

Do you think it is possible to combine client-centered and existential approaches in therapy? Why or why not? Explain what a combined approach might look like.


Approximately 250 words


Benchmark – Unit and Lesson Planning

For this assignment, you will use the “COE Lesson Plan” template to develop the last two lesson plans from your “3 Day Lesson Plan Template” created in Topic 4. The lessons must also integrate the content areas selected in Topic 5 (language arts, science, mathematics, creative and performing arts).
Please do 3rd grade social studies lesson plans.


Approximately 250 words

Veterinary Science

VSR assignment

Looking for someone to get me a perfect score on this assignment 15/15, I am struggling so badly in this course I failed it before and it is my last chance to redo so please take it seriously


Approximately 250 words


Week 1 Dicussion Post

We have learned about being “humble” and the benefits of acquiring that trait as a leader. We also hear of the concept of “kindness.” In fact, we often hear the words “humble and kind” used consecutively, in tandem, as if both should be required of a person/leader. Compare and contrast of what we have learned about “humble” and “kindness” and why both traits should be acquired and utilized by a leader.
Please review
Apa Hand out
Course books
week 2 overview
and dicussion guidlines with the E reserves


Approximately 250 words



Prompt: Using Ecclesiastes 3:1-15, write a response on how the Bible guides us in the area of organizational change. Provide and explain relevant workplace examples.
Requirements: Minimum of 500 words; APA format.


Approximately 250 words


Fostering and Homelessness Youth in College

This research paper is based on an ongoing research study project that was placed for Fostering and Homelessness background students at Florida International University. This paper should only be the beginning of research paper. It should be a partial paper as the other half should be completed throughout the end of Spring semester. Therefore it should include the following; • Introduction
• Background and Significance (also known as literature review)
◦ Includes theoretical framework guiding the project (sub-heading at the end of the section)
• Methods
◦ Research team
◦ Setting
◦ Participants
◦ Data Collection
◦ Analysis methods
1. Introduction
– Foster and Homelessness students in college
– Why it matters?
2. Background and Significance
– Literature Reveal
– What do we know about Foster & Homelessness students in College. How does Occupational Therapy play a role with Fostering and Homelessness background individuals.
3. Theoretical Framework used to guide the study project such as; Participatory Occupational Justice Framework by Whiteford Jones Bahal, Social Model of Disability: because all these students have experienced trauma at some level, they faced instability in life, it impacts their ability to develop necessary life skills.
MOHO Framework: Personal Causation
4. Methods
– What we did ?
– Principle investigator ( Dr. Amy Ward) did some preliminary key informant interviews with potential participants to better understand the the needs of this particular population at the University. Didid the interviews to ask what their needs are. Based on that we recruited students from the Fostering Panther Pride (FPP) program with emphasis on Seniors
– recruited Seniors at Florida International University from the Fostering Panther Pride program (FPP) , these students have Foster and Homelessness background.
– Inclusion criteria: Only seniors, age 18 and above, Students currently enrolled at Florida International University, who participate in FPP program which meant they had either Foster care & Homelessness background.
– IRB approval & prior to participation participants were given Informed consent. Participation is voluntary. Even if they choose to not participate in the study, it doesn’t affect their students’ status at the University or the FPP program.
– A number of 5 sessions of Life skills lab were taken place throughout the Fall semester and these sessions will continue in the Spring semester. The number of participants may change in the next semester.
All participants were assed by using the COPM. COPM was used as a baseline for collecting data.
– Pre and Post Surveys from Experiential Life skills lab to get a better sense how meaningful these sessions are to these participants and to get feedback how these sessions could be better.
Participation Action Research project based on a community that was driven by the needs of the community.
– Collaborative: Preliminary interviews to ask them what their needs are. We let them guide us in some of the things that we do.
– Participatory in nature
– Program development and Evaluation.
NOTE: I completed this paper. It’s the begining of a research paper i did last semester and the feedback from my professor was given back to me this new semester this year. She wants me to rewrite, edit and revised the paper based on the comments she made on the paper is not great and needs to be rewritten and she added what she wants me to add to this paper. This paper is about an on going research for my Master’s project that i need to complete at the end of Spring. Attached is the paper submitted from last semester with the feedback provided by my professor. PLEASE Rewrite in a NEW document.


Approximately 250 words

Natural Science

Worldview Paper

The purpose of the paper is to relate the discoveries of science, Business major, and the Christian ethic in a logical, coherent manner.
Everyone on Earth has a worldview that shapes and directs the way they interact with the world, their neighbors and family, and how they view themselves. As we discussed in class, the atheistic/materialistic worldview describes the universe as a purposeless accident in which only the physical realm exists. Science, therefore, can only test things in the material world and has shown us that we are nothing more than “meat robots” with only an illusion of free will. The Christian ethic, however, understands the universe as an intentional, purposeful Creation, in which we are all called to glorify the God who created us with all our mind, soul, and strength. We have inherent dignity as image-bearers of the Creator, and a slew of other attributes which we share with God, including creativity, love, and rationality.
Throughout this course, you will have seen how the investigation of this universe – from the cosmological fine-tuning, to the exquisite “coincidences” of our habitable planet, to the amazing attributes of water, and finally to the inner workings of biological organisms – ALL point to a mind. Indeed, by studying the physical world, there are inescapable implications of the necessity of an intelligent Being beyond the realms of the physical world, which aligns faithfully with the Christian notion of the Biblical God.
Each of you has a particular major (if you are undecided at this time, you will pick whatever major interests you most). From the sciences, to business, to the fine arts, everyone has a part of this world that they are interested in and skilled in studying. Every vocation we choose involves interacting with other people, animals, or the environment, and how we view the world dictates how we embrace our careers. This worldview paper will challenge you to think about how your career aspirations are affected by your worldview.


Approximately 250 words


Week 1 Dicussion Post

Take the Personal Humility Index Scorecard Links to an external site.. Compare your Humility Index with some of the strengths that were identified when you took the Gallup Strengths Finder in the past. Write a 3 page paper that discusses your thoughts on the relationship between your stated strengths and your humility Index.
Coure readings are required
Please review
Apa Hand out
Course books
week 2 overview


Approximately 250 words


Select an ethnic minority group that is represented in the United States (American Indian/Alaskan Native, Asian American, Black/African American, Hispanic/Latino, Native Hawaiian, or Pacific Islander). Please, follow the instructions below… i

Select an ethnic minority group that is represented in the United States (American Indian/Alaskan Native, Asian American, Black/African American, Hispanic/Latino, Native Hawaiian, or Pacific Islander). Using health information available from Healthy People, the CDC, and other relevant government websites, analyzes the health status for this group.
In a paper of 1,000-1,250 words, compare and contrast the health status of your selected minority group to the national average. Include the following:
1. Describe the ethnic minority group selected. Describe the current health status of this group. How do race and ethnicity influence health for this group?
2. What are the health disparities that exist for this group? What are the nutritional challenges for this group?
3. Discuss the barriers to health for this group resulting from culture, socioeconomics, education, and sociopolitical factors.
4. What health promotion activities are often practiced by this group?
5. Describe at least one approach using the three levels of health promotion prevention (primary, secondary, and tertiary) that is likely to be the most effective in a care plan given the unique needs of the minority group you have selected. Provide an explanation of why it might be the most effective choice.
6. What cultural beliefs or practices must be considered when creating a care plan? What cultural theory or model would be best to support culturally competent health promotion for this population? Why?
Cite at least three peer-reviewed or scholarly sources to complete this assignment. Sources should be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and public health content.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.


Approximately 250 words


Does gun control reduce gun violence

Your goal
in this paper
is to
what answer
professional sociologists
give to
the question you chose at the beginning of
the semester.
Remember that the goal is not to express your own opinion but to explain
the question.
You will be drawing this information from the
scholarly, peer-reviewed sources that you have been researching. Your paper is to be

In addition, a “Works Cited” page must be
provided that is
a part of the above word count.
Most importantly, you are to be writing
your answer as a synthesis of the articles
that you have
read, not as a summary of each
respective article.
Your focus in writing this paper is not to summarize the articles you
have read but to answer the question you chose at the beginning of the semester
and to do so
as a sociologist would
or has answered the question based on scholarly, peer-reviewed
Please use the checklist below to ensure that you have
completed all the necessary components of the assignment.
-I have at least
academic article sources
(you may
choose to have more if you wish), all
of my sources are scholarly, peer-reviewed sources, None of my sources come from a popular source
such as
The New York Times, The Washington
any other newspaper,
Fox News, CNN, ABC, CBS,
MSNBC, any other TV station,
the ACLU,
blog sites, any other website that does not provide peer-reviewed journal articles,
government sites, dissertations, textbooks, magazines,
or any other sources that are not peer-reviewed including “” and “”
None of my sources is a book review. None of my sources come from the “Psychology Today”
None of my sources come from government websites. My citations are listed in alphabetical order.
My paper is

I have written my paper as a
of the materials I have read, not a summary.
My paper answers the question I chose
using sociological thought/the
sociological imagination.
My paper answers the question
I chose at the beginning of the semester and does so using
social science
from journals.
My paper is written based on sociological research, not popular sources or my own opinion.
I have a works cited page at the end of my paper
that is
not included
in my

1000 word count


Approximately 250 words