

For this assignment, you will write an essay about the role of competency evaluations used in criminal proceedings. Explain why you agree or disagree with competency evaluations of witnesses. Provide one hypothetical example to support your point of view.
Your essay must be at least one page in length.


Approximately 250 words


Processfolio #1

In this course, you will research a topic of your choice and write an APA style proposal for a research study in your discipline. The process of developing your research proposal will take place over the duration of the course, and by the end of the course, you will have a complete research proposal to submit.
For this first milestone, you will complete Processfolio #1. Since there is a lot that goes into designing a sound research study, this Processfolio document is intended to guide you through your research study proposal.
Your Processfolio is intended to evolve throughout the course based on your self-assessments and feedback from your instructor. You are expected to make changes based on your instructor’s feedback.
For Processfolio #1, you will brainstorm two potential topics that you are interested in conducting research on and reflect on them prior to making a decision about which you want to pursue. Specifically, you will need to develop a research question and hypothesis for each of your topics. For a refresher on how to develop research questions and hypotheses, please visit the Excelsior OWL pages linked below:
Narrowing & Developing Links to an external site.: This part of the OWL will walk you through how to narrow down your topic enough to develop a solid research question.
Research HypothesesLinks to an external site.
Fill out and submit your completed Processfolio #1 Download Processfolio #1for this activity.

Narrowing & Developing

Research Hypotheses


Approximately 250 words


Compare and Contrast Police

Must be at least 2 full pages long.
ISBN: 9781337558754


Approximately 250 words


current state of the issue in criminal justice

Explain the current state of the issue in criminal justice in the article i uploaded.
Explain what the current data looks like.
Explain what the trends are for this issue.


Approximately 250 words


Law and Justice Career Assignment

Career Assignment 2
Identify and list four law enforcement agencies. One must be a city agency, one a county agency,
one a state agency and one a federal agency. For each one do the following (do not cut and paste
1. For each agency summarize the minimum job qualifications for an entry-level position as a
law enforcement officer.
2. For each agency summarize the general hiring process for a law enforcement officer.
3. For each agency summarize the training required after hire for a law enforcement officer.
Then in at least 200 words note if you are interested in working in law enforcement and
explain why or why not (no I am not but please just make stuff up, I’ll attach a brief synopsis
of who I am and your embellishment is more than welcome.)
I’m in my early twenties, I love true crime and hate the injustices in policing and the justice
system in general. I want to work with the non profit organization that aims to free innocent
people from prison and prevent wrongful convictions- called The Innocence Project.
Did you know roughly 1 in 8 people on death row are innocent? I’m motivated by creating a fair and
equitable future for everyone. There is immenseBias when it comes to minorities and people of color in the
justice system. If I had a career path in Law and Justice I would use it to help the people. I would help change
laws that protect hurting innocent people (like the gay panic defense). I just want to help the people
that aren’t as privileged as I am (I am white and racial bias is terribly common.)


Approximately 250 words


Community Corrections (discussion post)

Please answer the following questions in 400+ words combined.
The textbook is required and can be cited as (Alarid, 2018). Full citation as:
Alarid, L. F. (2018). Community-Based Corrections (12th ed.). Cengage Learning US.
An additional source is welcome if you choose- please also cite the youtube videos associated with the questions.
Chapter 1
1. Do you think determinate sentencing is fair? Why? or why not? (pages 9 & 10 in the textbook).
2. After watching this video, “Meet the Judge Who Went Viral For His Creative Punishments,”answer the question below.

Do you agree with the judge’s approach to sentencing? What philosophy do you think he practices?
Chapter 2
1. Which model of probation do you think works best? Explain why. What factors have created changes in supervision? (textbook pages 36-38)
2. Watch the video: Probation Officer Takes Stand

What is the role of the probation officer in this segment? What was the reason for the hearing? Describe the nature of the testimony (technical, narrative, etc.) offered by the probation officer.
3. Study the case below, and then answer the following questions:
1. Should the case be diverted?
2. Should the defendant be given a chance to avoid conviction?
3. Justify your answers
Case A: Defendant Smith, Possession of Ecstasy
Defendant Smith has been arrested for possession of Ecstasy—enough for two hits. Smith has no criminal history and has been employed as a laborer with a construction company for two years, excluding a brief layoff period. He has a good work record. He admits that he uses alcohol and had been drinking and using Ecstasy the night of the offense.Smith has used marijuana and cocaine in the past. He lives by himself. He has never been married and has one child from a previous relationship. He is two months behind on his child-support payments and does not see his child very often. His attorney argues that Smith has never been in any form of mental health counseling, substance-abuse treatment, or counseling, and that he would agree to go to drug court as a diversionary measure. The State’s attorney is opposed to drug court because Ecstasy was the choice of drug. The police have recently been trying to rid the streets of the supply of Ecstasy and believe Smith might be tied to a major Ecstasy drug ring.


Approximately 250 words


Introduction Essay

Instructions: Write a 2-3 page, double spaced paper (approximately 500 to 750 words, no cover page necessary) to include items A AND B below. Please submit files using .doc, .docx, and/or .pdf files.
a) From your current understanding of the concepts of race and ethnicity, discuss the role of race and ethnicity in your life.
For this section you may consider the following prompts as guidance on this topic. You do not need to answer all of the listed questions, instead choose one or two, to ground the focus of your paper.
When did you first become aware of your race or ethnicity?
Is your race or ethnicity a central part of your identity, why or why not?
When has your racial or ethnic identity become important to you or taken on a particular meaning?
When has your racial or ethnic identity become important or taken on a particular meaning for someone else?
Are people in your community comfortable talking about race and ethnicity? Are there people you feel uncomfortable discussing these topics with?
b) Identify a question you have related to a topic or issue in this class. For a list of topics, review the Schedule of Activities Download Schedule of Activities.


Approximately 250 words


comprehensive but concise review of Germany on the issues below

Please provide a comprehensive but concise review of Germany on the issues below:
Briefly describe the country (demographics, population, GDP, etc.)
Overall review of the homeland security system, including the local, state, federal (national) level of security structures together with
Law enforcement bodies
Specialized units
Overall hierarchy of the structures within the governmental system
National security and intelligence structures
Judiciary and its role involving the homeland security apparatus
Interagency (domestic) cooperation
International cooperation


Approximately 250 words


homeland security system in Germany

Please write a paper on the homeland security system of the country you chose (Germany) covering the questions provided (Below) , and provide three distinct examples of their work.
Briefly describe Germany (demographics, population, GDP, etc.)
Overall review of the homeland security system, including the local, state, federal (national) level of security structures together with
Law enforcement bodies
Specialized units
Overall hierarchy of the structures within the governmental system
National security and intelligence structures
Judiciary and its role involving the homeland security apparatus
Interagency (domestic) cooperation
International cooperation


Approximately 250 words


Developing Qualitative Research Questions

1. What is the significance and role of a purpose statement and research questions, and the interrelationship between them?
2. Provide a definition of dependability/reliability, validity/credibility, and the transferability/generalizability for qualitative data as applied in your qualitative research study proposal.
integration is required.
Each original thread must have a title-header, a subtitle for each discussion question
Each paragraph should have a minimum of four complete sentences with
supporting citation(s) if needed.


Approximately 250 words