Business and Management

Management and organization behavior class, different tasks with deadlines.

Management and organization behavior class, different tasks with deadlines. Must finish before each deadline


Approximately 250 words

Business and Management

Personal Statement (Apply for master’s degree in business and sustainability)

Personal statement Requirement
Please check the programme details before writing; Programme link:
Personal profile, see the attached CV for reference
Please write no less than 700 words (British English spelling); the statement should be a coherent piece of writing which addresses the following questions effectively:
What inspires you to take a master’s degree in business and sustainability?
Do you have relavant experience or skills that support you to pursue the programme?
Why do you think the programme is suitable for you?
What do you expect to gain from the programme?
How will this programme help you pursue your academic interests and career goals?
How would you contribute to the programme after being admitted.
NOTE: While addressing question 2, please don’t simply list the internship experiences from CV by bulletin points, you need to link each experience to the concept of sustainability in business, elaborating what insights you developed from the experience that associated with sustainability.


Approximately 250 words


Organizational behavior

Exercise 2-1
In 2012, the Alliance of Aging Research established the Healthspan Campaign, a coalition of organizations committed to solving the challenges brought about by the aging of the American pop-ulation. With each passing year, the percentage of people in the United States-and much of the world–over age 65 increases. This “Silver Isunami” is expected to bring a flood of chronic disease and disabilities due to aging that could overwhelm the health care systems of many nations. Watch the films The Healthspan Imperative and What Is the Silver Tsunami? at www. healthspancampaign org.
Discuss the effect of the aging population on our health system, and present recommendations for how these challenges could be addressed.


Approximately 250 words

Social work

Position Paper

Please follow the instructions in the assignment file and choose the readings in units 4 or 5 to complete the assignment. Please follow the assignment file instructions. The purpose of the position paper is to show that you can make a clear argument and back it up based on the ideas presented in Units 4 or 5 of the Study Guide.
Note: Please you can only cite from list of readings from Unit 4 or 5.attached file.


Approximately 250 words


Writing Assignment: Bias in the news

In this Writing Assignment, we are looking at the world we live in and learning how biased attitudes and actions are restrictive and harmful for most people.
Find some news in the media—online, in magazines, newspapers, T.V. etc.–that show an incident of bias (not only race bias –remember gender, sexual orientation, class and physical appearance and mobility). Write about the incident in detail and share your reactions.
This assignment is worth: 15 pts. Your writing assignment about “the news,” will be assessed and it needs to include the following:
Identify the source of the article. Was it news online, a magazine, newspaper, or T.V. ?
What actually happened in the article? Who was involved? Give a clear description of the news story.
What were your feelings and thoughts when you first read or heard the story?
What reflections or ideas did you have after you spent time thinking of the event?
Times Roman type, size 12 font, double-spaced.
Minimum of 200 words.
Write in complete college-level sentences. Do not respond with just a “no,” or “yes,” or “I agree,” or “I disagree,” responses.
Address all questions above.
See Rubric for scoring criteria. All criteria must be met for full-credit.


Approximately 250 words

Business and Management

Management of information system class, different tasks with dead lines

Management of information system class, different tasks with deadlines. Must finish before each deadline


Approximately 250 words


Survey Research

Locate and complete an online questionnaire (social or behavioral science related), consisting of at least 10 questions. Provide a link to the location (and name) of the survey and a summary of the survey (purpose, number of items, type of items, outcome). Then, write a critique reviewing the survey in terms of the clarity of the questions being asked and whether the survey was easy or difficult to complete. Make sure to link your critique to the resources for this week and use the terminology from course content. As a researcher, is this a strong survey or a weak one? Why? If you were going to give advice on how to improve the survey, what would you tell the developer?


Approximately 250 words


Women with ADHD

© 2014. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.
ENG-105: Topic 6
First Draft of a Commentary Assignment
For this assignment, write a 750-1,000-word commentary that addresses a trend/topic related to ADHD.
This means that your essay should review a single trend related to ADHD. For instance, you could analyze one of the following trends (you are not limited to this list; these are suggestions):
•Increase in ADHD Diagnoses
•Impact of ADHD on a Child’s Schooling
•Impact of New ADHD Treatments
•Hidden Dangers of ADHD Medications
•The Reasoning Behind ADHD Awareness Week
•ADHD and the Zombie Phenomenon
•ADHD Drug Overdoses
This essay is NOT a summary of several different elements of ADHD. Rather, it is an analysis of a single trend related to ADHD, including various elements of that single trend.
Your review should include at least five scholarly sources outside of class texts.
1.Label or Identify the Subject: Provide the name for the trend and provide some context or background for the subject.
2.Explain the Subject: Find a pattern of meaning in the trend (e.g., speculate as to causes and effects of an event, compare with a similar case, or offer an example).
The paper is on unerdaigos women with ADHD


Approximately 250 words


M7: Personal Code of Ethics (Portfolio)

For this portfolio assignment you will write and submit a Personal Code of Ethics to Canvas
Consider your core values and ethical standards that you personally hold yourself accountable to. Now that you are becoming a PTA consider the Standards of Ethical Conduct for the PTA provided by the APTA, how will you incorporate these standards into your personal Code of Ethics.
Use the links provided below to assist you in creating your own Code of Ethics.


Approximately 250 words


M 2 Case

Please refer to screenshots of etext attached and be sure to include in text citations with page number for etext and in text citations for all others sources.
Also please follow guidelines located in the attched Case study Guidelines
After reading chapter 2, please review the OCULUS RIFT case on page 54 of the e-text.
Then you must address the three (3) questions below in a carefully crafted essay not to exceed four (4) pages. Your answers should be as detailed as possible with references from the actual case. Further, you will be expected to apply the concepts we have learned via readings, lectures, and class discussions to prepare the following:
Restate the issue/question
Present your answer with supporting facts/rationale.
Following are the Oculus Rift case questions:
What were the challenges and uncertainties facing the parent company, especially in its startup days before the Facebook purchase and when the company founders were raising Kickstarter funds?
Based on what you see in the case and outside research on this product, how did they mitigate these uncertainties?
Search online for the most recent Oculus Rift products. How would you describe the company’s new product strategy?
Make sure all questions are answered thoroughly and completely.
Case study must be written in your own words, i.e., from your thoughts, insights, reflections, ideas, and analysis, but supported with e-text materials and/or outside sources to substantiate, validate your thoughts.
Be sure to cite all sources inclusive of the article and e-text.
Requirements and Format
1. Length: not to exceed four (4) pages double-spaced, typed, 12 pt. font, 1” margins.
2. APA format ( Title page, Abstract page, Body, and reference page ).
3. Your submission must be in a Microsoft Word document, not a PDF
Be sure to check your work for grammar/typos before you submit it.
4. Case study must be written in your own words, i.e., from your thoughts, insights, reflections, ideas, and analysis, but supported with e-text materials and/or outside sources to substantiate, validate your thoughts.
5 All phrases and para-phrases must use in-text citations (APA style) and with full references on the reference page.
Research materials should be high-quality sources such as those available through the library’s online databases.


Approximately 250 words