
Argumentative essay : Teachers should earn the same money as doctors

The essay needs to have:
1.Introductory paragraph
contains some background
information and sufficiently
states the problem
– Source material is used. All sources are accurately documented, but may not always include introduction and comment or skillful synthesis
-Contains an arguable claim.
Thesis and purpose are fairly
.Topic sentences articulate
precise argument and are
logically linked to thesis
2. Most paragraphs unified under the singular main idea of the topic sentence
Points are well developed in each paragraph
Author acknowledges the
opposing view, but does not
present sound counterpoint
Conclusion summarizes the
writer’s key ideas and mirrors
the thesis statement


Approximately 250 words


Summative Assessment: IT Infrastructure

Exam Content
Due by Monday, January 23, 2023
If you use services such as GoogleTM, Office 365®, and Dropbox®, you are operating in the cloud. We chose such services because they are free or can be used at a low cost. The cloud allows us to store many of our files without fear of loss, provides us access to common office applications, and allows us to use email from anywhere we have access to the Internet. As individuals, we decide to use these cloud services based on our own needs and personal budgets. The federal government has taken steps to move government operations to the cloud. In fact, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) developed a strategy to accelerate the adoption of cloud-based solutions in the federal government
(Kent, 2019).
Imagine that you work in the information technology department of a federal organization that processes American citizens’ financial and personally identifiable data. Your organization is intent on adopting a cloud service solution that conforms to the OPM federal strategy. Today your supervisor approached you and tasked you with developing a presentation that will be used to advise your senior leaders on whether they should maintain an in-house information technology infrastructure or outsource the service to a cloud service provider.
Create a 15- to 20-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation to showcase your proposal. Include the following in your presentation:
Identify 3 cloud service providers.
Compare and contrast the services of each provider.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of moving your organization’s processes and data to the
Provide a recommendation to maintain an in-house IT solution or move to a cloud environment. Justify your recommendation. Proofread thoroughly.
Remember that this is a visual aid, so plan accordingly. Use eye catching graphics, detailed speaker’s notes, and cited references.
Submit your assignment.
Kent, S. (2019). Federal cloud computing strategy (June 24, 2019). Office of Management and Budget.


Approximately 250 words

American History

american government

1.Watch the Ted Talk titled: “How Social Media is Shaping Our Political Future”
Discuss some of the speaker’s main points. Do you agree or disagree with the speakers viewpoints. Why or why not?
***** video link

2.Watch the video titled “Federalism in the age of COVID.
Discuss how the federal, state and local officials reacted to the challenges brought on by COVID 19. According to the three speakers, what future implications do these reactions have on our federal system?
***** video link


Approximately 250 words

Public Relations

Two different college websites.

Essay assignment Targeting the general public is one of the cardinal sins of public relations practice. Instead, public relations practitioners focus on specific publics, or individuals with shared characteristics that are relevant for our organization to target.
You are to look at Miami Dade College’s website and compare it to two different college websites. You need to discuss what you thought was done effectively with each website and what was not effective. I want you to discuss what changes you would make and why you would make these changes to these websites.
After looking at a variety of sites and looking at MDC, I want you to create an essay discussing a group of things. (write a paragraph or two for each question. Number each answer please.
Choose three target publics that MDC and the other two colleges seem to brand or may target. For example, General Motors may target the following three target publics: truck drivers, sports car drivers, and minivan drivers. For each of the target publics you identified, a list of three attributes each target public might have in common. You can choose from aspects of the public’s lifestyle, attitudes, behaviors, and/or opinions.
Next, you make a list of three attributes on which these three publics (groups of people) might differ.
Why might knowing what these audiences have in common and what they do not have in common be of value to public relations practitioners?
How might public relations practitioners use this information to build stronger relationships with each of these three publics at the college web pages you looked at?
What should change about these schools web pages?
What do you think is wrong, why it is wrong and how do you think that the changes could help people using the site. 1-2 pages with word count 500-1000 words. Must include Grammarly or Tutor reviewed draft Please include word count.
1-2 pages with word count 500-1000 words. Must include Grammarly or Tutor draft Please include the word count.


Approximately 250 words


reflection paper

I need a one-page reflection paper. this is the topic we were talking about in class, model strategic human capital management, commitment to human capital management, roles of the human capital, integration and alignment, data-driven human capital decision, targeted investment in people, human capital approaches tailored to meet organization needs, empowerment and inclusiveness, unit and individual performance linked to organizational goals.


Approximately 250 words



Behavior and Neurochemistry
For this discussion, address current approaches being used in the field of behavioral neurochemistry that give promise to the notion of
simultaneous measurement of behavior and neurochemistry. Reference substantive empirical literature to support your thinking. (assigned readings attached for optional use).
References must be peer reviewed, no websites please.


Approximately 250 words


Veterans Affairs

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:
The United States has approximately 18 million living veterans that rely on services provided through the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). It is no secret that the VA has experienced many problems related to the medical care of veterans, significant time delays in addressing disability compensation,
and processing of VA home loans. Additionally, the VA manages personally identifiable information,
financial, and medical information for millions of military veterans.
What would you advise senior VA executives concerning the adoption of cloud computing? Why?
Describe how cloud services can help the VA become more efficient in processing medical
information to support patient care.
What benefit will the cloud service provide over in-house information technology services that are not meeting the needs of the millions of veterans?


Approximately 250 words


Theories – Compare and Contrast

Referring to Unit 1 Readings and Resources, write a 2-3 page paper comparing and
contrasting foundational and contemporary theories of human development.


Approximately 250 words



Contextual factors play an integral role in the learning process. Teachers who recognize these factors equip themselves to meet the learning needs of diverse student populations. Additionally, by modifying instruction or procedures to address all of the students’ contextual factors, they will have an increased likelihood of academic success.
Create an 8-10 slide digital presentation for a teacher professional development on how contextual factors affect student learning.
Include the following:
Explain how social interactions, culture, society, and technology can positively and negatively affect student development and readiness for learning.
List instructional strategies and tools that could be used to address each contextual factor (social interactions, culture, society, and technology) during classroom instruction. Example: grouping strategies for social interactions.
Discuss two specific examples of how you would modify classroom instruction to address any of these four contextual factors (e.g., you provide an internet-based family activity, but several of your students’ families do not have internet access at home). Discuss how you would modify each activity to meet student needs and ensure growth in learning.
A title slide, a reference slide, and presenter’s notes. The title slide and reference slide DO NOT count as part of your slide count, because they are not considered content. Include a minimum of eight slides of content to be successful with this assignment.
The digital presentation should include graphics that are relevant to the content, visually appealing, and use space appropriately.
Support your presentation with 2-3 scholarly resources.
While APA style format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite Technical Support Articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.


Approximately 250 words


Bryan Kohberger

Analysis of case and psychological profile of perpetrator. End result will be a narrated video essay with visuals to accompany


Approximately 250 words