
Biblical Position Paper Assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to get you thinking about the nature of human behavior, specifically the deviant side of humanbehavior. A detailed discussion of 5-6 pages of the various aspects of the fall of man and the temporal ramifications will beexplored. The heart of man and the wayward desires of the heart should also be explored in an effort to better understand theease of finding oneself on the wrong side of the law. For this assignment, your only source should be Scripture.
Please adhere to current APA guidelines and do not exceed the paper’s page limit.
Also, I would like a draft of the assignment; please proofread for common spelling, grammatical, and punctuation errors before submitting the final assignment. (I prefer Grammarly or a similar program.)
Finally, submit a plagiarism report.


Approximately 250 words


Journal Article Review Assignment

In this assignment you will critically review one (1) recent peer-reviewed article in a minimum of a five (5) pages. You may wish to
spend some time researching critical review techniques for journal articles prior to starting this assignment. At a minimum, you
should pay particular attention to the identification the premise and supporting points of the article, a synthesis of the article with
positivist school of criminology theories, and a critical evaluation of the premise(s) and supporting points of the article. The
paper must follow current APA guidelines. The page count does not include the title page, abstract, reference section, or any extra
material. See the assignment instructions and grading rubric for additional instructions and guidance.
Please adhere to current APA guidelines.
Also, I would like a draft of the assignment; please proofread for common spelling, grammatical, and punctuation errors before submitting the final assignment. (I prefer Grammarly or a similar program.)
Finally, submit a plagiarism report. Please use this website as a guide for APA 7th ed. guidelines; My school is quite strict on formatting at the Doctorate Level.
You must use the following Textbook: Snipes, J., Bernard, T., & Gerould A. (2019). Vold’s theoretical criminology (8th ed.). New York, NY: Oxford University Press. ISBN:


Approximately 250 words



Discussion Board 1: The Criminal Justice System and Criminology
Course-Level Objective(s):
CO.1. Describe the basic theoretical perspectives underpinning how crime is defined and shapes the US criminal justice system.
CO.2. Explain the nature of crime and victimization according to the criminal justice system.
CO.8. Use appropriate evidence from multiple sources to illustrate how a chosen topic is relevant to the field of public safety and security.
CO.9. Convey ideas clearly, coherently, and effectively for a particular purpose, occasion, or audience as appropriate for the field of public safety and security.
Module-Level Objective(s):
MO.1.6 Compare and contrast criminal justice and criminology. (CO.1-2)
– Initial Post: Write a two to three paragraph post comparing and contrasting the criminal justice system and criminology. Include the following in your post:
1 At least 8 of the module vocabulary terms; identify them by highlighting them in bold print.
2 Cite evidence in 7th edition APA form from multiple sources (module readings, videos, etc.); including your in-text citations as well as your references.


Approximately 250 words


Summary of Exclusionalry Rule

After viewing the first video write a summary of the exclusionary rule in terms of purpose, historical development, and amendments. Then view the next video and define, compare, and contrast the concept of “fruits of the poisonous tree” providing examples of each based on reading material and videos. Also, remember for all assignments you should cite to the relevant page number(s) in the course textbook. VIDEO 1 VIDEO 2


Approximately 250 words


Summary of Exclusionalry Rule

What are the four different elements of arrest? Discuss the reasons for each of the four elements. You must be specific with examples. Always find and use relevant portions of the course textbook with page number citations.
What are the four elements of an arrest?
Intent, Authority, Actual Seizure, Understanding


Approximately 250 words


Capital Punishment

*” A military jury has sentenced Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan to death for the 2009 mass shooting at a post clinic that killed 13 people and left 31 others wounded.” This is the worst mass murder at a military installation in U.S. history.
Do you support or oppose capital punishment in this case? Read other students’ posts and respond to them. If differences of opinion occur, debate and support your viewpoint professionally. Remember to support your statements with examples and references.
*Hlad, J. (2013). Hasan sentenced to death for Fort Hood massacre, Stars and Stripes (28 Aug 13). Retrieved from


Approximately 250 words


Research Project Proposal CJR

Please use Poractive Policing Units tactics Vs. Effect on Community Relations.
Please see attached PDF for all instruction and please follow outline in rubric.


Approximately 250 words


Logic Models as Policy Tools- Articulate how and why the use of Logic Models in program design and evaluation can mitigate the poor criminal justice policy-making examined earlier in the course.

Each module you are required to make at least one original post to the discussion
question in the ‘Discussion’ forum for that
Initial posts must have at least two citations to class materials.
This week’s Discussion:
What are the practical challenges involved in the use of random selection and
assignment in action research? How can these be overcome?
Discussion Rubric:
Discussion assignments are designed to encourage interaction between the class
Superficial postings such as “I agree” or “Good point,” will not be counted. Direct use and
citation of course material is required in the initial postings and in
comments to classmates. Of
course, students should always be respectful of others
when giving their opinion(s). Below are a
few examples of acceptable and unacceptable posts/responses.
The best discussion posts and responses do more than merely recite
the materials. They analyze
and discuss what you have learned and pose questions for
your peers to discuss and wrestle with.
Take any stance or approach you like, so long as yousupport it with the materials and with
logical argument.
Acceptable Post: Sample ACCEPTABLE Post below:
Stohr and Collins (2013) discuss how competing values of ‘democratic accountability’
‘neutral competency’ change the motivations of workers, and thus need to be
balanced (40).
Which value do you think controls the most ground inside criminal justice organizations;
irrespective of culture, location, size, etc? On the surface this question is seemingly easy to
answer. Politics are never removed completely from civil service jobs because everyone working
within an organization has a political stance
and those stances shaped the individual’s values and
ideas, and subsequently the
dynamic of the organization itself.
Nonetheless, while democratic
accountability is imperative to civil service, especially in
law enforcement where the consent of
the people is an absolute, civil servants remaining politically neutral seems to only work for nonadministrative/management roles. Many
of those roles are either appointed of elected, and thus
they are already accountable to
the public vis-a-vis other democratic mechanisms. Thus, I feel
that democratic
accountability is the value that retains the most weight inside law enforcement
organizations because policy and directive operates in a top-down manner. While Lipsky (2010)
tells us that SLB’s exercise their discretion to either enforce or make their own
policy, the
internal dynamics of the organization are still shaped by politics. Stohr and
Collins even note
how organizations are highly influenced by the political will of the community (39). While neutral competency is still salient in terms of civil servants jobs not centering around politics, it
is still permeated to one degreeor another by politics and is affected by the local legal culture
and political environment they are in.


Approximately 250 words


Journal Article Structure Analysis

As noted above, prior to beginning work on this assignment, please complete the assigned readings and access and review the required websites. Please complete the below elements, as a continuation of Week One’s Interactive Assignment. As a reminder, you will resume the role at the agency you chose in Week One:
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
Customs and Border Protection (CBP)
Transportation Security Administration (TSA)
Utilizing the memorandum document you created in Week One, add the following for this second part of the interactive assignment.
Paragraphs One through Three: Review the peer review(s) that you received in Week One (with respect to paragraphs one through three). Incorporate at least one revision (the revision could pertain to one or more of your first three paragraphs) and highlight the change by utilizing the “text highlight color” feature. Explain how the revision improves the quality or clarity in your original work.
Paragraph Four: Explain the author’s findings relative to the author’s research objective. Explain to what extent the findings illuminate effective methods of response systems within the context of homeland security.
Paragraph Five: In view of the author’s findings, explain to what extent policy implications relate to responsibilities and functions across agencies at various jurisdictional levels that mitigate hostilities, threats, hazards and consequences.. In addition, explain how the author’s findings are relevant to the interests of your chosen agency.
Conclusion: This paragraph should explain how the findings in the article inform policy consideration for this agency. Consider how the arguments and conclusions in the article relate to organizational objectives for this agency. Finally, identify at least one relevant research question that is related to (but not addressed by) this article, and explain how your research question relates to the organizational objectives of this agency.
Submit the memorandum in its entirety as your initial post. To summarize, the final version of the memorandum should incorporate the introduction, paragraphs one through five, the conclusion, and a properly cited reference. Further, paragraphs one, two, and/or three, should reflect highlighted revisions based on peer and/or instructor feedback.


Approximately 250 words


State and local agencies

For this discussion, you will consider and differentiate the role of state and local agencies within the context of homeland security objectives. First, identify and explain the contributions and strategic objectives of local law enforcement agencies within the context of homeland security. What are the most challenging aspects of coordinating state and local agencies with federal agencies? Why? Provide a specific example to illustrate your response. Reflect on the material in Chapter 6 of the Martin (2015) text on state and local factors within the context of homeland security. Second, and as a related item, analyze methods of the most effective state and local response systems in first responder contexts. Identify a strength and a limitation associated with a state and local response method of your choice. How could this method be improved?
The content of the initial post must contain a minimum of two references to the assigned weekly reading materials. No quotations are permitted. Your posts should incorporate analytical and evidence-based statements and reflect a synthesis of the assigned readings. Your initial post should be a minimum of 400 words.


Approximately 250 words