Business and Management


Write an email to a friend ( formal business communication ) who is thinking of starting their own business. Your friend has decided that after they were made redundant as a result of Covid pandemic that they want to be their own boss and as you are a business school student, they have turned to you for advice and guidance. Their initial idea is to import cheap mobile phones from Taiwan or China and sell them to rural investors in emerging economies who need mobile business communications that is cheap and reliable in order to grow their pwn business, They specifically want to know about the following topics:
-The pros and cons of different legal structures and which would be best for them?
-How they could measure the competitiveness of the market stricture?
Theory that may assist you should include:
-legal structures
-portert’s 5 forces
-market structure
-HMRC import duties


Approximately 250 words

Business and Management

Operations and Logistics

Assignment 1 – Provides an inside into my industry and business
Assignment 3 brief – Provides detailed instructions on the assignement
Operations and Logistics Lessons 1, 2 and 4 – Topics for assignment 3
Microsoft Power BI, Dynamic Capabilities and Lean and Agile Procurement – All topics for Assignment 3
Course book – Gardiner, D., & Reefke, H. (2020). Operations management for business excellence: Building sustainable supply chains (4th ed.). Routledge
Learning Outcomes
LO1: Apply the concept of a value chain to businesses/case studies;
LO2: Identify and evaluate alternative logistics and operations value chain drivers;
LO3: Critique the effectiveness and efficiency of logistics and operations functions of an organisation’s supply chain;
LO4: Evaluate the logistics and operations management challenges at tactical, operational and strategic levels.
Recommended Readings
Buell, R. W. (2019). Operational transparency. Harvard Business Review, 97(2), 102-113.
Cachon, G., & Terwiesch, C. (2019). Chapter 9: Variability and its impact on process performance: Waiting time problems. In Matching supply with demand: An introduction to operations management (4th, International student ed., pp. 247-296). McGraw-Hill Education. Portions of Chapter 9 (digitized).
Carr, T., Dumitrescu, E., Hutzler, K., Kumar, R., Martin, A., & Mazuera, C. (2021). Can your supply chain deliver what your consumer wants? McKinsey Insights.
Duncan, E., & Ritter, R. (2014). Next frontiers for lean. McKinsey Quarterly(2), 82-89.
Jacobs, F. R., and R. B. Chase (2016). Operations and Supply Management: The Core. 4th Edition, New York, McGraw-Hill. Chapter 9 (digitised)
Lee, H. L. (2021). The new AAA supply chain. Management Business Review 1(1).
Moody, K. (2021, October, 11). Why it’s high time to move on from ‘just-in-time’ supply chains. The Guardian.


Approximately 250 words

Business and Management


Write an email to a friend ( formal business communication ) who is thinking of starting their own business. Your friend has decided that after they were made redundant as a result of Covid pandemic that they want to be their own boss and as you are a business school student, they have turned to you for advice and guidance. Their initial idea is to import cheap mobile phones from Taiwan or China and sell them to rural investors in emerging economies who need mobile business communications that is cheap and reliable in order to grow their pwn business, They specifically want to know about the following topics:
-The pros and cons of different legal structures and which would be best for them?
-How they could measure the competitiveness of the market stricture?
Theory that may assist you should include:
-legal structures
-portert’s 5 forces
-market structure
-HMRC import duties


Approximately 250 words

Business and Management

Research paper

These are the instructions below. I will post powerpoints and pdfs pertaining to this weeks lecture. The key term should be chosen from one of the lectures and pdfs posted below. The two articles that need to be chosen should be academic articles related to the key term.
Use any key term from the course lectures or assigned readings in week two and use the NU library database to conduct research on the term (dialogue, group development, problem solving, etc.).
Locate and read at least two academic articles pertaining to the key term and write an annotated bibliography for each article. There are numerous articles available in the course resources tab. *Note: Each annotation should be both descriptive and evaluative.
Conclude the bibliography with a brief paragraph about what you have learned about the key term and how it may influence your understanding of group and team development.


Approximately 250 words


Leucippus and Democritus –

Discussion Assignment (250 – 500 words): Chapter 2: Atoms, are they real? Although the chapter provides a brief overview of the nature of atoms, elements and compounds, it is really a synopsis of the history of the birth of modern chemical theory. Imagine, the scientists developed a basic understanding of the nature of the atom without the benefit of modern technology. No x-ray spectrographs, cyclotrons, mass-spectrographs, electron microscopes or even digital analytical balances. They managed the development of the models of the atoms by simple observations of observable chemical reactions and noted changes in masses and volumes. Today’s atomic models have not changed much since those early days. Choose one of the topics listed below to research and post under the Unit 2 discussion postings. First “stake your claim” to a topic by posting the name or title under Unit 2 discussion. I know there will be duplicate topics, but I’m hoping to see no more than 5 per topic. After “staking your claim” (choose early), research your topic by reviewing the textbook and searching the internet. Use Google or any other internet engine to find information on one. I have included suggested links to some of the topics. Find other links. Write a summary or short description of your research. Include citations. Your posting must be at least 250 words and no more than 500. Post your summary as a reply to your original “staked claim”. That groups them together for me. DO NOT PLAGIARIZE (I can find out). Use your own wording. If you use a quote, cite it then talk about it (that increases your word count). Type the text in a Word then copy and past to the discussion. This will let you check your spelling and grammar. Be sure to check the word count with your word processor.


Approximately 250 words


Wrong-Operation Doctor

Respond to one of the following three “news clippings” related to virtue ethics from your Pozgar text. Write a 1-2 page essay addressing the discussion questions posed for the one you selected. Be sure to clearly identify the news clipping you selected.
1.Discuss the issues of integrity in this case. 2.Should criminal charges be considered in this case, if accurately reported? Discuss your answer. 3.Why did you choose to respond to this story? 4.How is integrity displayed in your clinical setting?
sources that can be used:


Approximately 250 words

Business and Management


Write an email to a friend ( formal business communication ) who is thinking of starting their own business. Your friend has decided that after they were made redundant as a result of Covid pandemic that they want to be their own boss and as you are a business school student, they have turned to you for advice and guidance. Their initial idea is to import cheap mobile phones from Taiwan or China and sell them to rural investors in emerging economies who need mobile business communications that is cheap and reliable in order to grow their pwn business, They specifically want to know about the following topics:
-The pros and cons of different legal structures and which would be best for them?
-How they could measure the competitiveness of the market stricture?
Theory that may assist you should include:
-legal structures
-portert’s 5 forces
-market structure
-HMRC import duties


Approximately 250 words

Business and Management


Write an email to a friend ( formal business communication ) who is thinking of starting their own business. Your friend has decided that after they were made redundant as a result of Covid pandemic that they want to be their own boss and as you are a business school student, they have turned to you for advice and guidance. Their initial idea is to import cheap mobile phones from Taiwan or China and sell them to rural investors in emerging economies who need mobile business communications that is cheap and reliable in order to grow their pwn business, They specifically want to know about the following topics:
-The pros and cons of different legal structures and which would be best for them?
-How they could measure the competitiveness of the market stricture?
Theory that may assist you should include:
-legal structures
-portert’s 5 forces
-market structure
-HMRC import duties


Approximately 250 words


Summary Essay of the Article provided

Answer all the following questions carefully based on the article provided. Please be specific and to the point, answering only what the question asks for.
1. What did this paper find out?
2. Why is what this paper found out important?
3. What is the specific research question?
4. Who are some of the stake holders in this research?
5. Give two examples of papers cited by this research and why?
6. What is the paper’s experimental design?
7. What are the Data collected?
8. What are the interpretations of the Data?
9. List three most important findings of this paper.
10. Were there any negative/missing/neutral results?
11. How do the authors interpret the findings? Which are emphasized?
12. What further research do the authors suggest?
13. Which figure was the best or most informative, and why?
14. Which figure was the worst/least informative, and why?


Approximately 250 words

Business and Management

Strategic Management and Strategic Competitiveness

Use Starbucks coffee.
Use any or all of the following resources to conduct research on the corporation:
The corporation’s website.
Public filings from the Securities and Exchange Commission’s Filings & Forms page.
Strayer University’s online databases.
The Nexis Uni database.
Other miscellaneous sources. (The corporation’s annual report will often provide insights that other resources may not include.)
Write a 4-6 page academic research paper in which you include the following:
1. Assess how globalization and technology changes have impacted the corporation you researched. Support your assessment with specific evidence.
2. Apply the industrial organization model and the resource-based model to determine how your corporation could earn above-average returns. Support your response with specific evidence.
3. Assess how the vision statement and mission statement of the corporation influences its overall success. Support your assessment with specific evidence.
4. Evaluate how each category of stakeholder impacts the overall success of the corporation. Support your response with specific evidence.
5. Use four quality sources, including your textbook, to support your writing. Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate. Cite each source listed on your source page at least one time within your assignment. (Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as academic resources)
For help with research, writing, and citation, access the library or review library guides.
6. Produce writing that is clear and well organized and applies appropriate Strayer Writing Standards (SWS) style. Writing contains accurate grammar, mechanics, and spelling.


Approximately 250 words