
Pernicious Anemia Case Analysis

Teri goes to see her PCP after feeling depressed last couple of months as well as experiencing a seizure earlier this week. The physician orders a few test, results are shown below:
Low hematocrit
Low levels of Vit B12
Low Oxygen levels
Presence of autoantibodies against the parietal cell
Peripheral blood smear shows abnormal RBC (large pale RBCs)
After viewing the results, Teri is diagnosed with Pernicious Anemia; a condition in which autoantibodies destroys the parietal cells found within the stomach.
Address each of the following regarding Teri’s case:
Since the parietal cell is destroyed, which substance(s) is Teri lacking as a consequence?
What is the correlation between destruction of parietal cells and Vit B12 deficiency?
Due to her condition, Teri lacks Pepsin. Explain why.
If Teri were healthy, explain what her RBCs would look like?
What is hematocrit?
Low oxygen levels stimulate her body to create new RBCs by stimulating which process? Explain that process in depth.
What protein transports oxygen in our body and explain its structure?
What cell secretes antibodies and explain the various functions of antibodies.
What are the different types of antibodies and give two characteristics for each?
Explain the structure of an immunoglobulin.


Approximately 250 words


Mental health

on information they researched on the internet?
Standard 5D: New medications are frequently developed and released. What strategies will you use to remain current in your knowledge of new psychopharmacologic options for your clients? What resources exist to help you?
Provide an example of how you would apply each of the selected standards in your future practice.
Integration of Evidence: Integrate relevant scholarly sources as defined by program expectations.
Cite a scholarly source in the initial post.
Cite a scholarly source in one faculty response post.
Cite a scholarly source in one peer post.
Accurately analyze, synthesize, and/or apply principles from evidence with no more than one short quote (15 words or less) for the week.
Include a minimum of two different scholarly sources per week. Cite all references and provide references for all citations.


Approximately 250 words


Altered Breathing Patterns

To identify maladaptive breathing patterns and intervene as necessary
Explain care for the client with upper respiratory disorders.
Read the scenarios, and answer the questions that follow each. Please cite any sources using APA format.
Scenario # 1
A 45-year-old male comes to the ER unconscious. A co-worker went to check on him when he did not show up for work and found him unconscious. The client is a type one diabetic. His respirations are 36, and his breath has a “fruity” scent. His respirations are both deep and rapid. Labs are drawn, and his glucose is 1024.
Why does this client have rapid, deep respirations and “fruity” smelling breath? (5-10 sentences)
Scenario # 2
A 94-year-old in long-term-care is terminally ill and has been placed on hospice care. Her family summons you because her breathing has become erratic. You observe periods of rapid, deep respirations followed by periods of apnea.
What should the nurse do next? (5-10 sentences)
Scenario # 3
A 64-year-old male comes via car to the clinic where you are working. His wife reports he has been having “trouble breathing” for the past several days, but today it is much worse. The client is unable to speak and appears very anxious. His respiratory rate is 48.
What is the priority nursing intervention? (5-10 sentences)
Scenario # 4
A 22-year-old female arrives to urgent care. Her mother reports she thinks the client is having trouble breathing and that it started after she broke up with her boyfriend. The client is crying. Her respiratory rate is 36.
What is the most appropriate nursing intervention? (5-10 sentences)
Scenario # 5
You are the medication nurse on a medical-surgical unit. You arrive to the room of a 28- year-old female who was admitted for opiate overdose and substance abuse disorder. You find the client in bed, unresponsive with a respiratory rate of 4.
What is the priority nursing intervention? (5-10 seconds)


Approximately 250 words


Economic Terms

Watch each of the three videos and define the relevant economic terms. Please underline the concepts. Write at least 2 paragraphs for each


Approximately 250 words


STATISTICS homework (into level)

Two different pdf Statistics homework will be supplied. These are problems at the introductory level for statistics, Single motherhood has left me with no time to complete these tasks today.
Please include an answer key when returning completed work. No need to justify your answers; I already get the parts and am simply pressed for time.
I appreciate all of your assistance.
I have to turn these in before a certain time tonight so the sooner I get these the better so I will at least have time to open my modules and input the answers.


Approximately 250 words



Prompt: Identify an organization with which you are familiar and has gone through recent changes. This can be a company, a church, a service club, or any type of organization. Describe some of those changes and determine for each of whether it is a first-order or second-order change. Support the positions that you take.
Requirements: Your paper should be at least 750 words and should include course concepts as well as other resources that you find relevant. Your thinking should be supported by cited material; this is not just an opinion piece. There is no specific number of references required because you will be graded on the quality of your critical thinking as well as whether you used sources to support your assertions. Remember to use APA format.


Approximately 250 words


Media and Race

The legal history of color blindness. “Color blindness” is a racial ideology with a long history. At present, it often manifests when in conversation about race, people say things like “I don’t see color” or “I just don’t see race as a problem in today’s society. After all, we had a black president!”
Let’s consider some recent scholarship on color blindness and post-racism.
Please provide a substantive one to two-paragraph reaction to the videos and articles provided in the files. Also, offer a question to stimulate class discussion.


Approximately 250 words


Personal Statement

Hi dear.
You have done many essays editing for me. I submitted the last one you did for me for USF. Now I need one for San Francisco (SF) State University. Also, their set of questions is a little different. I need the USF part to be replaced with info about SF State. I need to have a touching paper for admission as this major is competitive. You write amazingly. Thank you
(I volunteered at Kaiser Hospital and Had Internship at Kaiser OB/GYM department. Also reffered to SF State by a couple of Physicians and nurses.)
• Personal Statement
All applicants must address the following personal statement questions in a 500 word essay.
1) Describe the Advanced Practice Registered Nurse program of study you are interested in as it relates to your career goals.
2) Explain why you are seeking a degree from SF State.
3) How do you anticipate this program will assist your goals?
4) What contributions do you foresee adding to the field of nursing?
5) What special attributes will you bring to the nursing profession?
School of Nursing
The School of Nursing educates and empowers nurses to be agents of change to transform health care. We commit to co-create change by deconstructing, disrupting, and dismantling systems of oppression through the nursing profession. We foster evidence-based nursing, ethical decision-making, sound clinical judgment, leadership and holistic compassionate care using a justice perspective. We promote diversity in the nursing workforce and commit to recruit, retain, support, nurture, and mentor our students, faculty, and staff to support equity and inclusion.


Approximately 250 words


reading log 2

answer one of each question under each roman numeral (in italics) followthe same format as given. when reached roman numeral 2 “Engaging with theoretical perspectives” i have uploaded the discussion questions to amswer.


Approximately 250 words


The bill of rights. choose topic.

I will upload all the instructions and remember that you can choose one of the topics for the essay.


Approximately 250 words