
Emergency Management History Assignment

Graphically depict the evolution of the history, roots, structure, and fundamentals of the field of Emergency Management to include the creation of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
You should include the following (at a minimum):
A graphic depiction of major historical points in chronological order (timeline, flow chart, diagram, etc)
Descriptions of each of the major historical points (utilize the presentation notes section)
Identification of the key figures involved in the field’s history
Identification of Public Health’s Role in Emergency Management and when it was included in the field’s history
The major changes that have resulted from various national and local incidents/events to include (but not limited to) the 9/11 terrorist attacks, Hurricane Katrina, Hurricane Sandy, Hurricane Harvey, the Boston Marathon bombing, the coronavirus pandemic, and any additional pertinent event up to the present that has had an impact on the field of Emergency Management
A paragraph as to the importance of this information as it relates to a Public Health Emergency Management Professional.
Please cite all the resources in APA format and reference them.


Approximately 250 words


Data analysis: statistical significance and null hypothesis

Submit the completed Statistical Significance and Null Hypothesis Worksheet and a 1 page paper in which you respond to the following:
Describe the level of statistical significance.
Describe a null hypothesis.
Identify Type I and Type II errors, and explain which error you think is worse.
i have attached the worksheet which needs to completed im not sure if this would be considered as to assignments or not but someone please let me know
the worksheet just has 6 ? to answer
and the 1page paper just has the 3 question
for reference
Salkind, N. J., Frey, B. B. (2020c). Statistics for people who (think they) hate statistics (7th ed.). Sage.


Approximately 250 words

Business and Management

Apa style

Prompt: In a well-organized 500 word essay, explain how alternative dispute resolution effects business, Include a discussion of the costs and benefits to companies and costs and bene fits to consumers o Requirements: 500 words


Approximately 250 words



Attempt 2
Attempt 2
Overall Evaluator Comments
You are encouraged to connect with your Course Instructor to strengthen your understanding of the content before working further on this assessment. You have logically discussed how communication can be improved through the use of the TeamSTEPPS program. Additionally, you have described how the patient can and should be involved in the communication process. Information on the aspects that require revision can be found in the score report below.
A1. Safety Concern
A2a. Data
A2b. National Safety Standard(s)
A3. Impact
A3a. Value
A4. Evidence-Based Practice Change
A4a. High-Reliability Organization
A4b. Potential Barriers
A4c. Potential Interventions
A4d. Shared Decision-Making
A4e. Outcome Measure
A4f. Care Delivery Model
Approaching Competence
Approaching CompetenceThe submission identifies a care delivery model currently being used in the healthcare setting but does not describe the care delivery model. Or the description does not include sufficient detail.
There is a payment model discussed, noting that providers are paid based on merit. Unfortunately, pay models are not related to care delivery models. Please describe the care delivery model currently used in the healthcare setting.
A4fi. Impact on Care Delivery Model
Approaching Competence
Approaching CompetenceThe submission explains how the care delivery model in the healthcare setting would be impacted, but it does not align with the care model identified in part A4f, or it does not align with the recommended change in part A4, or the explanation is not logical.
While there is a discussion regarding how the change in communication may impact reimbursement, a discussion regarding the current care delivery model and potential impacts to it, is not able to be discerned.
B. APA Sources
C. Professional Communication


Approximately 250 words



In one paragraph provide;
1- An overview of NHANES
2-its survey design
3-population surveyed
4-overview of type of data that is collected from participants
5-cohort year used for this study (2017-2018)
-The paragraph need to start like this:
This study will use data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) which…
-Attach plagiarism report.
Supplemental material:


Approximately 250 words

Internet Technology (IT)

Reflection Opportunity

Keeping systems patched and updated is a challenge for most organizations. Fortunately, Microsoft Intune gives
Administrators the option to manage the Windows 10 update process without investing in additional on-premises infrastructure. Based on what you have learned about Managing Windows updates in Intune discuss how you would manage and deploy out-band updates that are released by Microsoft to defend against zero-day threats. You are
encouraged to research the topic to fully address the question.


Approximately 250 words

Communications and Media


Editorial: NOUN: an article in a newspaper or other periodical or on a website presenting the opinion of the publisher, writer, or editor
Argument/commentary. Several other sources refer to it as an “opinionated news story”.
commentary. Your assignment it to pick a relevant, timely, controversial issue and really craft an editorial to get people to hear your perspective and (hopefully) side with you. This is NOT a research essay although you need at least 3 source of support. Remember, the key is how you craft and back up your argument. The key categories for grading are:
• A clear thesis supported by logical and convincing evidence
• Strong organization
Proper MLA formatting (including intext citations and at least 3 “Works Cited”
• Excellent grammar and mechanics


Approximately 250 words

Business and Management

Business Management

Please add one page of new facts to equal one total page of new facts:
UnitedHealthcare serves as the most well known health benefits business within UnitedHealth Group. UHG (United Health Group) is a health care and well-being company that strives to accomplish building a modern, high-performing health system through improved access, affordability, outcomes and experiences. UnitedHealth Group’s subsidiary, OptumCare, has approximately 43 000 affiliated or employed physicians; the Optum health-care subsidiary also includes MedExpress urgent care facilities, Surgical Care Affiliates ambulatory surgery centres, HouseCalls home visits, behavioural health, care management, and Rally Health wellness and digital consumer engagement (Consolidation in US health care negatively impacts cancer care. 2022). Established in 1974 by Richard Taylor Burke founded Charter Med Incorporated, which is a Minnetonka, Minnesota-based and privately owened company. Many years later in 1977, the United HealthCare Corporation was started to reorganize the company and became the parent company of Charter Med. Untied Health Group has a vision of improving the health and quality of life for the communities they serve. UnitedHealth Group, is the largest health insurance company by total membership. UnitedHealthcare, the largest health insurer in the USA and also the largest single employer of doctors in the country. (Consolidation in US health care negatively impacts cancer care. 2022).
UnitedHealthcare offers a variety of products from individual health insurance to full employer benefit plans for some of the biggest corporations. United Health Group offers a range of services with the lines of health insurance, dental, vision, and individual and family ACA Marketplace plans. As the company leading company for all of the following nine key attributes of reputation, innovation, people management, use of corporate assets, social responsibility, quality of management, financial soundness, long-term investment value, quality of products and services and global competitiveness. UHG is a company that serves all. The company values inclusion and diversity as a critical part of what makes them thrive. The culture celebrates as well as respects the differences that make each of staff member unique. UHG is dedicated to being champions of better health for all. Also serviing those who are underserved or overlooked in communities across the country. According to the company’s annuakl report, UHG has been named as the Dow Jones Sustainability World and North America Indices since 1999.


Approximately 250 words


Module 3 Reading Discussion

Reading: Chapter 5 and 6
Reading assignments involve the following:
Read the assigned chapters. You can see which chapters we’re discussing at the top of each module overview page and each reading discussion assignment.
Choose a second source. Each chapter has a list of sources. Select one of these to read or listen to, with the goal of connecting the ideas in the assigned chapters to the ideas in the second source. Sources may include:
One of the research papers cited. You do not need to understand every word of the research paper in detail; instead, your goal is to understand what question the paper posed and what answer is found. Read the introduction and conclusion first, and if you need more information to understand them, read the middle sections of the paper. The links in the chapters should work on campus; to access these when you are away from campus, use the UW Libraries off-campus proxy (Links to an external site.).
A chapter from one of the books cited. You do not need to read the whole book; read the book’s Introduction or the 1st chapter. To access these, you may be able to find excerpts on Google Books or the digital copies at UW Libraries; some books are freely available online if you search. Expect to do a bit of work to retrieve the book text. But it’s worth it! Books can be far more engaging than research papers.
A podcast. Many chapters include a list of relevant podcasts, most of which have transcripts. Listen to the podcast or read its transcript. All of these should be available for free and range from 20-60 minutes in length.
Participate in a Reading Discussion.
Write a post reflecting on what you have learned from ONE of the two assigned chapters. Your initial post should include four short paragraphs, responding to these four prompts:
Paragraph 1. Name the chapter you are selecting for your reflection. What was an idea you found interesting, surprising, or confusing in the Foundations of Information chapter you chose? Describe the idea and why it resulted in one or more of these reactions.
Paragraph 2. In your additional source, what was an idea that you found interesting, surprising, or confusing? Describe the idea and why it resulted in one or more of these reactions.
Paragraph 3. What was one connection you observed between the assigned chapter and your additional source? Describe the connection. Connections might be a similar idea, conflicting ideas, or other themes.
Paragraph 4. What are one or more questions that you would like to discuss with your classmates and/or teaching team? These might be asking for more depth about an idea, for clarification about a confusing idea, or for other curiosities. These questions will invite discussion among your classmates and are required to earn credit for your initial discussion post.


Approximately 250 words


case study project

Read Chapter 7 on Bipolar and Related Disorders. Use your knowledge of bipolar and related disorders from Chapter 7 to identify symptoms and analyze the presented details in the case study for Hector. For the first submission, use the evidence presented in the case study to support your observations about Hector.
Paragraph 1: Describe the changes in Hector’s mood.
What is his mood like and how does it change?
What are some of the behavioral changes associated when Hector is feeling higher in mood?
What are some of the behavioral changes associated when Hector is feeling lower in mood?
Paragraph 2: Describe the changes in Hector’s emotional states.
How does he feel about himself as his moods change?
How does he feel while he is in his elevated or down?
How does he feel while he describes his moods to the clinician in the case study?
Paragraph 3: Describe how Hector’s mood and emotions affect his physical functioning.
Are there changes to his diet?
Are there changes to his sleeping patterns?
Are there changes to his overall energy levels?


Approximately 250 words