Business and Management

Servant Leadership in Diverse Contexts

Assessment Description
The purpose of this assignment is to examine servant leadership practices with regard to religions and cultures other than those associated with Christianity.
While servant leadership is often associated with Christianity and the Bible, one could argue that it is compatible with most religions and philosophies and that it transcends cultures.
This assignment presents you with an opportunity to explore other cultures, philosophies, and religions and asks you to think critically about how servant leadership practices are apparent in other religions and cultures. Begin by selecting and examining one cultural context and one religious viewpoint outside of mainstream Christianity. In a 1,250 -1,500 word essay, discuss the following:
Explain how the principles of servant leadership are evident in your chosen culture and religion.
Identify similarities and differences between servant leadership philosophies and the values from your selected cultural context and religious viewpoint.
Identify specific examples of servant leadership practices evident in your chosen culture and religion.
You are required to locate a total of four articles that address servant leadership in your chosen cultural context and religious viewpoint. Two of the articles should examine servant leadership from a different cultural perspective and two articles should examine servant leadership from a different religious perspective. The articles must be peer-reviewed and have been published within the last 5 years. You must use and cite the articles within each content area in your paper to strengthen your claims.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.


Approximately 250 words

Social work

Discussion 1

Discussion Board 1
Please discuss three questions with a solid paragraph for each question. Each paragraph must be a minimum of 200 words for full credit. There must be intext citations and use of APA style. Use the textbook as major reference.
1. What is social justice in the United States?
2. Which political philosophy mentioned in Chapter 1 do you like the best?
3. What is the role of social justice in social work?


Approximately 250 words



Case Study of Molly
The purpose of this first assignment is to give you an initial opportunity to use the DSM-5-TR to make a diagnosis based on information provided in a specific case. Following the guidelines for diagnosis provided in the Unit 2 Introduction, think through the information in the case to come up with a diagnostic hypothesis. Follow the format of the Case Study Response Guide in the document you submit as your assignment. The focus of this assignment is the Case Study of Molly.
Read the Case Study of Molly.
Using the DSM-5-TR, follow the guidelines for diagnosis to think through how you would diagnose Molly’s condition.
Once you have arrived at your diagnostic hypothesis, use the Case Study Response Guide to format your assignment, including your diagnosis in DSM-5-TR format.
Address the following questions in Part 4 of the Case Study Response Guide:
What other kinds of information would you like to know about Molly?
For illustrative purposes, add your own additional facts to Molly’s case and describe how this additional information might alter the diagnostic hypothesis.
Submit your completed response in the assignment area as “u02a1 Case Study of Molly.”
Optional Readings
Belsky and Pluess’s 2009 article, “Beyond Diathesis Stress: Differential Susceptibility to Environmental Influences,” from Psychological Bulletin, volume 135, issue 6, 885–908.
Driscoll, Lopez, and Kistner’s 2009 article, “A Diathesis-Stress Test of Response Styles in Children,” from Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, volume 28, issue 8, pages 1050–1070.
McKeever and Huff’s 2003 article, “A Diathesis-Stress Model of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Ecological, Biological, and Residual Stress Pathways,” from Review of General Psychology, volume 7, issue 3, pages 237–250.
Case Study of Molly Scoring Guide.
Case Study of Molly [DOC].
Case Study Response Guide [DOC].


Approximately 250 words


Capital Punishment

*” A military jury has sentenced Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan to death for the 2009 mass shooting at a post clinic that killed 13 people and left 31 others wounded.” This is the worst mass murder at a military installation in U.S. history.
Do you support or oppose capital punishment in this case? Read other students’ posts and respond to them. If differences of opinion occur, debate and support your viewpoint professionally. Remember to support your statements with examples and references.
*Hlad, J. (2013). Hasan sentenced to death for Fort Hood massacre, Stars and Stripes (28 Aug 13). Retrieved from


Approximately 250 words



Research five (5) companies/organizations’ websites on how they recruit
individuals into their companies/organizations. Rate them from highest to lowest and explain why you rated them that way emphasizing their strengths and
7th edition APA


Approximately 250 words



I have attached the assignment as well as the readings needed for the assignment. PLEASE read
carefully and throughly the assingment. Thank You!


Approximately 250 words


Research Project Proposal CJR

Please use Poractive Policing Units tactics Vs. Effect on Community Relations.
Please see attached PDF for all instruction and please follow outline in rubric.


Approximately 250 words

Application Writing

chapter 1 assignment

Read Chapter 1 in the textbook
Answer the following questions, providing detailed explanations and specific examples with each response.
Textbook link below


(3 paragraphs with at least 7 sentences in each)
1. What are 4 reasons for fear/nervousness?
2. Why would memorizing a speech be a bad method to use when presenting your speech?
3. What techniques can a speaker use to reduce excessive tension before a speech?
4. Give the 3 general purposes for speeches and provide an example for each purpose.
5. What is the central idea of a speech?


Approximately 250 words


EDU 520

Read the case study titled Religion or Free Speech [PDF].
Next, watch the Kaltura video presentation, How to Use Case Precedent to Interpret Case Law.
Next, propose an argument justifying if free speech and equal access rights of the Christian and Bible club are being or not being violated. Support your argument using two cases from the textbook. Respond to at least one other student.


Approximately 250 words


Managing organization changes HRM

Based on the case Study from the discussion preparation, evaluate the organization and its industry in terms external and internal procedures. Create a proposal about how the company can overcome internal and external procedure.


Approximately 250 words