
An Econometric Approach on the Impact of Macroeconomic Instability on Financial Inclusion in emerging markets

I am having some difficulty approaching this topic.
More specifically, on the dependent variable (financial inclusion), what indicator available publicly that can be used?
What are the independent variables? and what indicators are available publicly that can be used? ( 5 minimum)
How many countries should be in this research and what are they and why are they used?
Here, I think panel data should be utilized (not sure).
It would be great if more than 15 sources are used.
Before starting, please share with me the data collected with their sources. Upon confirmation, it will be fine to proceed.
The structure is as follows;
Chapter 1 – Introduction
1.1 Background: 400 – 600 words ( with 2 references at least)
1.2 Problem statement: 300 – 500 words (with 2 references at least)
1.3 Significance and Contributions 100 – 200 words
1.4 Aim of study
1.5 Research Questions and Objectives
Chapter 2 – Literature review(2000+ words)
2.1 Introduction
2.2 dependent variable
2.3 independent variable 1
2.4 independent variable 2 and so on..
Chapter 3 – Research Methodology
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Research Framework
3.3 Hypothesis development
3.4 Research design


Approximately 250 words


Recessionary or Inflationary Gap Discussion post

Is a recessionary or inflationary gap bad for an economy? Have you ever wondered how the federal government and the Federal Reserve react to smooth out recessionary and inflationary gaps? In this activity, you will explore the concepts of fiscal policy and the attempts the U.S. government takes when the U.S. economy is in a recessionary or inflation gap. You will discuss the concepts of aggregate supply and aggregate demand to determine how the U.S. economy can work its way back to long-run equilibrium based.
Locate a recent article (published within the last year) that discusses fiscal policy and whether the U.S. economy is in an inflationary or recessionary gap.
Analyze the article and then address the following concepts in your discussion.
Interpret recessionary and expansionary gaps within the economy.
Explain the inter-workings of fiscal policy tools.
State how taxation and government spending works.
Differentiate between fiscal and monetary policy.
Demonstrate the mechanics of discretionary fiscal policy within the Keynesian framework.


Approximately 250 words


Economic Terms

Watch each of the three videos and define the relevant economic terms. Please underline the concepts. Write at least 2 paragraphs for each


Approximately 250 words


Open book writing (only allowed to use attached materials)

This is open book writing the question will be posted on Feburary 16th at 8:30 am It will be available for 2 hours so You must be online and only allowed to use the materials attached below, also no plagiarism.
(If you use other than the attached materials won’t pay)
*Make sure you read and watch all the materials below before the deadline*
Instructions for the open book:
You will have to choose two
questions from a list;
each question covers multiple parts of the materials provided. Each
answer should be around 700 words.
What do to:
-Select two questions.
-Identify clearly to which questions you provide an answer.
-Each answer should be around 700 words
-Position is supported with thoroughly developed details. A relevant position/thesis
is clearly stated. Superior recall of factual content; organized in a thoughtful and
effective manner.
-You must also provide properly formatted references (only allowed the provided materials)


Approximately 250 words


public finance

Answer THREE of the following (from 6)
5] “Bagehot” (2020) describes aspects of the devolution of power to provinces in the UK. Discuss an economic model for the decentralisation of government with particular focus on the provision of local public goods. Analyse the commentary from the article in relation to the model’s predictions as to what services and finances are well suited to provision at the local level compared to the national level.
Bagehot: Andy Burnham strengthens the case for devolution in Britain. (2020, September 26). The Economist. for-devolution-in-britain
6] “Economics focus” (2010) discusses a recommendation that VAT in the UK should be changed to charge a single rate without exemptions. Explain the trade-off between efficiency and equity in the use of taxes on goods and services to raise government revenue. Asses the claims in the article regarding how the removal of current exemptions and reduced ratings in the VAT system need not be regressive.
Economics focus: Tax from scratch. (2010, November 13). The Economist.
7] “When duty falls” (2022) describes a 5 pence cut to the rate of fuel duty for a period one year applied in the UK. Reproduce a model of tax incidence that illustrates how the impact on consumers and suppliers from a reduction in the tax rate will vary with different market conditions. Assess the advantages and disadvantages of this policy in relation to the alternatives suggested in the article.
When duty falls: Cutting fuel taxes is a bad idea. (2022, March 26). The Economist.
8] “Extra credit” (2018) discusses the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) – a tax benefit in the USA that tops up the incomes of low earners. Explain with the use of an appropriate economic model how the EITC may increase labour supply among some workers but have an ambiguous effect on other workers. Assess the impact of the different thresholds (relating to maximum payment and the start of withdrawal) within the EITC system on labour supply.
Extra credit: The Earned Income Tax Credit almost pays for itself. (2018, November 24). The Economist. almost-pays-for-itself
9] “Biden’s taxing problem” (2021) describes aspects of plans to change taxes on capital returns in the USA. Arrange different arguments against the taxation of capital returns. Discuss various arguments in favour of the taxation of capital returns. Analyse the suggestion in the article of exempting “normal” returns on capital from taxation while taxing “excess” returns.
Biden’s taxing problem: How to tax capital without hurting investment. (2021, May 1). The Economist. investment
10] “The World Ahead” (2021) details several challenges for the BBC, one of the UK’s public service broadcasters – which is primarily funded by the licence fee, an annual charge on households watching TV. Explain the economic reasons for government intervention in the provision of television services through the BBC and analyse the effects of the licence fee. Assess the role of technological change on the arguments for intervention.
The World Ahead 2022: In its centenary year, the BBC looks vulnerable. (2021, November 8). The Economist. bbc-looks-vulnerable


Approximately 250 words


ECO 201 Discussion Mod 2

A difference in opportunity costs between businesses can lead to a comparative advantage in the production of a good and the decision to trade.
For this discussion, first play the simulation games Comparative Advantage (Without Trade) and Comparative Advantage (With Trade) in the MindTap environment. Then, you will share your experiences playing the games. Your work in this discussion will directly support your success on the course project.
In your initial post, include the image of your simulation report in your response. See the How to Submit a Simulation Report Image PDF document for more information. Then, address the following questions:
Imagine you own your own business. How would you evaluate opportunity costs and comparative advantage when making business decisions?
Look up a Production Possibilities Frontier (PPF) graph. What role does the production possibility frontier (PPF) model have in making business decisions regarding specialization and trae?
I’ve attached the rubic & instructions


Approximately 250 words


Plotting & Comparing FRED Data

In this assignment, you will examine the path of two interest rate series and identify any trends, changes, or correlations between the two economic data series. Using the same range of years you selected for your discussion in Module Two (i.e., a 10- to 15-year span over the last 50 years), you will plot and compare the federal funds rate with either the prime bank loan rate or the 30-year conventional mortgage rate using the Federal Reserve Economic Database (FRED).
To understand the relationship between the federal funds rate and the prime bank loan rate or the 30-year conventional mortgage rate, read the following analogy to a car’s brakes:
Suppose you bring your car to an auto repair shop because it does not stop in a safe manner when the brakes are applied. The mechanic explains that the car’s rotors are rusted out and the brake pads are gone, and that is why the car is not stopping as needed. In this analogy, the rotors and brake pads are the federal funds rate, and the braking performance of the car is the prime bank loan rate or the 30-year conventional mortgage rate.
Prompt: First, graph the monthly effective federal funds rates over your selected 10- to 15-year span.
6. Next, graph either the monthly prime bank loan rates or monthly 30-year conventional mortgage rate, again of your selected 10- to 15-year span, using the same instructions above.
7. After downloading the two graphs as images, insert them into a Word document along with a brief written analysis (described in the critical elements
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
I. Interest Rate Graphs
A. Graph 1: Graph, download, and insert an image of the graph of the effective federal funds rates from the Federal Reserve Economic Database
(FRED) using the same time period (i.e., 10- to 15-year span over the last 50 years) you chose for the Module Two discussion response into a
Word document.
B. Graph 2: Graph, download, and insert an image of the graph of the prime bank loan rates or the 30-year conventional mortgage rate from FRED
using the same time period (i.e., 10- to 15-year span over the last 50 years) you chose for the Module Two discussion response into a Word document.
II. Analysis
A. Comparison: Analyze the two interest rates and explain how they have changed over your chosen time period, citing specific examples.
B. Causal Relationship: Briefly hypothesize the causal relationship between the two interest rates based on knowledge gained in the course. Cite
your sources.
Needed: 1 1/2 Pages of Written Analysis


Approximately 250 words


An Econometric Approach on the Impact of Macroeconomic Instability on Financial Inclusion in emerging markets

I am having some difficulty approaching this topic.
More specifically, on the dependent variable (financial inclusion), what indicator available publicly that can be used?
What are the independent variables? and what indicators are available publicly that can be used? ( 5 minimum)
How many countries should be in this research and what are they and why are they used?
Here, I think panel data should be utilized (not sure).
It would be great if more than 15 sources are used.
Before starting, please share with me the data collected with their sources. Upon confirmation, it will be fine to proceed.
The structure is as follows;
Chapter 1 – Introduction
1.1 Background: 400 – 600 words ( with 2 references at least)
1.2 Problem statement: 300 – 500 words (with 2 references at least)
1.3 Significance and Contributions 100 – 200 words
1.4 Aim of study
1.5 Research Questions and Objectives
Chapter 2 – Literature review(2000+ words)
2.1 Introduction
2.2 dependent variable
2.3 independent variable 1
2.4 independent variable 2 and so on..
Chapter 3 – Research Methodology
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Research Framework
3.3 Hypothesis development
3.4 Research design


Approximately 250 words


Recessionary or Inflationary Gap Discussion post

Is a recessionary or inflationary gap bad for an economy? Have you ever wondered how the federal government and the Federal Reserve react to smooth out recessionary and inflationary gaps? In this activity, you will explore the concepts of fiscal policy and the attempts the U.S. government takes when the U.S. economy is in a recessionary or inflation gap. You will discuss the concepts of aggregate supply and aggregate demand to determine how the U.S. economy can work its way back to long-run equilibrium based.
Locate a recent article (published within the last year) that discusses fiscal policy and whether the U.S. economy is in an inflationary or recessionary gap.
Analyze the article and then address the following concepts in your discussion.
Interpret recessionary and expansionary gaps within the economy.
Explain the inter-workings of fiscal policy tools.
State how taxation and government spending works.
Differentiate between fiscal and monetary policy.
Demonstrate the mechanics of discretionary fiscal policy within the Keynesian framework.


Approximately 250 words


Economic Terms

Watch each of the three videos and define the relevant economic terms. Please underline the concepts. Write at least 2 paragraphs for each


Approximately 250 words