
The Death Penalty

A. Assignment Guidelines
DIRECTIONS: Refer to the list below throughout the writing process. Do not submit your Touchstone until it meets these guidelines.
1. Argumentative Thesis Statement
❒ Have you included a thesis in your introduction that takes a clear, specific position on one side of a debatable issue?
2. Argument Development
❒ Are all of the details relevant to the purpose of your essay?
❒ Is the argument supported using rhetorical appeals and source material?
❒ Is your essay 6-8 pages (approximately 1500-2000 words, not including your references or reflection question responses)? If not, which details do you need to add or remove?
3. Research
❒ Have you cited outside sources effectively using quotation, summary, or paraphrase techniques?
❒ Are the sources incorporated smoothly, providing the reader with signal phrases and context for the source information?
❒ Have you referenced a range of at least 7 credible sources?
❒ Have you properly cited your sources according to APA style guidelines?
❒ Have you included an APA style reference page below your essay?
4. Reflection
❒ Have you answered all reflection questions thoughtfully and included insights, observations, and/or examples in all responses?
❒ Are your answers included on a separate page below the main assignment?
B. Reflection
DIRECTIONS: Below your assignment, include answers to all of the following reflection questions.
1. Provide one example of a place where you have used rhetorical appeals or source material to support your argument. How does this enhance your essay? (2-3 sentences)
2.Touchstone 4 is a revision of this draft. What kind of feedback would be helpful for you as you revise? Are there parts of your draft that you’re uncertain of? (3-4 sentences)


Approximately 250 words


Business: How to shop smartly

Use process analysis to teach your audience how to do one of the step-by-step processes listed below. In addition to choosing a topic that aligns with your pathway/career field, I would strongly urge you to select a process that you feel you are uniquely qualified to teach. In other words, keep the focus on your own expertise and experience. Explain the process one step at a time, and be sure to provide your reader with enough detail to make each step clear. (Note: Although you will be explaining the steps of a process, do not write your essay as a numbered list. You must compose your essay in the traditional paragraph structure.)


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Adults going back to school

Concept essay.
Concept is adults going back to school.
Has to be at least 1300 words. I only have 600!
Final Draft Word Count and Setup Requirement:
 1300-1500 words (plus a correctly formatted APA cover page)
 12-point Times New Roman font
 Double-spaced lines
 3rd person point of view
**** What I have ****
Going back and trying to finish school when long past their twenties can be a frightening experience for adult students. When students start college fresh from High school, they have few responsibilities and fresh memory of the tools they’ve learned that will prepare them through the years. Students starting college years in their fifties will not only find it challenging but even downright impossible at times. While heading back to further education can be very exciting, challenges such as memory, responsibility, and financial hardship can prove to be even more intimidating,
1, Memory is a much-needed tool when continuing your education. Students fresh from high school have the benefits of young minds that are used to soaking up all that new information. Most of those students can adapt to change and new technology. Senior students need to not only be able to utilize information they learned back in high school, but they also must memorize even more education and of course do all this in the ever-changing twists technology has thrown into education. As the brain ages along with the student, it becomes harder and harder to call upon those lessons that were taken back in High School. So, a student beginning classes in their 50’s is challenged to pull forth memories of lessons that have barely been used since High school, while processing and memorizing even more education.
2, Most senior students have families and are faced with trying to balance their family household with their decision to go back to school. Juggling their homework along with their children’s homework and or their spouses work responsibilities is not just challenging, it’s a superhero fantasy at times. Running errands, the dishes, the cooking, the cleaning, the family bonding can sometimes push the senior students’ studies to the long past bedtime hours. Unless a lucky lottery ticket falls from the sky, most senior students are also working a 30-to-40-hour job. They must be able to go to work, keep focused on the job at hand all the while knowing there are chapters that need to be read, essays that need to be written, and tests that need to be studied for. All of this can lead to the potential of burning out from all angles, not just the student side of thing. Attempting to find a balance that is needed to keep juggling all those responsibilities, could make it very tempting to just give up.
3, Financial hardship is also a huge challenge when adults make the jump from thinking and wishing about going back to finish school, to taking the plunge. College tuition, even with the help of student loans can be overwhelming. Adult students have car payments, mortgages, grocery bills, utility bills and or childcare that they are already trying to manage without the monstrous college debt added to it. So many adults are parents that have spent year’s saving for their children’s college education so it can almost feel like spending any money on their own education is a possibility that is no longer a possibility. Thankfully there are many programs out there that will help with the tuition extras that are not covered by financial aid.
Adult students no doubt have a lot of challenges ahead of them. They need to prioritize their schedules so that they can balance the household chores, family obligations, and their school lessons as they are due. They need to constantly be aware and prepare for the inevitable hardships of the memory not being as sharp as it once was. While those challenges may make them feel like the degree is a very distant dream, with persistence and determination they will find their way to that graduation stage that alluded them for so long.


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persuasion is a necessary tool for employee retention as it can help motivate employees to stay in their positions.

Use these writing notes as a way to gather your thoughts and determine your strategy for writing your persuasive essay. This process will allow you to develop a potential structure for effectively persuading readers to agree with your argument. Additionally, these notes will help keep your thought processes on track when you begin writing and revising your essay.
Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:
Describe the argument to be addressed in your persuasive essay. Explain how the argument relates to your major, the major you are considering pursuing, or your field of work.
Make certain your topic is debatable. Are you able to see at least two perspectives to this argument?
Identify the potential challenges you may encounter in supporting your argument with a specific audience.
First, state the audience you will be writing to.
Then address the challenges of supporting your argument with this audience.
Establish a goal that you hope to accomplish with this essay. What will this essay need to successfully meet your goal?
Determine three key points that will help support your argument.
Provide a brief description of at least two resources that support the key points of your argument.
First, list the authors and titles of each resource. These resources may be books or articles you identified in a previous assignment.
Then provide a brief description of how each resource may reinforce your argument.
Explain how you plan to effectively integrate evidence in the essay.


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reading log 2

answer one of each question under each roman numeral (in italics) followthe same format as given. when reached roman numeral 2 “Engaging with theoretical perspectives” i have uploaded the discussion questions to amswer.


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The bill of rights. choose topic.

I will upload all the instructions and remember that you can choose one of the topics for the essay.


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write an essay comparing two contrasting attitudes on a controversial subject. You may want to contrast your views with those of someone else, or contrast the way you felt about the subject in the past with the way you feel right now.

Using APA formatting, in a 1- to 2-page paper, write an essay comparing two contrasting attitudes on a controversial subject. You may want to contrast your views with those of someone else, or contrast the way you felt about the subject in the past with the way you feel right now.
Make sure you proofread and revise your essay before submitting.
Assignment Submission:
The use of outside resources is strongly recommended, and all papers must be cited and written in APA format.
Once you have completed the assignment, click the Submit Assignment option in the menu to the right and select a format for submitting your assignment.
Click the Submit Assignment button when you are ready.
Detailed Directions:
Choose any controversial topic that you want. The important part is that it has at least two points of view. I highly suggest that you check out procon.orgLinks to an external site. (Link will open in new tab.)
Find about three or four reasons to support each side of the argument. Again Links to an external site. (Link will open in new tab.)is awesome for this.
Organize your paper into four paragraphs
Paragraph 1: Introduction
Paragraph 2: Pro or con
Paragraph 3: Pro or con
Paragraph 4: Conclusion
If you want to write an unbiased comparison, it doesn’t matter whether you start with pro or con. However, if you have an opinion on the topic, you want to put the side you agree with in the third paragraph.
Don’t forget to include a reference!


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writing proposal

The final essay will require you to summarize the chosen essay (see options below), identify the author’s point of view (argument/thesis), describe a writing strategy that the author uses and state whether it is effective or not and why. You must include examples by quoting the original text. This analysis should be written in 3rd person point of view.
In addition, you will compose a response to the essay, an Author’s Response (you are the author). In your response, you will state your position on the topic and whether you agree with argument or not. You will find one source that is related to the topic, that provides additional perspective that can support your position whether it be the same point of view as the essay or an opposing view. You must include either a direct quote or paraphrase from the resource you have found in your research. The Author’s Response can be written in 1st person point of view.
Select one of the following three articles as the topic of your essay (located in the Norton Field Guide textbook):
“Our Blind Spot About Guns”, Nicholas Kristof, p. 177
“Representation of Disney Princesses in the Media,” Isabelle Gill, p. 759
“Outbreak of the Irrational, Sarah Dzubay,” p. 825


Approximately 250 words


Not Wanted on the Voyage SCRIPT

Please take a look at the files attached to this order. No citations are needed. No need to do the recording part, your only job is to produce the SCRIPT for me to read out loud for recording as outlined in the files attached. You may need to do some reading on the book, Not Wanted on the Voyage by Timothy Findley. I need quality work. I mean QUALITY and only QUALITY. Finally, I will be reading this out loud to the class AND recording this for the teacher, so keep that in mind and stage your work appropriately for that setting, if you will.


Approximately 250 words


Macbeth is about various kinds of murder (among other things). Does the play distinguish between honourable and dishonourable violence? If so, what is the distinction? Be sure to keep the focus of your argument narrow and specific.

Students are to complete 600-800 words (NOT INCLUDING QUOTATIONS) formal essay on the play Macbeth by William Shakespeare. Students are expected to draw upon any relevant information from the play to present, analyze, and strengthen their arguments.
Be sure that your essay has a clear thesis and THREE strong and clear supporting arguments (including topic sentences and transitional sentences). Regardless of the question being answered, all essays must include a clear and strong argument – an original idea that you will argue in favour for throughout your paper. Your evidence should include specific references to the play. You ARE required to include sufficient and appropriate quotations (at least one per body paragraph) from the play to help present your argument. Essay must follow proper MLA format and include a Work Cited page.
Essays that lack a clear and concise argument as well as substantial textual evidence will be considered incomplete.
TOPIC : Macbeth is about various kinds of murder (among other things). Does the play distinguish between honourable and dishonourable violence? If so, what is the distinction? Be sure to keep the focus of your argument narrow and specific.


Approximately 250 words