
This is two topic discussions. Please, Follow the instructions at the bottom.

Discussion 1
What are the methods a nurse can use to gather cultural information from patients? How does cultural competence relate to better patient care? Discuss the ways in which a nurse demonstrates cultural competency in nursing practice.
Discussion 2
Discuss why nutrition is a central component in health promotion. What are some of the nutritional challenges for emerging populations? What roles do nutritional deficiency and nutritional excess play in disease?
Note: 2 citations and 2 references for each discussion


Approximately 250 words

Business and Management

Balancing work and school (Essay for Business course)

For this assignment, you will use the knowledge you have gained in this unit about the basic principles of marketing to review a commercial for a product or service. Please view the following commercial: Balancing Work and School video. A transcript and closed captioning are available once you access the video. In an essay response, you will include the following information concerning the commercial you just viewed:
-What is the product or service offered in the commercial?
-How would you describe the target market for the company that created this commercial? Include such information as age range, likes/dislikes, interests, and life goals of the intended recipients of the commercial’s message.
-How would you describe the specific market segment that the commercial is designed to reach?
-What is the connection between the commercial’s message and the specific market segment?
-Prior to producing the commercial, how would utilizing a marketing research method(s) contribute to reaching the intended audience?
Your essay should be at least three pages in length, and you should use at least two scholarly references, one of which should come from the CSU Online Library. Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment. APA formatting, however, is not necessary.


Approximately 250 words


Healthcare Finance.

Instructions: Choose one of the following articles and respond to the question(s) provided. Please develop your review in no more than two pages and apply appropriate APA paper format.
Read: Lagasse, J. (2016). Better tools, the analysis needed to make smart healthcare capital investment decisions, report says. Healthcare Finance.
Building on the article by Lagasse (2016) on healthcare investment decisions with financing risk, what are the limitations of government funding for healthcare and other financing risks facing the healthcare industry?


Approximately 250 words


Unit IV Math

In this assignment, you will be asked to find specific information related to the area and perimeter of a backyard you are designing. Access the Unit IV Assignment worksheet . Be sure to carefully read all instructions given, and incorporate all work into the worksheet.


Approximately 250 words


Leading Health Indicator

NOTE: This is a scholarly paper, it must be a minimum of 3 pages (max 5) NOT including cover or reference page. Refer to rubric for grading scale.
The purpose of this assignment is to assess the students ability to effectively integrate current socio-economic, political, geographic and demographic factors to promote change, policy development and the provision of Occupational Therapy OT services. In addition, students will demonstrate knowledge of the social determinants of health for persons, groups, and populations with or at risk for disabilities and chronic health conditions.
– Leading Health Indicator Assignment:
Select (1) health topic and within the topic (1) objective (Leading Health Indicator) from Healthy People 2030 Objectives website. (
In a scholarly essay answer the following questions :
Describe the impact or effect of the objective/area of concern on our societal needs.
Explain how the OT practitioner (Occupational Therapists) is uniquely qualified to impact the selected health disparity or objective.
Describe how could you (would you) use these skills to facilitate collaboration and motivate action at national/state and/or community level to improve population health. The answer should reflect what YOU would do, give specific examples of what actions will you take.
You are required to support your answers with evidence from assigned readings and / or peer reviewed sources. This is scholarly paper, it must be a minimum of 3 pages (max 5) NOT including cover or reference page.
Refer to rubric for grading scale. Attached is the rubric file.


Approximately 250 words


Discussion Board (Health and Human Services Research)

(1) Hawthorne Effect
1. For this discussion, you’ll need to understand the Hawthorne effect.
2. Review this information in chapter 1 and do any necessary outside research.
3. Discuss the Hawthorne effect and today’s social media.
4. Cite your sources in 7th edition APA format.
(2) Research Credibility
1. Explain why maintaining credibility in the research process is important.
(3) Writing for the Profession:
1. Professionals who work in healthcare administration and healthcare information management do a lot of reading to maintain current knowledge. Typically, healthcare professionals write entries for professional forums that describe current happenings in healthcare and advise managers as to what they need to learn.
2. Conduct a search in a professional forum from an organization such as AHIMA . or AUPHA Links below..
3. Review one entry and critique it.
4. Is it well-written? Why or why not?
5. Why would it be important to you that the information shared is well-written? Would you trust the information if it had a lot of misspellings or was hard to follow?
6. How can you improve your own writing skills? What needs to change?
Cite your source and provide a link to the entry you reviewed so your classmates can review it too.


Approximately 250 words


LGS 600 – 275 word summary of week 1 see link to audio
While listening to this module’s archived Seminar, complete a reflective document. (You do not need to submit the written assignment if you attended the Seminar live.) You may write the assignment in a bulleted list format OR paragraph format. Generally, the reflective document will be 1-2 pages (275 word). Please include:
Please include:
The main topics discussed.
Sub-topics and/or subsequent classroom discussion.
Points you found of interest.
Any additional reflections or suggestions.
To get the most out of the seminar archive, respond to the professor’s questions or hypotheticals in your notes before the students on the recording do. Keep in mind that your instructor is available should you have any questions on the Seminar content. Submit your alternative assignment to the Seminar Dropbox before the next live Seminar in order to get credit for your submission.


Approximately 250 words


Reply to Discussion Post

Middle Range therory.
by Liz Acosta Ojeda – Friday, January 13, 2023, 1:40 PM
Internal and External Criticism that is Used to Evaluate Middle-Range Theories
Both internal and external criticism is crucial in middle-range theories. They provide comprehensive information concerning the theories’ logical soundness and utility in nursing practice (Dugin, 2018). Evaluation of middle-range theories is an ongoing process that involves reviewing and updating the theories as new research and clinical evidence emerge. Internal criticism involves the evaluation of the coherence, empirical support, and logical consistency within a theory. It includes an assessment of the specificity and clarity of the theory’s concept and propositions. In addition, internal criticism may include the logical connections between the concept and propositions of the theory. External criticism is the assessment of the relevance, usefulness, and applicability of a theory in the real world (Liehr & Smith, 2017). It involves examining the ability of the theory to guide nursing practice, generates testable hypotheses and predictions, and be integrated with research and other theories.
The purpose of internal criticism is to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the theory and to identify any inconsistencies that could detriment the applicability of the theory (Dugin, 2018). This process is essential for the development of sound and valid nursing theories and the advancement of the nursing profession. A comprehensive literature review is necessary to facilitate the assessment. The review would include a comprehensive analysis of the theory’s literature base, structure, and core assumptions (Liehr & Smith, 2017). In addition, the objectives and stated goals of the theory are analyzed. Once the primary elements have been identified, a more detailed analysis of the theory’s internal structure and content is undertaken.
The important component of internal criticism is the assessment of internal validity and logical consistency of the theory. It involves assessing the ability of the theory to explain the relationship between concepts and to make predictions about a phenomenon. A theory that cannot explain the association between concepts or produce legible predictions must be replaced or revised. Internal consistency can also be used to evaluate the scope of a theory (Liehr & Smith, 2017). This involves examining various phenomena that theory can explain and the extent to which the explanation is valid. Another important purpose of internal criticism is that it helps evaluate the usefulness of a theory in nursing and the extent to which it can assist in developing evidence-based practice.
On the other hand, external criticism is an assessment of a theory from an evidence-based perspective. The process is majorly to identify flaws in the theory that may demand additional refinement of development (Dugin, 2018). In addition, the process helps identify possible areas of the application of the theory in other disciplines. This is a powerful tool for assessing middle-range theories in nursing. It helps researchers to understand the flaws in theories which facilitates improvement.
Dugin, E. (2018). Middle range theories in the research of information and communication media systems. World of Media. Journal of Russian Media and Journalism Studies, (1), 55-70.
Liehr, P., & Smith, M. J. (2017). Middle Range Theory: a perspective on development and use. Advances in Nursing Science, 40(1), 51-63.


Approximately 250 words


ent 1000

Please watch the video’s below and answer the question. After you have answered the question about the learning outcome, please respond to at least one student reply. Please use their name and provide enough information to demonstrate that you have read their response thoroughly.
Video 2 link:
Question-Chapter 1:
Explain the concept of entrepreneurship and its role in the nation’s economy.


Approximately 250 words

Business and Management

Portfolio Project Org 400

Based on your analysis, write an assessment about the subject organization’s OM strategy and practices. When writing the assessment, assume the role of a highly-regarded operations management professional commissioned to review, analyze, and describe the organization’s OM for achieving increased sustainable business value. Your assessment should address the following key elements:
– Organization: Name and briefly describe an organization of your choice, including its mission, including its mission.
– Overview: Provide an overview of this paper so the reader gets familiarity with the purpose, content, and overall organization of the paper.
– Operations Management: Define OM and relate the subject organization’s mission, operational strategy, and productivity measurements; compare and contrast OM with project management.
– OM Forecasting: Define forecasting in the context of OM, identify the subject organization’s forecasting methods and practices, relate the Seven Steps in the forecasting system to the subject organization, highlight potential ethical considerations related to the subject organization’s forecasting, and recap applicable lessons learned based on your forecasting simulation experience.
– Define Operations: Define design of goods and services and relate it to the subject organization, and highlight OM process, location, and human resource strategy in the context of the subject organization.
– Quality Management: Define quality and identify common OM quality management best practices, identify the subject organization’s quality management methodology, and recap the applicable lessons learned based on your quality management simulation experience. Additionally, build a house of quality to show 5 customer requirements and product/service characteristics to meet them. Explain the process of product characteristics selection and how these customer requirements are met.
– Human Resources, Job Design, and Work Measurement: Define the role of job human resources, job design, and work measurement in ensuring competitiveness and high productivity for the subject organization.
– Supply Chain Management: Define supply chain management (SCM), designate the subject organization’s SCM strategy and explain the basis for determination, describe the subject organization’s use of technology for SCM, identify potential SCM risks and SCM ethical considerations related to the subject organization, and recap the applicable lessons learned in your supply chain management simulation experience.
– Inventory Management: Define inventory management, its importance, and common inventory models; identify the subject organization’s inventory management practices; identify potential ethical considerations related to the subject organization.
– Operations Manager Job Description: Imagine you are hiring an operations manager for this company. Prepare a comprehensive job description with clearly articulated bulleted duties that describes what’s expected for this role (no more than 2 pages)
– Conclusion: Provide key lessons learned from various sections and a summary of the paper (less than one page).
– References: In addition to our textbook and other material, you will use at least 6 scholarly references (e.g., peer-reviewed journal papers).


Approximately 250 words