
juvenile justice

This assignment is required to be completed on a Word document and uploaded/attached in week 1 assignment folder. You are required to follow APA format. If you have questions regarding APA format, please look under course information for helpful resources and/or take advantage of your student resource center. Your textbook will be used to assist you with answering these questions. If you summarize ANY section of our textbook, you are required to cite the book in your assignment and reference the book at the bottom of the assignment. You are encouraged to look for outside sources to support your stance on any of the questions pose to you below. This assignment should be AT LEAST 2 pages in length.
First, the textbook discusses three (3) different ages for delinquent juveniles in the United States. Do you think each state should universally have the same set age? Explain your stance for or against having a set age for delinquency.
Second, explain thoroughly each of the three (3) models. Within your explanation, ensure you describe any major acts, laws, or themes that were enacted.
Third, which of the three (3) models do you believe best serve the juvenile AND the community? Explain your selection. NOTE: there is a possibility that you might select different models for the juvenile and community.


Approximately 250 words


Module 2 Assignment

Module #2 Assignment: Sources of Crime Data
In this assignment compare and contrast the Uniform Crime Report and National Crime Victim Survey. Be sure to address the following:
What kind of data each method collects?
How each method collects their data?
Explain the strengths and weaknesses of each method.
Answer the prompt stated above in a Word document.
Your response should be supported by the material, not your opinion.
Include at least 500 words, but no more than two pages.
Use APA format and include in-text APA citation.
Format the Word Document as directed.
Times New Roman Font, 12-point
double spaced with 1- inch margins on all sides.
Include the assignment number, your name, and the due date at the top of the Word Document.
No title page is necessary.
Grammar and proper sentence structure are a part of the overall grade for the assignment.


Approximately 250 words


Adjusting to Terrorism

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper on an administrative change you would propose to make in a criminal justice agency in an effort to combat terrorism more effectively.
Describe the prior situation, the reasons for the proposed change, and the anticipated positive results or potential negative consequences of the change.
Identify the resources the change would require or make available—financial resources, human resources, and training dollars—and the management support the change would need.
Support your views with a minimum of one (1) scholarly reference.


Approximately 250 words


Summative Assessment: IT Infrastructure

Exam Content
Due by Monday, January 23, 2023
If you use services such as GoogleTM, Office 365®, and Dropbox®, you are operating in the cloud. We chose such services because they are free or can be used at a low cost. The cloud allows us to store many of our files without fear of loss, provides us access to common office applications, and allows us to use email from anywhere we have access to the Internet. As individuals, we decide to use these cloud services based on our own needs and personal budgets. The federal government has taken steps to move government operations to the cloud. In fact, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) developed a strategy to accelerate the adoption of cloud-based solutions in the federal government
(Kent, 2019).
Imagine that you work in the information technology department of a federal organization that processes American citizens’ financial and personally identifiable data. Your organization is intent on adopting a cloud service solution that conforms to the OPM federal strategy. Today your supervisor approached you and tasked you with developing a presentation that will be used to advise your senior leaders on whether they should maintain an in-house information technology infrastructure or outsource the service to a cloud service provider.
Create a 15- to 20-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation to showcase your proposal. Include the following in your presentation:
Identify 3 cloud service providers.
Compare and contrast the services of each provider.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of moving your organization’s processes and data to the
Provide a recommendation to maintain an in-house IT solution or move to a cloud environment. Justify your recommendation. Proofread thoroughly.
Remember that this is a visual aid, so plan accordingly. Use eye catching graphics, detailed speaker’s notes, and cited references.
Submit your assignment.
Kent, S. (2019). Federal cloud computing strategy (June 24, 2019). Office of Management and Budget.


Approximately 250 words


Veterans Affairs

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:
The United States has approximately 18 million living veterans that rely on services provided through the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). It is no secret that the VA has experienced many problems related to the medical care of veterans, significant time delays in addressing disability compensation,
and processing of VA home loans. Additionally, the VA manages personally identifiable information,
financial, and medical information for millions of military veterans.
What would you advise senior VA executives concerning the adoption of cloud computing? Why?
Describe how cloud services can help the VA become more efficient in processing medical
information to support patient care.
What benefit will the cloud service provide over in-house information technology services that are not meeting the needs of the millions of veterans?


Approximately 250 words


Lesson 1 Writing Assignment

Sir Robert Peel began a number of principles that is known as the roots of community policing.
During the 1960’s and 1970’s the era of social and professional awakening began and the responsibilities of the police duties had begun to shift.
In at least two (2) pages Summarize, identify, and explain the role of police from the historical perspective and today’s responsibilities of police.
Do not copy and paste information and do not copy and paste citations as a link. Students must use APA citation format.
Title page and a separate citation page are required.


Approximately 250 words


Research Outline & Sentencing Topic -(Discuss the current discretionary practices with a focus on disproportionate minority contact)

For The Thesis Statement: You are to choose a minority group that you assert is disproportionately represented at a particular decision making point. It appears your decision making point is sentencing. Be sure to choose a specific minority group. You may choose one from the classifications you note (ex. African Americans). Be sure to include your theory as to why.
Also, I Need For You To Write An Outline For This Research Paper According To The Sample Outline I Have Uploaded.
I have uploaded A Sample of This Assignment Research Outline Should Look Like And The Instructions/Direction For Writing This Paper
You Will Need To Send Me A Rough Draft Of This Paper Before The Due Date (Preferably Later Today), So That I Can Send To My Professor To Review And Check For Plagiarism!
You will need:
1 (one) credible source from a scholarly, peer-reviewed journal article,
1 (one) source from a credible government/professional organization
Additional resource. Utilize the Criminal Justice 101 Research Assignment Library Guide to locate appropriate sources. Also, review the CCBC Library Guide created for this assignment. The library guide can be found at:
Here are a link of Resources if You Want To Check It Out:


Approximately 250 words


Research Paper Assignment

In this assignment, you will select one (1) topic: a serial murderer or a policy. Whichever topic is selected, an introduction to the
individual or policy should be detailed followed by a 11-14 page analysis of the theories that might be used to explain or support
the individual’s move into criminality or the underpinnings of the policy. The paper (a total of 16-18 pages) should incorporate a
Christian Worldview throughout or have a specific section of dedicated to Christian Worldview. It is extremely important that you
keep the paper between 16-18 page requirement. Each paper must be thorough but not exhaustive. At least 15-20 sources,
including the Holy Bible and no more than 2 books, must be used and cited. The paper must be written in the current APA format.
Please use this site as a guide to properly format the entire paper:
Please adhere to current APA guidelines and do not exceed the paper’s page limit.
Also, I would like a draft of the assignment; please proofread for common spelling, grammatical, and punctuation errors before submitting the final assignment. (I prefer Grammarly or a similar program.)
Finally, submit a plagiarism report.


Approximately 250 words


Biblical Position Paper Assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to get you thinking about the nature of human behavior, specifically the deviant side of humanbehavior. A detailed discussion of 5-6 pages of the various aspects of the fall of man and the temporal ramifications will beexplored. The heart of man and the wayward desires of the heart should also be explored in an effort to better understand theease of finding oneself on the wrong side of the law. For this assignment, your only source should be Scripture.
Please adhere to current APA guidelines and do not exceed the paper’s page limit.
Also, I would like a draft of the assignment; please proofread for common spelling, grammatical, and punctuation errors before submitting the final assignment. (I prefer Grammarly or a similar program.)
Finally, submit a plagiarism report.


Approximately 250 words


Journal Article Review Assignment

In this assignment you will critically review one (1) recent peer-reviewed article in a minimum of a five (5) pages. You may wish to
spend some time researching critical review techniques for journal articles prior to starting this assignment. At a minimum, you
should pay particular attention to the identification the premise and supporting points of the article, a synthesis of the article with
positivist school of criminology theories, and a critical evaluation of the premise(s) and supporting points of the article. The
paper must follow current APA guidelines. The page count does not include the title page, abstract, reference section, or any extra
material. See the assignment instructions and grading rubric for additional instructions and guidance.
Please adhere to current APA guidelines.
Also, I would like a draft of the assignment; please proofread for common spelling, grammatical, and punctuation errors before submitting the final assignment. (I prefer Grammarly or a similar program.)
Finally, submit a plagiarism report. Please use this website as a guide for APA 7th ed. guidelines; My school is quite strict on formatting at the Doctorate Level.
You must use the following Textbook: Snipes, J., Bernard, T., & Gerould A. (2019). Vold’s theoretical criminology (8th ed.). New York, NY: Oxford University Press. ISBN:


Approximately 250 words