

1. Describe the skills or attributes you believe are necessary to be an outstanding teacher.
2. How would you address a wide range of skills and abilities in your classroom?
3. Please explain how your past personal and professional
experience make you a quality candidate for the position for which you are applying.
4. List any additional information which will help in determining your professional qualifications for a position.


Approximately 250 words


Discussion #1: Vision

In The Principal’s Guide to School Budgeting, Sorenson & Goldsmith contend we “must visit Utopia” in creating a vision for our school. Do you agree, or is this just fluff?
Support your response.


Approximately 250 words


Writing your introduction to the dissertation topic, and your problem of practice

****I need you to rewrite the attached paper in your own words using the same cited sources within the paper. The rewritten paper should be sectioned as follows:
Section Titled: Introduction to Problem of Practice
1. Describe your topic, referencing foundational sources to describe the topic (2 pages)
Section Titled: Statement of Problem
2. Describe the general and specific problem you wish to address within that topic, answering the following questions (2 pages):
What is the general problem? (include research citation)
What is the specific problem, and any connection to the context in which you’ve worked?
Who does this problem affect, and how do you know this?
Section Titled: Significance of Problem
3. What is the problem’s significance to the organization’s success or failure?
Brief Conclusion


Approximately 250 words


Cross-Curricular Project Brochure for Families

In the 21st century, scientific and technological innovations have become increasingly important as we face the benefits and challenges of globalization. Science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) is a part of our everyday lives. Exposing students to STEM creates an engaging classroom environment and prepares students for real-world application.
In 250-500 words, create a digital flyer or brochure for the families of the students in the “Class Profile” outlining an upcoming cross-curricular, real-world project you are planning to implement in your classroom that integrates STEM.
The flyer or brochure must include:
A title for the cross-curricular project.
A summary of the project that clearly outlines how STEM will be utilized and how the concepts taught can be applied in a real-world setting.
How students will be assessed.
Materials the students will use for the project, including any that will be provided and those that could be brought from home.
How families can support their student in the completion of the project.
The flyer/brochure should be creative, visually appealing, and well organized.
While APA style format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected.


Approximately 250 words


Benchmark – Unit and Lesson Planning

For this assignment, you will use the “COE Lesson Plan” template to develop the last two lesson plans from your “3 Day Lesson Plan Template” created in Topic 4. The lessons must also integrate the content areas selected in Topic 5 (language arts, science, mathematics, creative and performing arts).
Please do 3rd grade social studies lesson plans.


Approximately 250 words


Parenting Across Cultures

Textbook Must Be Used As a Source
Link to textbook
Documentary Link title Babies
Template that has to be used for assignment


Approximately 250 words


Writing Journal

View the “Child Development” PowerPoint attached. What insights did you gain about child development and brain development? Which of the four brain basics did you connect with and why?
Review the typical developmental milestones for the grade level you are interested in teaching (interested in primary grade level-5th grade) using the link to the website . How could you apply this information to the classroom?
Read the article Six Tips for Brain Based Learning . In what ways do the California Teaching Performance Expectations align with the tips for brain-based learning?


Approximately 250 words


Globel Issues Interactive Presentation

We are in a time of rapid growth in the amount of information and technology available. Students are now being informed of current events through social media, digital platforms, and other resources. They are bringing that information into the classroom, wanting answers to increasingly difficult questions, and expecting solutions. Teaching students to be globally aware will help them discover and interpret answers to their questions.
Locate a current article discussing a global issue based on race or culture. Create an interactive presentation (Prezi, WebQuest, PowToon, etc.) for students to understand this issue and its effect.
The presentation must include the following: 1) An introduction of the global issue
2) Grade appropriate collaborative activity designed to explore the issue or solve the problem
3) Minimum of 3-5 digital tools or resources that engage students in exploring real-world issues and authentic problem-solving
4) Assessment
In addition to the article write a 500-word reflection answering the following questions:
1) How does the collaborative activity provide a relevant learning experience in the classroom that engages students in exploring real-world issues and solving authentic problems using digital tools and resources?
2) What opportunities are available, when teaching this global issue, to create an increasingly open and safe learning environment?
3) How will you ensure your own personal bias does not affect your presentation?
How does awareness of this global
issue and the grade appropriate collaborative activity create relevant learning experiences that will affect students’ relationships in the classroom and inform their ethical decision-making?
Note: Please be sure to include the article


Approximately 250 words


Clinical Field Experience

Allocate at least 2 hours in the field to support this field experience.
A Professional Learning Community (PLC) is defined as a group of educators that meet regularly to share expertise and work collaboratively to improve the learning of all students. Most school environments implement PLCs to provide an opportunity for grade level teachers to work together through the assessment cycle, analyzing student performance data, and determining strategies to improve instruction for students. It is critical for this collaborative analysis to include all students, including those who are above, at, and below grade level, to ensure instruction is stimulating and challenging.
For this field experience, interview a K-3 teacher with PLC experience who has worked collaboratively with a team of teachers to analyze student data, determine appropriate intervention strategies to support all learning levels, and monitor learning progress to demonstrate growth during learning.
In addition, interview an instructional coach or administrator who has facilitated a PLC. While some states may refer to this community in a different way, the goals are similar.
In your interviews, ask the following questions:
How does your school implement PLCs?
What do you focus on during the PLC meetings?
How do PLCs support collaboration with colleagues to identify common curriculum goals and evaluate progress towards the goals?
How would you change or modify PLCs?
What is the biggest change you have seen in student learning since you started collaborating with other educators? In a summary of 250-500 words, describe your interviews and reflect on how the information you learned might be applied in your future practice.


Approximately 250 words


Writing Discussion

Read the Article: The Amazing Teen Brain Amazing Teen Brain
Respond to the following:
1. Discuss a few of the key findings from the research on brain development described in the article that you found interesting and explain why you connected with those findings.
2. Discuss the implications of this research for educators and for parents.
3. Share any personal experiences you have that relate to this topic or pose a question that relates to the topic .


Approximately 250 words