
Literature Review Chapter

I need to write the literature review of this study.
“Exploring the use of technology in English language classes in Islamic Schools in Canada through the Cultural Historical Activity Theory: difficulties and opportunities for development.
My study involves researching the current use of technology in English language classes in Islamic schools in Canada and analyzing it through the lens of Cultural-Historical Activity Theory.
It may also examine any difficulties that arise in the implementation of technology in these classes, as well as potential opportunities for development.
Please keep in mind that this chapter will provide an overview of existing research on the use of technology in English language classes, as well as research on Islamic schools in Canada and Cultural-Historical Activity Theory.
You could begin by reviewing the literature on technology integration in education and the ways in which it can support or hinder language learning, specifically within the context of Islamic schools in Canada. Additionally, research on Cultural-Historical Activity Theory and its application to education and technology integration may be useful.
This chapter might include the following (But not limited to): (You need to add your input too and use the order of sections as they make sense to you)
• Previous research on education in Canada ( with regard to technology).
• Previous research on the use of technology in English language classes
• Previous research on the use of technology in Islamic schools (in the west, Canada)
Please note:
Each paragraph needs to start with an argument, and an explanation should follow.
Each section should start with an introduction and end with a conclusion that introduces the next section (signposting is important).


Approximately 250 words


Reflection lesson plan

Please proofread the reflection of my lesson plan which I had some weeks ago. Do not correct the German words! They should be included in the reflection.


Approximately 250 words


Stress and Restoration

1. Follow this link for resources and instructions to complete the assignment.
The actual assignment is these questions.
2. Answer the questions below in the word doc table found at the end of the link in the instructions provided
Stress and Restoration –
A. What evidence of stress do you observe in students?
B. What did you learn from the process of trying an empathy interview? This isn’t what you learned about the student but rather the process itself.
(ease, challenges, adjustments for the future, etc.)
C. How might you utilize restorative practices? When? How?


Approximately 250 words


Literary Graphic Organizer

Please follow these directions:
1. Using the readings and media-files from the course add additional information to the graphic organizer.
2. Gather information from the following:
3. Course materials, lectures and readings
4. Common Core State Standards- record pertinent information on the graphic organizer.
Have all columns completely addressed with samples and definitions.


Approximately 250 words


Literary Graphic Organizer

Please follow these directions:
1. Using the readings and media-files from the course add additional information to the graphic organizer.
2. Gather information from the following:
3. Course materials, lectures and readings
4. Common Core State Standards- record pertinent information on the graphic organizer.
Have all columns completely addressed with samples and definitions.


Approximately 250 words


student interview

1. Read the article below
2. Review the “How To” information at the bottom of the page
Conduct one Empathy Interview with a student and share the date/evidence (see the “Data/Evidence” section for examples:
3. Observed/reported behavior
Conversation – does not have to be word for word
Summary of what you learned about that student from the conversation and how you plan to respond based on this information.
Note to writer: I know you will not find a student to interview at this time unless you interview your child. If you have one or a niece or nephew, please try your best and use first person, don’t write in the third person.
Thank you,


Approximately 250 words


Week 3 Discussion_GF

This week, locate an article on family roles across cultures. Include bibliographic information in APA format (author, year, title, journal, etc.) so your classmates may also locate it, if desired. Provide a brief critique of the article and what impressed you about it, especially if the information is new to you.


Approximately 250 words


EDU 520

Read the case study titled Religion or Free Speech [PDF].
Next, watch the Kaltura video presentation, How to Use Case Precedent to Interpret Case Law.
Next, propose an argument justifying if free speech and equal access rights of the Christian and Bible club are being or not being violated. Support your argument using two cases from the textbook. Respond to at least one other student.


Approximately 250 words


educational leadership

Write a 3–5-page document that explains the following:
Define rigorous curricula? Be sure to describe at least 2 key components of rigorous curricula
Explain why rigorous curricula are important.
Explain how would a principal promotes instruction which reduces the achievement gap of minority students.
Assignment format:
1. Title Page (Your name, Course Name, Term, Assignment Due Date)
2. Introduction
3. Body of paper (each section clearly labeled and separated with level 1, 2, 3 headings) Be sure to include in-text citations formatted in the APA 7th edition.
4. Conclusion
5. Reference page
Please use scholarly sources


Approximately 250 words


Lunsford’s The Top Twenty Tips for Editing Your Academic Writing

After reading Lunsford’s section on The Top Twenty Tips for Editing Your Academic Writing in academic and student writing, what do you immediately recognize in your writing? Some times I have to check over again for sentences fragments I commonly have this issue.Do you have any questions about any of the twenty? Need help with question Which of the twenty seem hardest to comprehend ? 10. Look for confusing sentences structures. 20.Check for sentence fragments


Approximately 250 words