Social work


Social workers who are proposing a treatment group must think of logistical concerns such as the group size, timing and number of sessions, and processes for gaining informed consent, ensuring confidentiality, and establishing group rules. These items may feel like routine administrative tasks, but they have the power to impact members’ sense of security and the success of the group as a whole. For example, if rules are externally imposed on members, rather than created from within, it may affect empowerment. If one member does not take the informed consent agreement seriously, they might freely disclose confidential information outside the group. As the group leader, the social worker is responsible for developing strategies that help everyone feel safe to share.
In this Assignment, you write the next sections of your Treatment Group Proposal, focusing on group composition, contracting, and orientation of group members.
Composition & Contract: Criteria for inclusion/exclusion, size (number in group), open/closed; contents of contract (number of sessions, frequency, time of meetings, and length)
Orientation: How you will address and ensure confidentiality, obtain informed consent, and establish rules
Recap on the previous proposal with the addition.
Toseland, R. W., & Rivas, R. F. (2017). An introduction to group work practice (8th ed.). Pearson.
Chapter 6, “Planning the Group” (pp. 160–195) (Review)
Chapter 7, “The Group Begins” (pp. 196–229)
Chapter 8, “Assessment” (pp. 230–263)


Approximately 250 words


Philosophy essay

Do not use outside source except for the 4 stated below.
Sources to be used:
1. Title: New York City schools blocked ChatGPT. Here’s what other large districts are doing
2. Title: NYC education department blocks ChatGPT on school devices, networks
3. Title: “Technologies as Forms of Life”
4. Title: “Do Artifacts Have Politics?”
Essay prompt:
1. Prompt: Do you support banning or restricting the use of ChatGPT in K-12 schools? Large school districts around the country are starting to, including LAUSD and the NYC Department of Education. Drawing from both Langdon Winner readings, “Technologies as Forms of Life” and “Do Artifacts Have Politics?”, explain how the use of natural language processors (like ChatGPT) might affect us both as individuals and as a society.
2. Include responses to the following topics in your analysis:
Interpret how ChatGPT is a “political” object in the two ways that Winner describes. In other words, explain the values guiding the development of ChatGPT, as well as how this technology is “inherently political.” Does ChatGPT require authoritarian control by “practical necessity”?
Explain Winner’s term “technological somnambulism.” Assuming everyone wants to avoid this, explain one or two values that we could design into ChatGPT. Be sure to explain why specific design changes to ChatGPT would align with these values.
3. The essay must follow the outline below, divide the essay into three distinct sections and number them (1, 2, 3).
Also, be sure to include a Works Cited page and use MLA in-text citations when referencing ideas or directly citing evidence from the assigned reading.
4. Regarding citation, essay must cite supporting evidence from the assigned reading. Avoid general, vague, and extra long quotations. In fact, it often makes more sense to avoid directly quoting the material altogether. Instead, you might want to summarize the information and then cite the page numbers at the end.
Essay outline:
1. Essay must follow the outline below. Be sure to number the three sections of the essay (I, II, III)
Dividing and numbering the essay into three sections helps me grade more efficiently.
2. Engage the Opposition
Consider the opposition’s best reasons and evidence in support of their thesis.
Be charitable: Present the strongest opposing view in a way that would satisfy supporters of that view. For example, if your thesis is “I support X,” then present the strongest version of the opposing argument (“the strongest reasons to support Y”). Beginning with the opposing view serves as a springboard for your own analysis in Section 3, where you will synthesize your own analysis with a response to the opposition. Be sure to save your response for Section 3! However, you may include a transition at the end of this section that summarizes your points of disagreement, which you will explain further in Section 3.
3. Analysis (the argument in support of your thesis)
Present your argument in support of your thesis.
Demonstrate the logical reasoning in support of your thesis. Arguments are FACTS and VALUES that mutually support a JUDGMENT or conclusion. Think of each body paragraph as an argument for why we should support your thesis.
Be sure to include your response to the opposition in this section. Responding to the strongest opposing view will make your argument more persuasive!
Use assigned class materials as well as clear and specific real-world examples to support your reasoning. Avoid vague or hypothetical evidence.


Approximately 250 words

Social work

Personal statement questions

Please answer the two questions below. I will attach my personal statement to give you insight on my life and professional career.
Instructions: Answer the questions below in a double-spaced response. Responses should demonstrate your professional judgement and critical thinking. Failure to address all prompts will affect your overall application.
1. Draw from your own paid employment, volunteer work, or personal experiences to provide examples of how you handled situations as noted in (a) and (b) below. Make sure not to use names or information that might violate the confidentiality of the individuals you decide to use in your descriptions. For both (a) and (b), be sure to explain how you may have grown or learned from the experiences you describe.
a. Cleary describe a situation where you were confronted with a value or ethical dilemm (500 words) How did you resolve it? What were some of the factors you considered in making your decision? If you have never confronted a value or ethical dilemma, on what knowledge would you consider relying on to help you address and resolve one?
b. Discuss a difficult or dangerous situation you encountered. (500 words) How did you handle the situation? What would you do differently in the future and why? Are there any situations in which you would feel particularly vulnerable as a student? How would you expect the School of Social Work to assist your education and skill building concerns in order to handle that type of situation?


Approximately 250 words



Assignment Content
Read Chapter 1 in the textbook
Answer the following questions, providing detailed explanations and specific examples with each response.
(3 paragraphs with at least 7 sentences in each)
1. What are 4 reasons for fear/nervousness?
2. Why would memorizing a speech be a bad method to use when presenting your speech?
3. What techniques can a speaker use to reduce excessive tension before a speech?
4. Give the 3 general purposes for speeches and provide an example for each purpose.
5. What is the central idea of a speech?
The link for the chapter is at the bottom

1.1 Communication: History and Forms


Approximately 250 words


Stress Among African Americans

What the videos (linked under references 1 & 2), write a paper on your findings and opinions.
Compare and contrast issues and practices relevant to helping people from culturally
diverse backgrounds.
How stress contributes to illness.
Identify factors moderate the stress/illness link.
Comply with APA Manual 7th edition.
Cite all sources in APA style 7th edition.
Include a separate reference page, formatted according to APA style 7th edition.

Uploaded file.


Approximately 250 words


Case brief 2

Review and analyze the court opinion and BRIEF the case. Following the format for “Case Briefing” on p. 1027-28 (Appendix A1 – A2) in your textbook. Post your response in about 350-500 words, total. I will be grading mainly on your characterization of the ISSUES and the COURTS REASONING. The FACTS should be very short.
Revise and restate the ISSUE in short question format. The ISSUE addresses the problem the court is trying to resolve. Your ISSUE addresses a procedural concern. Please label each section of the brief.


Approximately 250 words


health Admin

Write a 500- to 700-word summary report detailing how you believe the MHA program, and what you expect to gain from it, benefits your current position and future growth within your organization.


Approximately 250 words

Public Administration

Consider the problem of fake news from any perspective.

Consider the problem of fake news from any perspective. You could look at efforts by Silicon Valley firms to develop a coordinated response to the growing evidence that Russia and other countries are “hacking” US elections. You could look at efforts by countries who that feel their political systems are distorted by fake news to team up into an effective response. There are many other possibilities as well—our interest is to see how you analyze the matters of collective action that may be needed to address fake news. Write 1100 – 1500 words (~2 pages 12-pt font, 1” margins, single-spaced) on how the logic of collective action applies. What is the collective action problem at the heart of your story? Does Olson help you understand that problem better? According to Olson what actions could make collective action more effective? We want to see you draw ideas from the case and connect them with the theory from Olson. This is meant as an exercise to get you thinking about how theory and practice are linked, and to get you comfortable with these foundational theories in policy-making. No more than half your memo should summarize the logic of collective action and the second half should apply it to the case.


Approximately 250 words

Business and Management

Alibaba and Global Supply Chains

Alibaba Group Holding Limited ( was founded in 1999 by Jack Ma as an e-commerce company to facilitate sales among companies that provide consumer-to-consumer, business-to-consumer, and business-to-business products sold via the internet. As the world’s largest e-commerce platform, Alibaba is on a path to realizing its vision of facilitating $1 trillion in product sales annually, while it also pursues a goal of reaching 2 billion consumers. The company is headquartered in Hangzhou, China, has a revenue of more than $23 billion (primarily via advertisements on its sites), and employs about 51,000 people.
Alibaba’s global supply chains are strained tremendously on “Singles Day” or Guanggun Jie, a Chinese holiday celebrated on November 11 (the solitary 1s of the date—11/11—suggesting bare branches,” the common slang for singles in China). On this day alone, more than $20 billion in sales (more than 300 million orders) takes place on Alibaba’s internet platforms (e.g., Tmall, Taobao). When global retailers think of mega-sales online, they generally think of Black Friday or Cyber Monday, but they ought to be watching 11/11 closely as well, especially because 11/11 amounts to double the combined sales of both of those U.S. e-commerce holidays.
Each year, Alibaba handles more than 80 percent of China’s e-commerce business. The company also now operates in 190 countries. Moving forward, the vision for Alibaba is simple: Bring in non-Chinese brands to the Chinese market and expand products to customers outside of China’s borders. So far, the impact is clear. Beyond its own employees, Jack Ma claims that Alibaba has created more than 30 million jobs in China related to companies that sell their products on the Alibaba e-commerce platforms. Ma has also committed to creating 1 million new jobs in the U.S. With such large ambitions, Alibaba’s global supply chains must be top-notch, innovative, and always pushing the boundaries for what can be done to deliver products from manufacturers to consumers.
Alibaba does this by focusing on a differentiation strategy, partner connections, buyer protection, mobile technology, and large-scale product selections. Its differentiation strategy entails operating as an intermediary, connecting buyers and sellers, while largely avoiding the need for maintaining capital-intensive warehouses and depots. Partnering with Alibaba enables small manufacturers and suppliers to reach thousands, and likely tens of thousands, of new customers. Importantly, in these buyer–seller exchanges, Alibaba emphasizes buyer protection. That is, if a customer is not satisfied for any reason, he or she can request a refund. This consumer focus also carries over into how customers interact with the company. Alibaba has seamlessly adapted its e-commerce sites to mobile platforms, an important part of its strategy given that more than 80 percent of its sales is done via mobile devices. The large-scale product selection on Alibaba’s platforms has resulted in some 15 billion products sold annually and 15 million packages shipped daily (compared with 5 billion items sold on Amazon and 3 million packages shipped per day).
Please address the following questions in detail;
1. According to Alibaba’s promotional efforts and strategic initiatives, Alibaba is on a path to realizing its vision of facilitating $1 trillion in product sales annually as it also pursues a goal of reaching 2 billion consumers. It is already the world’s largest e-commerce platform. Can one company really achieve $1 trillion in sales and reach 2 billion of the world’s 7 billion people?
2. Each year, Alibaba handles more than 80 percent of China’s e-commerce business, and now operates in 190 countries (only 196 countries and 61 territories exist in the world). Moving forward, the vision for Alibaba sounds simple: Bring in non-Chinese brands to the Chinese market and expand products to customers outside of China’s borders. Do you think this global strategy is viable?
3. As mentioned, Alibaba’s immense number of sales and shipments puts tremendous pressure on its global supply chains. Do you think its supply chains can continuously facilitate the increased demand that its customers place on the global supply chain systems? Why or why not?
1. Your assignment should be 3 – 4 pages in length and written in APA style format.
2. Separate title and reference page (minimum of 3 reference)
3. Double spaced with 12 point Times Roman font and 1” by 1.5” margins.
4. Paraphrasing of content – Demonstrate that you understand the case by summarizing the case in your own words. Direct quotes should be used minimally.


Approximately 250 words

Computer Science

University Admission Essay

Write a personal essay for university admission. Main focus- why apply to the specific university and why chose Computer engineering as major. Will provide personal detail later.
No plagiarism. Research well about the university and go through the provided link thoroughly. Will provide links after offering the order.


Approximately 250 words