
The Death Penalty

A. Assignment Guidelines
DIRECTIONS: Refer to the list below throughout the writing process. Do not submit your Touchstone until it meets these guidelines.
1. Argumentative Thesis Statement
❒ Have you included a thesis in your introduction that takes a clear, specific position on one side of a debatable issue?
2. Argument Development
❒ Are all of the details relevant to the purpose of your essay?
❒ Is the argument supported using rhetorical appeals and source material?
❒ Is your essay 6-8 pages (approximately 1500-2000 words, not including your references or reflection question responses)? If not, which details do you need to add or remove?
3. Research
❒ Have you cited outside sources effectively using quotation, summary, or paraphrase techniques?
❒ Are the sources incorporated smoothly, providing the reader with signal phrases and context for the source information?
❒ Have you referenced a range of at least 7 credible sources?
❒ Have you properly cited your sources according to APA style guidelines?
❒ Have you included an APA style reference page below your essay?
4. Reflection
❒ Have you answered all reflection questions thoughtfully and included insights, observations, and/or examples in all responses?
❒ Are your answers included on a separate page below the main assignment?
B. Reflection
DIRECTIONS: Below your assignment, include answers to all of the following reflection questions.
1. Provide one example of a place where you have used rhetorical appeals or source material to support your argument. How does this enhance your essay? (2-3 sentences)
2.Touchstone 4 is a revision of this draft. What kind of feedback would be helpful for you as you revise? Are there parts of your draft that you’re uncertain of? (3-4 sentences)


Approximately 250 words

Business and Management

Consulting Project – Request for Proposal

Please read the attached assignment.
My role is to write the first 3 items. Case and request are attached, please contact me for any questions.


Approximately 250 words


Article Review One

Instructions are in the files. Please use the book attached. Also, dont make this too professional. No need for fancy words that I definitely don’t need. I will be needing help for this class. Once you complete this assignment, I will follow up with more assignments for the same writer so that theyre familiar with the work. Thank you. If there is anything else needed to complete these assignments, then please let me know.


Approximately 250 words

Computer Science

Course Project Topic Selection

This course is designed to introduce you to computer ethics issues in the following stages: (1)
Ethics and morality in a general context, (2) Ethics and morality in a technology context, and (3)
Ethics and morality of technology in a social context. The overall purpose of the course project
is to afford you the opportunity to translate ethical theories and critical thinking strategies into an
authentic problem-solving framework related to an issue of interest in the computer ethics field.
For the scope of the project, you will identify a topic of interest, relate it to each of the three
perspectives of computer ethics noted above, declare a thesis statement, and present
arguments for and against your thesis similar in style to an argumentative essay.


Approximately 250 words



1. Describe the skills or attributes you believe are necessary to be an outstanding teacher.
2. How would you address a wide range of skills and abilities in your classroom?
3. Please explain how your past personal and professional
experience make you a quality candidate for the position for which you are applying.
4. List any additional information which will help in determining your professional qualifications for a position.


Approximately 250 words


A future trends analysis report of the next 10 years for a consulting firm like TCS

Structure (basic with approx. words)
Executive Summary ( 1 page) 300
Contents Page
Background/setting the scene 200
Methodology 200
Findings – Drivers 750 e.g. 3 drivers
Findings – Trends 750 e.g. 3 trends
Recommendations 300
Trend framing you should be able to give your trend a name and frame the context for your client
Trend innovators you need to be able say who, which organisations or countries are leading the way
Drivers the causes of the trends developing from PESTEL factors
Trend Data – numbers if applicable!!! Past and present


Approximately 250 words


research questions

To complete this assignment, look at the provided scenarios, identify the research question you think was originally asked, and explain why you think that was the question.
Submit your assignment here. Make sure you’ve included all the required elements by reviewing the requirements and rubric.
In this assignment, you will review a research scenario and identify the possible research question the study was based on.
One of the attributes of a skilled researcher is their ability to identify the research questions being asked. In this activity, you will be given a variety of research study scenarios, and you will attempt to determine the research question that was asked. You will then provide a brief explanation of why you think it was the research question that was originally asked.
Scenario One:
You are a social worker in an outpatient clinical setting. You receive referrals from juvenile court counselors (also known as probation officers) to provide clinical assessments and therapy for juveniles aged 12 to 17 suspected of having a mental illness such as depression and/or a substance abuse issue. In your work over the last several years, you noticed that when a youth has been in treatment for several months, they tend to have fewer arrests for crimes. You are interested in conducting a research study about what is at the core of this outcome.
What is your research question?
Why do you think this is the research question being asked?
Scenario Two:
You are a caseworker responsible for investigating child abuse and neglect reports in your city. After team meeting discussions with fellow caseworkers, you noticed that when the report caseloads are high (over 50 cases per worker), there tend to be more substantiated cases of abuse before the caseworker can get involved in the initial case management after adjudication. It often takes one to two weeks before a caseworker can actually get involved in the case: This can be due to higher priorities among other cases, other caseworkers being out sick or on vacation, or the amount and type of paperwork involved. You are interested in knowing what can be improved to reduce the numbers of substantiated abuse cases and the time frame between report and actual involvement, which would minimize the likelihood of this abuse occurring.
What is your research question?
Why do you think this is the research question being asked?
Scenario Three:
You are a health educator for your county’s public health department. You work with a team of nurses, social workers, a dietician, and other health educators to help reduce the rate of type 2 diabetes among adults who come to the clinic. You have often noticed that the children of parents who have recently been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes tend to be overweight. You are interested in how eating habits in the family may change after a parent with diabetes is educated on proper diet to reduce weight.
What is your research question?
Why do you think this is the research question being asked?
Scenario Four:
You are a county commissioner for your county: You are responsible for keeping your county safe from crime and serving as an ambassador for its citizens. While meeting with the mayor and your sheriff’s department and deputies, you were told that there has been an increase in human trafficking reports and arrests since the new interstate opened about six months ago. You want to know if there has been an increase of human trafficking happening among residents in your county, or if the increase is due to people travelling on the interstate and being caught while stopping in your county.
What is your research question?
Why do you think this is the research question being asked?
Scenario Five:
You work for your state’s Department of Health and Human Services and have been involved in ensuring that one state psychiatric hospital’s patients are safely moved to the newly built state hospital, including its emergency room services. The old hospital will close once all patients are moved in the next month; the new hospital is two hours away.
What is your research question?
Why do you think this is the research question being asked?


Approximately 250 words

International Affairs/Relations

Open Source Intelligence

What role has OSINT played as an instrument to both protect U.S. activities and determine enemy strategies, culture, and vulnerabilities?


Approximately 250 words


ASAP Bail Bonds

-Bail Bonds Company
-Apa Format
-talk about different activities within a bail bonds company , ex: hot bonds , executed bonds ,warrants , arrests , court dates , filling papers , answering calls , supervisory, conducting research etc I would provide a template to help.
-this is a final SO THIS NEED BE A1 WORK PLEASE.
The assignment should be double-spaced with one-inch margins and set in a 12-point serifed font such as Times New Roman.
Sub-headers should clearly indicate sections.
The Program Plan should be divided into at least three basic incremental periods as illustrated in the example below, each of which clearly denotes Goals, Activities, Learning Outcomes and a way of measuring achievement


Approximately 250 words


Statistics in Practice

Read the “Statistics in Practice” article on p. 109, Chapter 3, and answer the following questions: Why do you think the median age of outstanding invoices was lower than the mean age of outstanding invoices? In general, which of the two descriptive numerical measures (mean or median) would you advise Small Fry Design to use? Why? Be specific in your reply. Your post is due by Wednesday.
Statistics in Practice- Small Fry Design Santa Ana, California Small Fry Design * Santa Ana, California Founded in 1997, Small Fry Design is a toy and accessory company that designs and imports products for infants. The company’s product line includes teddy bears, mobiles, musical toys, rattles, and security blankets and features high-quality soft toy designs with an emphasis on color, texture, and sound. The products are designed in the United States and manufactured in China. Small Fry Design uses independent representatives to sell the products to infant furnishing retailers, children’s accessory and apparel stores, gift shops, upscale department stores, and major catalog companies. Currently, Small Fry Design products are distributed in more than 1000 retail outlets throughout the United States. Cash flow management is one of the most critical activities in the day-to-day operation of this company. Ensuring sufficient incoming cash to meet both current and ongoing debt obligations can mean the difference between business success and failure. A critical factor in cash flow management is the analysis and control of accounts receivable. By measuring the average age and dollar value of outstanding invoices, management can predict cash availability and monitor changes in the status of accounts receivable. The company set the following goals: The average age for outstanding invoices should not exceed 45 days, and the dollar value of invoices more than 60 days old should not exceed 5% of the dollar value of all accounts receivable. In a recent summary of accounts receivable status, the following descriptive statistics were provided for the age of outstanding invoices: Mean 40 days Median 35 days Mode 31 days Robert Dant/Alamy Stock Photo Small Fry Design uses descriptive statistics to monitor its accounts receivable and incoming cash flow. Interpretation of these statistics shows that the mean or average age of an invoice is 40 days. The median shows that half of the invoices remain outstanding 35 days or more. The mode of 31 days, the most frequent invoice age, indicates that the most common length of time an invoice is outstanding is 31 days. The statistical summary also showed that only 3% of the dollar value of all accounts receivable was more than 60 days old. Based on the statistical information, management was satisfied that accounts receivable and incoming cash flow were under control. In this chapter, you will learn how to compute and interpret some of the statistical measures used by Small Fry Design. In addition to the mean, median, and mode, you will learn about other descriptive statistics such as the range, variance, standard deviation, percentiles, and correlation. These numerical measures will assist in the understanding and interpretation of data.


Approximately 250 words