns. Consequently, when you study a species in the Red List for this assignment, be aware that somewhere along the line, this species is important.
Materials Needed:
Unit V Assignment Worksheet
A computer with Internet access
Click on (or copy and paste the URL into your browser) to go to the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species website.
Take a moment to peruse the website. Scroll down and look at a few of the animals and the news articles.
Next, you will search for and select a species that falls into one of the following categories: Near Threatened (NT), Vulnerable (VU), Endangered (EN) or Critically Endangered (CR).
Search instructions:
Start by clicking ‘Advanced’ (located next to the search field at the top of the page).
At the Advanced Search page, on the left side of the screen, scroll down and click the ‘Red List Category’ dropdown menu; select CR, EN, VU and NT or LR/nt. You may select only one of these if you choose. Selecting all of them will yield more results. DO NOT select LC, DD, EX, EW or LR/cd. Doing so will result in substantial point deductions.
After selecting the categories, click the ‘Land Regions’ dropdown menu and select ‘North America’. If you would like to select another region, feel free to do so.
With these parameters selected, you should see many organisms to choose from. Scroll through and find one that interests you and answer the questions below.


Approximately 250 words


health and Social care

critically appraising a health and social care policy for its use of health creation approaches to tackle social inequalities in health.


Approximately 250 words

Medicine and Health

explain Standard of Care that doctors or other professionals are held to.

in your own words explain Standard of Care that doctors or other professionals are held to. Do you think doctors should be subject to national standards or only local standards? Why?
In your first response you must address all points to the questions above. Your initial response should be at least 250 words and include at least one outside source. Your source must be in APA format at the end of your posts. You must make your initial post before seeing others to reply to. It is also a good idea to click “Subscribe” so that you are notified of posts and to help you remember to do all required posts.


Approximately 250 words


skill building activity

F A core skill in any literature class is the ability to understand and identify basic literary elements in a text, analyze their significance, and write about them meaningfully and accurately in discussions, essays, and exams. For this week’s activity, begin by opening and reviewing the resource entitled “Guidelines for Reading and Understanding Literature,” linked in week 1. Once you’ve read through the resource, go to “Step III: What Literary Techniques are Used in this Work?” and choose any one of the major elements to discuss (choose from plot, character, setting, point-of-view, images and symbols, or style and language), then answer at least four of the bullet-points under your chosen element. (For example, if you choose “Character,” you’d go down to #2, Character, and here you’d answer any four of the six bullet points underneath that element). Your answers should apply to this week’s assigned reading, Gilgamesh. Research is not called for in this activity, but if outside sources are used, they must be documented correctly in MLA format (quotations, in-text citations, and works cited entries) and be valid academic sources.


Approximately 250 words

Environmental Science

Paper 1

Go to the journal, Ecology and Society website.
I already chosen an article In your paper, present the following information about the article in your own words:
The research question or topic
The importance of the research to environmental science
The materials and methods used to collect data or information
The main outcomes of the research
Relevance to the course


Approximately 250 words


ECHRS’s branding and competitive strategies’ impact on consumer choice and branding power

Prepare a 1,050-word summary of ECHRS’s branding and competitive strategies’ impact on consumer choice and branding power
Part I: Branding Strategy Impact
Analyze the impact that the current ECRHS brand has on consumer choice of its products and services. In your analysis, consider the following:
What is the current branding strategy of ECRHS?
How is the organization and its brand(s) perceived in the market?
Are there any negative impacts of legal cases against the organization within the community or its consumers? How might this impact their choice of a health care provider?
How have your acquisitions of other health care facilities impacted your brand image and consumer choice of your organization?
How has your handling of the COVID-19 pandemic impacted your brand image?
What impact do your branding strategies have on consumer choice and bargaining power?
Part II: Competitive Strategies Impact
Analyze the impact that the current ECRHS competitors have on consumer choice of its products and services. In your analysis, consider the following:
Who are the 3 largest competitors, and how do their offerings differ from those of ECRHS?
What share of the market do the competitors hold?
What is the threat of new entrants to the market and the organization?
What is the threat of competitive/substitute products/services to the organization?
What is the bargaining power of customers in the market?
How does this bargain power impact consumer choice in the market and for ECRHS?
Cite at least 3 reputable references to support your assignment (e.g., trade or industry publications, government or agency sites, scholarly works, or other sources of similar quality).
Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.
Submit your assignment.


Approximately 250 words


Assignment 1

For this first assignment, after completing all other readings and exercises, you will write your research hypotheses. Please review the article “How to Develop a Good Research Hypothesis” and follow the guidelines and tips in the article. There are several examples you can use as a roadmap to formulate your hypotheses for your previously chosen research topic (week 1, discussion).
Link to article:
Once you are satisfied with your hypotheses, explain why you chose a particular type of hypotheses; i.e., simple, complex, directional, etc.
Identify your variables – what is the dependent variable? Independent variable?
There is no particular format for this assignment but your hypotheses (a minimum of three) must clearly address the problem for your research project, identified in Week 1.
This pertains to the abortion in teens research . He wants us to use the link on the assignment to help us build the hypothesis. He wants three hypothesis.


Approximately 250 words